Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism (Official Thread)


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
You didn't school any one on anything. I've read that Egyptian story a dozen times and you link me to the one website where they talk about the gods doing gay shyt and then use that as some kind of evidence that homosexuality was rampant in Ancient Africa.
nikka you obviously don't know shyt about Ancient Egypt if you don't know the story of Horus and Set. Eye of Horus is one of the top things coming out of Egypt and you don't even know the dudes story or how he became so important. Like I said, you're a fukking poser.



:russ: You don't even know the story of Horus and you're talkin' to somone else about black history. Unfortunately, this is the case for 99% of you nikkas in here. You don't know shyt about shyt in the first place so the first thing your hear that sounds good to you, you run with. Idiots. :laff:

Most of you nikkas was listenin' to Tariq from jump cause y'all are some white washed swagless cornballs who couldn't get girls. nikka started talkin' about black history and now all of a sudden y'all are historians readin' papyruses and shyt. :russ:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Thats irrelevant, you asked him to show you how could there be a blind sailor then he showed you, point blank. You then tried to save face by bringing up the navigating with smell issue but it was too late. Eat that crow because you asked for it.

Who said Tariq word is infallible, definitely not me. That doesnt mean he doesnt have good points. Even then Tariq barely talks in the HC movies, its mostly everyone else. Regardless of your myopic perspectives of people who like the HC series, a lot of the what is discussed are not new concepts for those who have an interest in history because the commentator's views have been around for centuries and decades. They just confirm a lot of what was already believed. Even if its some new information or something questionable then I will look deeper into it on my own. We dont take it as some holy gospel but its a great starting point for not only black folks and other races to dig deeper into history which has been distorted by racist ass cacs. Dude always encourages people to research what is presented so I dont understand your hostility towards him like he is a cult leader or something. My question is if you hate dude and his work so much why are you and other non fans spend so much time trying to shyt on HC and not suggest alternatives if yall cared so much? :patrice:

1. You made a specific claim and didn't support it. YOu didn't even show what the blind guy was doing.

2. AIDS denialism? Made it into his film?

Oh ok. Thats just an excuse.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
1. You made a specific claim and didn't support it. YOu didn't even show what the blind guy was doing.

2. AIDS denialism? Made it into his film?

Oh ok. Thats just an excuse.

1.I didnt make the claim you mental midget but the poster who did linked proof that blind sailing was possible which you were convinced couldnt be done. He DID support it because the link was about a program that teaches sailing to blind kids. Why does he need to show what the blind guy was doing when he proved blind sailing is not only a reality, its being taught. So yea youre not gonna dance around that L man up and take it.

2. Because you dont agree with everything another person believes does that mean everything about them should be thrown out. I never rocked with Farrakhan on his all white people are the devil shyt but I'm not gonna ignore all his view points because I agree with him on black economics.

3. Kill yourself :mjpls:


Melanated God
May 1, 2012
nikka you obviously don't know shyt about Ancient Egypt if you don't know the story of Horus and Set. Eye of Horus is one of the top things coming out of Egypt and you don't even know the dudes story or how he became so important. Like I said, you're a fukking poser..

Point me to one of my posts where I claim to be an expert on Black History. All I was saying was that you trolls haven't disproven a god damn thing in this thread. Saying "no no no" isnt debunking shyt.

Dac00nishere and VictorVonc00n aren't even Black so why they feel the need to come in here and derail threads on Black history is just proving to me that white people are losing their damn minds whenever Black people start talking about their own history.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
*edit This is me



Retired Hoodrat whisperer
May 5, 2012
The Diaspora
Hopefully he'll get some real African scholars for this one.We have a real history and the shyt Tariq is putting out is not showcasing it.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Hopefully he'll get some real African scholars for this one.We have a real history and the shyt Tariq is putting out is not showcasing it.

if you could recommend any scholars, who would they be, I'll pass the word along to Tariq today?


Jul 26, 2012
1. You made a specific claim and didn't support it. YOu didn't even show what the blind guy was doing.

2. AIDS denialism? Made it into his film?

Oh ok. Thats just an excuse.

