Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism (Official Thread)


Jul 26, 2012
lol...Not one of you has posted a single iota of evidence. You just post these shoddy articles with no peer-reviewed study or real citations that draw absurd, laughable conclusions like Nubians built statues in Mesoamerica because the statues appear to have African features, even though the statues clearly look more like Mesoamerican natives than they do straight-nosed Nubians, even though there's zero evidence of these African sailing expeditions, no archaeological evidence or artifacts, and no linguistic, DNA or other evidence historians and anthropologists use to try and discern history.

And shut the fukk up with this cac shyt. For the millionth time, this is about facts and evidence vs. bullshyt, not ethnic allegiance. You would be calling Malcolm X and Huey Newton cacs if they were somehow ressurrected and were in this thread because they're too educated and intelligent to believe this bullshyt you gullibly swallow.

This is one of the most well-respected and significant American historians ever, John Hope Franklin.


He served on Thurgood Marshall's legal team that created the case for Brown vs. the Board of Education, and worked tirelessly his entire life to work for civil rights and equality, and capture the humanity and plight of the African diaspora in America. He was a historian par excellence, and he never espoused or believe any of this Olmec :duck: But you would call him a c00n.

Believe it or not, some of us are actually learned and well-read and have actually researched and studied history without accidentally stumbling into it while trying to lose our virginity by listening to Tariq Nasheed. You clowns obviously have never read a book on history or anthropology in your entire lives and got your crash course in mis-education on it via Hidden Colors.

But anyway, I'm going to post this again. I know y'all don't read, but it's here if you want to actually try and educate yourself. This article completely debunks every claim in the Olmec alternative origin hypothesis using facts and logic. It's from actual, reputable scholars, who unlike Van Sertima, managed to get through peer review and be published in Current Anthropology, one of the most respected academic journals in the field. http://www.unl.edu/rhames/courses/current/vansertima.pdf

I already posted it once, and the response from some idiot here was "I didn't read it and I can tell by the title that you're a cac."

No you do not. You have a couple of nuts like Ivan Van Sertima and Clyde Winters who nobody in archaeological academia take seriously pushing this bullshyt with no evidence. There are a handful of crackpots you can count on one hand in every academic discipline. Like Peter Duesberg, for example...a biologist who claims that HIV doesn't cause the disease AIDS. 99% of anthropologists, archaeologists, and historians consider the alternative Olmec hypothesis a joke. Sorry to break it to you.

:snoop: They don't exist anymore? The fukk are you talking about? :heh: There are Mesoamerican peoples who exist today that are the direct descendents of the Olmecs who live in total population isolation, and there's been genetic studies those prove that there is no genetic markers within isolated native populations from Africans that don't come from post-colonial contact. And there's been immunological studies done on them showing they have no antibody resistance to Old World diseases, which means they never came in contact with people from the Old World.

:smh:@posting that bullshyt web page from that clown Clyde Winters who has been sonned by real scholars on youtube as many times as Wile E. Coyote got sonned by the Roadrunner. It's funny how you guys cannot produce one single peer-reviewed article from an academic journal.

Why do you think people like Van Sertima, Winters, and Welsing cannot get published in academic journals? Lemme guess, it's the grand conspiracy of cacs? Well that's stupid as fukk because one, not all of academia is white obviously, two, academia full of leftists who are more than happy to shyt on and expose the evils and lies of western civilization, and three, there are plenty of black people in the social sciences with ideas that would be deemed radical by the mainstream, but still pass peer review and get published. The buffoons y'all are dikkrding can't get published BECAUSE THE STUFF THEY SAY IS BULLshyt AND THEY CAN'T SUPPORT IT WITH EVIDENCE. Get it through your thick skulls.

You are still playing from the cac play book I see. Sites like st0rmfr0nt commonly use that same link you posted to "debunk" scholars like Van Sertima. And they STILL did not prove Van Sertima wrong LOL

Just because you post links from the same Eurocentric scholars who teach that Africans lived in mud huts ,don't expect real knowledgable Black people to fall for the banana in the tail pipe.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
lol...Not one of you has posted a single iota of evidence. You just post these shoddy articles with no peer-reviewed study or real citations that draw absurd, laughable conclusions like Nubians built statues in Mesoamerica because the statues appear to have African features, even though the statues clearly look more like Mesoamerican natives than they do straight-nosed Nubians, even though there's zero evidence of these African sailing expeditions, no archaeological evidence or artifacts, and no linguistic, DNA or other evidence historians and anthropologists use to try and discern history.

