Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism (Official Thread)


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
Except you're taking it as a given. You're not touting theories or remaining skeptical. You've already accepted it and are trying to convince others.

I'm holding out. I'm not even saying you're wrong as I DO think there was a high likelihood of pre-columbian african contact...I just don't think the evidence is as conclusive to say what it definitely was or where it was.
wtf man? :russ: either take a shyt or get off the toliet. you on some troll bs like you like men but dont know where you like to take it :scusthov:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Don't lie because all of my posts are still here. There isn't 1 post where I say speak in absolute. I made it clear to not speak in absolutes because that's not the point. You c00ns/crackers cloud the issue by trying to make this an issue of someone "proving" their claim to you. You don't hold Eurocentrists to that standard. They simply showed you a bunch of pro-white man bullshyt and you bought it, no questions asked. The point is to question the bullshyt that the white man had fed you all your life. The fact that blacks were already in ancient Amerikkka waay before Columbus is the point. Same thing with Beethoven, it's not about whether he was actually of African ancestry(even though that's a quite interesting thing to consider), it's the fact that he could have been because people of African descent ruled that part of Europe for 700 years. I gives a fukk about "claiming" Beethoven personally. I'm not even a classical music fan.

I don't?

I love how ya'll ignore all of the white PRO AFRICAN scholars who have a problem with this theory...or all of the BLACK scholars who have a problem with this theory.

Simply having an idea doesn't mean its true and simply making vague connections doesn't mean those are true either.

I understand the desire to establish this connection.

There was a time when viking contact in the new world was disputed, now its accepted.

Chinese contact is also being discussed.

African theories are gaining ground too.

BUT...there is not enough for ME to accept it.

And you're a damn lie if you're sitting here proclaiming what I accept or don't accept.

Mind you, the "history of history" is a relatively new concept and has only existed legitimately for a few centuries and has only recently been attempted from a point of objectivity since it was just de jure to accept the viewpoint of the winners of conflicts without adding context.

I DO think you're underestimating how the advancement of european and asian cultures (because frankly...they were. hate it or not) in comparison to a vast majority of african and new world people gave them such a massive leg up in the last few centuries.


Seattle fan since 2013 *deal with it slime*
Nov 9, 2012
Seattle We Run You Nyggas Ask Russel Wilson
Alright time to put this one to bed. Reading this thread is truly disconcerting. I'm sad that so many black youth are still being led astray in this manner. Props to @GetInTheTruck @Handsback @Napoleon @Tommy Knocks @Insensitive and the others I left out who injected some reason and sanity into this pitiful thread.

The level of reason and argumentation of the pro-HC people in this thread is so abysmally poor, I honestly wonder how some of you graduated from high school. It's sad to see that people seem to think when discussing matters that require a healthy degree of critical thinking and digging for facts, and require the use of empirical evidence to formulate conclusions think "You are a c00n or a cac" is tenable counterargument.

My hope is that most of you are really young...like late teens because a lot of people believe stupid shyt when they're that age, including myself. Of the people here who accept the more fantastical claims of HC, there two types: people who are misinformed, and people who are just complete hopeless idiots, such as Gravity. I hope that most of you are in the former category.

Regarding this nonsense about the Olmecs being black, it is nothing more than baseless hypothesis made by a crackpot professor named Ivan Van Sertima in 1976, whose work has been universally debunked and rejected as not holding up to historical scrutiny by the consensus in his field. He is to history what Peter Duesberg, the nutty biologist who claims that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, is to biology. And like Frances Cress Welsing, another crackpot in HC, he found himself on the margins on academia unable to get published because his work failed to meet academic standards...not white approval which seems to be you guys dumb go-to strawman argument (which is pretty c00nish because it presupposes all academia=white :snoop:)...academic standards, which have no color.

There is zero evidence for the African Olmecs theory...none. The only thing the pro-Sertima folks have to hang their hat on is the notion that the statues supposedly look black. As Getinthetruck and others have already explained very succintly that is shytty argument because black people are not the only people who have broad noses and thick lips. Olmecs themselves do. Plus they're fukking sculptures...rendered art, not photographs of the people.

Egyptians, who were black, made statues that don't necessarily have black facial features. This sculpture doesn't have what you guys are calling African features.

Using you guys logic, one can say means Egyptians weren't really black and some people from Asia or Europe came down and built them. Of course that's bullshyt...just as the Olmec African theory is.

And what makes it even more retarded is that Sertima claims the African who sailed there were not subsaharan Africans, but Nubians, and Nubians are from northern Sudan and Egypt and don't tend to have the features of the statues anymore than the Olmecs themselves do.

This what Nubian men and women look like:



This is what Olmecs look like.


Here's the statues.


But I'll let you tell it.

Now that we've established the statue thing is illogical, there's nothing else to suggest that it's true. History is a collection of evidence used to create as accurate a narrative of what really happened as possible...evidence, such as archaeological, linguistic, DNA, geographical, oral history and written text. There is NOTHING of historical evidence that suggests that Africans sailed South America.

Sertima's bullshyt theory was never peer-reviewed--peer review is standard accepted practice among academics and when academics don't ask for peer review, it's because they know it's nonsense and would get picked apart. I guess some of you guys don't know that. There is not one African artifact found in Mesoamerica. Also, Van Sertima's timeline doesn't even matchup and he changed it later after new evidence was exposed that proved that the Olmec statues were created several hundred years prior to when he claimed the Africans arrived. So he moved the goalposts and said they came in the 10th century instead of the 700 AD. :deadmanny:

And DNA does not lie. The immunological profile of the native peoples of Mesoamerica today still show genetic isolation.