Wait. I saw both Hidden Colors films (several times) and neither one "denied AIDS." Now you are reducing yourself to another cac tactic of flat out lying.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Point me to one of my posts where I claim to be an expert on Black History.
But you don't even know basic shyt and then you have the nerve to speak on someone else's knowledge and call people c00ns.

You don't know BASIC shyt about Africa/Black history. Imagine all the other stuff you don't know either as youre running around telling people what they don't know and calling them c00ns.

Like I said. You're a trend hopper who doesn't really know shyt which gies straight back to my earlier idea that many of you are desperate for something that will make you proud to be black because youve never known anything to help with that in the first place. That goes for most of y'all.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
But you don't even know basic shyt and then you have the nerve to speak on someone else's knowledge and call people c00ns.

You don't know BASIC shyt about Africa/Black history. Imagine all the other stuff you don't know either as youre running around telling people what they don't know and calling them c00ns.

Like I said. You're a trend hopper who doesn't really know shyt which gies straight back to my earlier idea that many of you are desperate for something that will make you proud to be black because youve never known anything to help with that in the first place. That goes for most of y'all.

you're absolutely right...


it's no wonder that so many Black people are literally self destructing, they've accepted that they're ni***rs and that the Black race has always been such, so there's literally no incentive for them to do better.

why would Black people in America be proud to be Black when they can look around and see exactly how valuable being Black is, they see it every time a Black child is cut down in the streets by other Blacks who view both themselves and their victims as being worthless.

No wonder Black people can't stop smoking crack and drinking themselves to death, they must constantly seek to escape their reality, which is absolutely meaningless, and is proven to be meaningless every time they step into a community filled with people who just like them, who want to do nothing more than destroy them.

I as a Black man in America know that my perceived value is very little as opposed to my White counterparts, no matter how intelligent I am, no matter how well I'm able to speak, no matter how much money I make or how well I am able to dress, I still know that the people in this country who actually matter (white americans), see me as nothing more than a ni**er.

so you're right, Black people in this country are desperate to identify with something, especially since we have NO WAY of knowing who we were before we arrived on this land, because the people with the ability to inform us of those facts (the United States Government) has NOT informed us of those facts, nor have they made any efforts to, which is why Black people in America, cling to ANYTHING that's NOT associated to Africa.

that's why you have jet black nikkas who will reassure you that they have native American blood, or that they're grandma on their Dad's side was White, or why Black women will hide their own natural hair under more acceptable European-esque hair, or why they strive to please White men who see them as nothing but dogs.

so, yes, "most of us" aren't proud of being Black, what's your point?

we're making strides to discover who we are and build each other up so that we might all one day be very proud of the skin we're in, instead of assimilating into the society of the VERY SAME NATION who destroyed us.

tell us more about how we hate ourselves, as I'm sure more Black members who you've acknowledged, hate to be Black, would love to hear that from a fellow "Black" man.



Melanated God
May 1, 2012
But you don't even know basic shyt and then you have the nerve to speak on someone else's knowledge and call people c00ns.

You don't know BASIC shyt about Africa/Black history. Imagine all the other stuff you don't know either as youre running around telling people what they don't know and calling them c00ns.

Like I said. You're a trend hopper who doesn't really know shyt which gies straight back to my earlier idea that many of you are desperate for something that will make you proud to be black because youve never known anything to help with that in the first place. That goes for most of y'all.

When I see people on the Internet claiming to be Black breaking their necks to attempt to "debunk" Black history with no evidence besides their own personal opinions which boil down to "nah the nikka with the Afro, big lips, and wide nose isn't Black" I'm gonna call people c00ns.

When people claiming to be Black dont take anything seriously about Black history unless its from the mouth of a white man who's best interest is to keep us all stupid and ignorant about are history--I'm gonna you a c00n.