And shut the fukk up with this cac shyt. For the millionth time, this is about facts and evidence vs. bullshyt, not ethnic allegiance. You would be calling Malcolm X and Huey Newton cacs if they were somehow ressurrected and were in this thread because they're too educated and intelligent to believe this bullshyt you gullibly swallow.

This is one of the most well-respected and significant American historians ever, John Hope Franklin.


He served on Thurgood Marshall's legal team that created the case for Brown vs. the Board of Education, and worked tirelessly his entire life to work for civil rights and equality, and capture the humanity and plight of the African diaspora in America. He was a historian par excellence, and he never espoused or believe any of this Olmec :duck: But you would call him a c00n.

Believe it or not, some of us are actually learned and well-read and have actually researched and studied history without accidentally stumbling into it while trying to lose our virginity by listening to Tariq Nasheed. You clowns obviously have never read a book on history or anthropology in your entire lives and got your crash course in mis-education on it via Hidden Colors.

But anyway, I'm going to post this again. I know y'all don't read, but it's here if you want to actually try and educate yourself. This article completely debunks every claim in the Olmec alternative origin hypothesis using facts and logic. It's from actual, reputable scholars, who unlike Van Sertima, managed to get through peer review and be published in Current Anthropology, one of the most respected academic journals in the field. http://www.unl.edu/rhames/courses/current/vansertima.pdf

I already posted it once, and the response from some idiot here was "I didn't read it and I can tell by the title that you're a cac."

No you do not. You have a couple of nuts like Ivan Van Sertima and Clyde Winters who nobody in archaeological academia take seriously pushing this bullshyt with no evidence. There are a handful of crackpots you can count on one hand in every academic discipline. Like Peter Duesberg, for example...a biologist who claims that HIV doesn't cause the disease AIDS. 99% of anthropologists, archaeologists, and historians consider the alternative Olmec hypothesis a joke. Sorry to break it to you.

:snoop: They don't exist anymore? The fukk are you talking about? :heh: There are Mesoamerican peoples who exist today that are the direct descendents of the Olmecs who live in total population isolation, and there's been genetic studies those prove that there is no genetic markers within isolated native populations from Africans that don't come from post-colonial contact. And there's been immunological studies done on them showing they have no antibody resistance to Old World diseases, which means they never came in contact with people from the Old World.

:smh:@posting that bullshyt web page from that clown Clyde Winters who has been sonned by real scholars on youtube as many times as Wile E. Coyote got sonned by the Roadrunner. It's funny how you guys cannot produce one single peer-reviewed article from an academic journal.

Why do you think people like Van Sertima, Winters, and Welsing cannot get published in academic journals? Lemme guess, it's the grand conspiracy of cacs? Well that's stupid as fukk because one, not all of academia is white obviously, two, academia full of leftists who are more than happy to shyt on and expose the evils and lies of western civilization, and three, there are plenty of black people in the social sciences with ideas that would be deemed radical by the mainstream, but still pass peer review and get published. The buffoons y'all are dikkrding can't get published BECAUSE THE STUFF THEY SAY IS BULLshyt AND THEY CAN'T SUPPORT IT WITH EVIDENCE. Get it through your thick skulls.

Please Apu for one Van Sertima is dead. Kinda hard to push a new book when you are in the grave. Dont sit here and bullshyt like no one has provided any evidence which plenty has been dropped in here. You are too blinded by your agenda to look objectively. Several of ya lap dogs already acknowledged there was an African presence in Pre-Columbus america. The evidence is pretty damning to your argument in fact. Those faces on the statues that are so easily dismissed look almost identical to the that of the Sphinx outside of the different headdress. Add to the list the pyramids, sun worship structures, the affinity to rock the gold for the royalty and nobles, the mummification process, the elongated skull process, the similar clothes, the similar headdresses, the similar artifacts. Plus the paintings that were discovered near the Olmec heads depicting dark skin individual with braids or dreads. Yalls only defense was Hispanics rock braids today. Yet I havent seen any of them with them in the pics the cac-c00n cavalry posted of meso-americans.

Those similarities and much more are far too numerous to be dismissed and be considered coincidences. Like they say there no such thing in science. No one is saying the ancient Americans were all just black people or were just Indians who had no culture, what Sertima was saying is the Africans had a big influence on them and their culture. That buttfukk getinthetruck made the claim that many others all across the world built pyramids and similar structures .No doubt and where are the oldest pyramids found, Africa. That supports the "Out of Africa" theory so why is ancient america any different? Because yall cac-c00ns need to see the boats they came in???:stopitslime: Please. This is my third time mentioning this but that old ass Polish dude came from Africa to America alone on a fukking canoe so how is out of the realm of possibility for Africans. Would it be better if the Ancient Africans and Olmecs friended each other on Facebook and tagged themselves in each others pics? You can disagree all day everyday but to say there is NO evidence then you are dingy ass liar.
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Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
lol...you should be happy I'm even taking the time to entertain you guys bullshyt. Most people who know better won't and are just looking at this thread with with pure pity and sadness if at all. I don't know if I've ever read people make such incredibly shytty, baseless arguments bring zero facts or logic to the table, high-fiving each other and running victory laps, not knowing how miserably ignorant and uninformed they are.