You guys are taking the unsupported, complete evidence-lacking word of a crackpot professor who wrote some bullshyt book in the 70's that has been pretty much universally debunked by his peers in academia and just saying "It's true and if you disagree you're a c00n or a cracker."

This is sad on a number of levels. African history is largely omitted in schools because we live in America, and history is told through the lens of the dominant culture. But that doesn't mean African history isn't as rich as anyone else's and it cannot be learned without the garbage like a flimsily put together documentary by a charlatan hustler who with no academic credentials known for DVDs on Mackin Lessons getting in the way. "The Triumph of Melanin." :snoop: Melanin is just a fukking polymer that occurs naturally in almost every living creature and doesn't have any anthropomorphosized "spiritual" properties. Jesus christ. Anyway, yeah it sucks that in school you're taught that our history starts as slaves and mass murderers like Columbus are deified. That doesn't mean you have to make up nonsense to counter it. You can easily research about how civilization started in Africa, and how metallurgy, mathematics, agiculture, and astronomy began there. Or about the empires and cultures of Mali, Aksum, Egypt, Songhai, Kush, Kongo, Ashanti, Sine, etc.

Not to mention "contributions" to the world isn't a measure of a people anyway, and that's really a eurocentric, westernized barometer of valuation of life y'all bought into. What about basic human existence and living and thriving as a community? That's not good enough? You have to make up these comical :duck: about being African Gods who invented everything in the entire universe and claim Beethoven was black?

And that's something you need to examine as well: internalized white supremacy...just in blackface because that's a lot of what I'm reading. White people have lied about history and distorted it, taking credit for the creations, inventions, and cultures of other people for centuries. So you want to do the same thing to other people, lying and trying steal what Olmecs, Indians, etc. have done? I guess I should expect that from a forum where a lot of black men shyt on black women all day, just like the white slavemasters who raped them 200 years ago. A lot of y'all express this sick internalized white supremacy in the form of making up pseudohistory, racial supremacist pseudoscience, patriarchy, general bigotry against other races, etc. and you don't even know it. It's sad. Until you challenge yourself to be better than a traumatized b*stard son of the white man, you're going to continue to be in the dark.

Now call me a c00n or a cracker.



Jul 26, 2012
"whence cometh the pale one" :laff: :laff: :laff:

You can't be serious with that article man....and you aint even link it. Where is it from? Have you read the Iceman Inheritance by Michael Bradley? I have, this sounds similarly stupid.

Australian Aborigines aren't "Africoid," they are "Australoid," the only thing they have in common with Africans is skin color...damn, how many times do we have to keep going over the same things in these threads?

Right now I'm not interested in things that occurred during the Paleolithic era when all humans were in their very early stages of development compared to further down the road. I'm concerned about the Neolithic era(10,000 years ago - present day), you know, the era where the guys who you get your information from claim Africans left their homelands and started to erect civilizations in other parts of the world. Where are the records of Africans going to the Americas and Asia and starting those cultures?

Ok,you say the Australia Aborigines are not Africoid they are "Australoid...Says who? Who made that determination?


Melanated God
May 1, 2012
"whence cometh the pale one" :laff: :laff: :laff:

You can't be serious with that article man....and you aint even link it. Where is it from? Have you read the Iceman Inheritance by Michael Bradley? I have, this sounds similarly stupid.

Iceman inheritance isn't stupid, it's actually a proven fact that white people have the most Neanderthal DNA in them than any living group of people on earth. Neanderthals were extremely violent and savage. Makes sense that's why whites are so violent today.


May 1, 2012
Ok,you say the Australia Aborigines are not Africoid they are "Australoid...Says who? Who made that determination?

Every time you guys post a picture of those Olmec heads you refer to their "Africoid" features. Says who? Who made that determination?

Aborigines don't look anything like Africans. They more resemble certain south indian populations but for the most part have their own distinct look, hence the classification.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
Every time you guys post a picture of those Olmec heads you refer to their "Africoid" features. Says who? Who made that determination?

Aborigines don't look anything like Africans. They more resemble certain south indian populations but for the most part have their own distinct look, hence the classification.

play stupid all you want. lets say a witness described a suspect and the sketch artist draws a picture resembling an olmec statue. we all know the police would be looking to arrest a black guy who looks like Biggie instead of some chulo on the block like youve been saying
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Jul 26, 2012
Every time you guys post a picture of those Olmec heads you refer to their "Africoid" features. Says who? Who made that determination?

Aborigines don't look anything like Africans. They more resemble certain south indian populations but for the most part have their own distinct look, hence the classification.
I said the Olmec look African because there are too many African similarities to be a coincidence.
Now where did you get the classification of Australoid from?


Jul 26, 2012
Every time you guys post a picture of those Olmec heads you refer to their "Africoid" features. Says who? Who made that determination?

Aborigines don't look anything like Africans. They more resemble certain south indian populations but for the most part have their own distinct look, hence the classification.
Yes the Australians do look like Africans. And Aboriginies are called "Blacks" in Australia as well as Blacks in America and Africa.


May 1, 2012
play stupid all you want. lets say a witness described a suspect and the sketch artist draws a picture resembles an olmec statue. we all know the police would looking to arrest a black guy who looks like Biggie instead of some chulo on the block like youve been saying


But if so its very possible a chulo may have gotten away with a crime.


May 1, 2012
Yes the Australians do look like Africans. And Aboriginies are called "Blacks" in Australia as well as Blacks in America and Africa.

We've already established people can be called "black" without having to be African or of African descent. Keep up.

are irish people African because of the whole black irish thing?

and no Aborigines do not look like Africans. They look more like Indians.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
based on the trailer, it honestly looks like it might be the best one.

Less focused on history, but more on progress and moving forward.

:what: It always about history FIRST, the present state then looking ahead. You have to know HOW your people got into the condition they are in before you can fix the problems.