You sir, are a c00n--and I don't care if you knew some small detail about an Egyptian story in which the gods played with each others jizz. The shucking and jiving you're doing in here to dispute ANY Black accomplishments erases that.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
You did not debunk or disprove one single thing in this thread.Not one.People here (including myself) posted tons of proof and evidence of the African presence/influence in Meso America,and all you did was ignore the proof. I know thats a common cac tactic,but again,you aren't fooling anyone. LOL
Even YOU know you are full of $#!t LOL
Denying facts is not "debunking". LOL

lol...Not one of you has posted a single iota of evidence. You just post these shoddy articles with no peer-reviewed study or real citations that draw absurd, laughable conclusions like Nubians built statues in Mesoamerica because the statues appear to have African features, even though the statues clearly look more like Mesoamerican natives than they do straight-nosed Nubians, even though there's zero evidence of these African sailing expeditions, no archaeological evidence or artifacts, and no linguistic, DNA or other evidence historians and anthropologists use to try and discern history.

And shut the fukk up with this cac shyt. For the millionth time, this is about facts and evidence vs. bullshyt, not ethnic allegiance. You would be calling Malcolm X and Huey Newton cacs if they were somehow ressurrected and were in this thread because they're too educated and intelligent to believe this bullshyt you gullibly swallow.

This is one of the most well-respected and significant American historians ever, John Hope Franklin.


He served on Thurgood Marshall's legal team that created the case for Brown vs. the Board of Education, and worked tirelessly his entire life to work for civil rights and equality, and capture the humanity and plight of the African diaspora in America. He was a historian par excellence, and he never espoused or believe any of this Olmec :duck: But you would call him a c00n.

Believe it or not, some of us are actually learned and well-read and have actually researched and studied history without accidentally stumbling into it while trying to lose our virginity by listening to Tariq Nasheed. You clowns obviously have never read a book on history or anthropology in your entire lives and got your crash course in mis-education on it via Hidden Colors.

But anyway, I'm going to post this again. I know y'all don't read, but it's here if you want to actually try and educate yourself. This article completely debunks every claim in the Olmec alternative origin hypothesis using facts and logic. It's from actual, reputable scholars, who unlike Van Sertima, managed to get through peer review and be published in Current Anthropology, one of the most respected academic journals in the field. http://www.unl.edu/rhames/courses/current/vansertima.pdf

I already posted it once, and the response from some idiot here was "I didn't read it and I can tell by the title that you're a cac."

You're not even a fukking archeologist so stfu..really..you got archeologists and anthropologists co signing this shyt
No you do not. You have a couple of nuts like Ivan Van Sertima and Clyde Winters who nobody in archaeological academia take seriously pushing this bullshyt with no evidence. There are a handful of crackpots you can count on one hand in every academic discipline. Like Peter Duesberg, for example...a biologist who claims that HIV doesn't cause the disease AIDS. 99% of anthropologists, archaeologists, and historians consider the alternative Olmec hypothesis a joke. Sorry to break it to you.

..there is DNA..you can't get DNA from an Olmec cuz they don't exist anymore..but the Mayans have a African Y Chromosome..foh

:snoop: They don't exist anymore? The fukk are you talking about? :heh: There are Mesoamerican peoples who exist today that are the direct descendents of the Olmecs who live in total population isolation, and there's been genetic studies those prove that there is no genetic markers within isolated native populations from Africans that don't come from post-colonial contact. And there's been immunological studies done on them showing they have no antibody resistance to Old World diseases, which means they never came in contact with people from the Old World.

:smh:@posting that bullshyt web page from that clown Clyde Winters who has been sonned by real scholars on youtube as many times as Wile E. Coyote got sonned by the Roadrunner. It's funny how you guys cannot produce one single peer-reviewed article from an academic journal.

Why do you think people like Van Sertima, Winters, and Welsing cannot get published in academic journals? Lemme guess, it's the grand conspiracy of cacs? Well that's stupid as fukk because one, not all of academia is white obviously, two, academia full of leftists who are more than happy to shyt on and expose the evils and lies of western civilization, and three, there are plenty of black people in the social sciences with ideas that would be deemed radical by the mainstream, but still pass peer review and get published. The buffoons y'all are dikkrding can't get published BECAUSE THE STUFF THEY SAY IS BULLshyt AND THEY CAN'T SUPPORT IT WITH EVIDENCE. Get it through your thick skulls.
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Jul 26, 2012
I have HC1 on my harddrive. Give me a moment and I'll give you the exact time in the film when he says it.
And I'm still waiting for you to point out the specific part in HC 1 where they denied AIDS.
*crickets so far