This is an unfortunate by-product of the internet...people just listening to the made-up bullshyt of charlatans and plugging themselves into an alternative reality where facts don't matter, and smartdumb niggology vs. cacs/c00ns is substituted for facts vs. non-facts.

believe me 'smart dumb nikka' we'd rather you NOT join us


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
53 pages in and these cacs and c00ns are vigilante in their action in this thread. We are doing something right brethren. I got all my black co-workers on HC1 and HC2 and they are looking at the world different already. Its like the blinders have been taken off of them. For every post these cacs and c00ns post I will share with that many more people who will share with that many more people. I got a Boriqua chic at my job that wants to borrow the DVDs. She is already turning pro-black just off the HC3 trailer and the few minutes of HC2 I showed her...she has a black son so its all good :pachaha:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
53 pages in and these cacs and c00ns are vigilante in their action in this thread. We are doing something right brethren. I got all my black co-workers on HC1 and HC2 and they are looking at the world different already. Its like the blinders have been taken off of them. For every post these cacs and c00ns post I will share with that many more people who will share with that many more people. I got a Boriqua chic at my job that wants to borrow the DVDs. She is already turning pro-black just off the HC3 trailer and the few minutes of HC2 I showed her...she has a black son so its all good :pachaha:

this is why we MUST be kept ignorant, even if Hidden Colors is 99% false, it provokes thought and causes Black people to ask themselves questions that they might not have ever asked otherwise.

why is it that when BET and MTV show Black people participating in the most self destructive behaviors possible, White people don't run to the rescue and say "this isn't how Black people should be acting" "why are y'all destroying yourselves and entertaining music that glorifies your destruction"


it's because, as long as we're in a state of mind where we're only concerned with destruction, they have no problem with it, they LOVE to see us living up to n***er stereotypes, as it helps them sleep at night knowing that they aren't animals and we evidently are based on our behaviors.

We will continue bringing out more and more truth, and we'll see more and more of them doing everything in their power to knock us off course.



May 7, 2012
53 pages in and these cacs and c00ns are vigilante in their action in this thread. We are doing something right brethren. I got all my black co-workers on HC1 and HC2 and they are looking at the world different already. Its like the blinders have been taken off of them. For every post these cacs and c00ns post I will share with that many more people who will share with that many more people. I got a Boriqua chic at my job that wants to borrow the DVDs. She is already turning pro-black just off the HC3 trailer and the few minutes of HC2 I showed her...she has a black son so its all good :pachaha:

this is the main reason I'm for the hidden colors series/ God knows I have problems with alot of the information, but if it causes black people all over the world to that :ohh: state of mind, and then they'll start seeking more and more african history :obama:


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
this is the main reason I'm for the hidden colors series/ God knows I have problems with alot of the information, but if it causes black people all over the world to that :ohh: state of mind, and then they'll start seeking more and more african history :obama:

Breh...one of my boys from the Bahamas has been actively looking up kingdoms and civilizations all over Africa in additon to get his understanding up on black history in the US since he jumped on those Dr Claud Anderson videos.

The HC series + Dr Claud Anderson = the ultimate mix :whew:


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Breh...one of my boys from the Bahamas has been actively looking up kingdoms and civilizations all over Africa in additon to get his understanding up on black history in the US since he jumped on those Dr Claud Anderson videos.

The HC series + Dr Claud Anderson = the ultimate mix :whew:

its pure ether...thats that drink that make a man outta you :obama:


May 1, 2012
It's disgusting to see how how upset c00ns/crackers get when they see black people question and reject the white man's miseducation. "How dare you suggest that blacks had anything to do with this or that......How dare you all listen to black people that my white daddies don't cosign"


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
It's disgusting to see how how upset c00ns/crackers get when they see black people question and reject the white man's miseducation. "How dare you suggest that blacks had anything to do with this or that......How dare you all listen to black people that my white daddies don't cosign"

also helps us know that we're moving in the right direction. if we were off course or helping maintain the system, then they'd be in here propping every post.
