Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism (Official Thread)


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
this kid has curly hair, you can NOT see the color of his eyes, and his lips are thin?

I can show you kids of stop and frisk ancestry that look exactly like him.
That kid's hair is NOT curly. Black women across the world would kill for that kid's hair. For you to sit here and act like his hair is kinky like your typical African's is foolish and shows that you have no pride in your African features. You really think you can stand next to that kid and say your hair is the same? Delusional.

Your typical Jew has curly hair like his and darker skin than anglo saxon. Are they black?

Is the only thing that defines blackness to you is curly hair and dark skin?

I am not denying that kid is/looks black. That's what you're missing. I'm telling you that his features aren't the reason he's "black" genetically.

This man has Asian eyes in Africa. he must be mixed right?

Light skinned with red hair, probably freckles too. Dude must be part Irish


Kid looks like a half-breen. Can you explain why when he's full black?

If white people and everyone else came out of a man in Africa, how do you think their features changed? Where does melanin come from? If climate is not the answer? If melanin isn't produced in the skin by sunlight (climate), why do Europeans looks so different from their african lineage? Hair follicles straighten out (causing hair to straighten) in the cold, while contracting in the heat. How does white/asian hair differ from African/black hair if this is not true/applicable despite the different climates those 3 groups lived in. How does climte not effect any of the factors as it pertains to everyone's features to you all?

Anyone can see that you all are mental midgets because you're even denying the straight science that Tariq uses in his video to prove where blackness comes from, but then you'll accept it to prove a later point. :laff: Dude has a whole melanin segment that you all agree with, but then you deny that climate effects melanin. :dead:
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Alright time to put this one to bed. Reading this thread is truly disconcerting. I'm sad that so many black youth are still being led astray in this manner. Props to @GetInTheTruck @Handsback @Napoleon @Tommy Knocks @Insensitive and the others I left out who injected some reason and sanity into this pitiful thread.

The level of reason and argumentation of the pro-HC people in this thread is so abysmally poor, I honestly wonder how some of you graduated from high school. It's sad to see that people seem to think when discussing matters that require a healthy degree of critical thinking and digging for facts, and require the use of empirical evidence to formulate conclusions think "You are a c00n or a cac" is tenable counterargument.

My hope is that most of you are really young...like late teens because a lot of people believe stupid shyt when they're that age, including myself. Of the people here who accept the more fantastical claims of HC, there two types: people who are misinformed, and people who are just complete hopeless idiots, such as Gravity. I hope that most of you are in the former category.

Regarding this nonsense about the Olmecs being black, it is nothing more than baseless hypothesis made by a crackpot professor named Ivan Van Sertima in 1976, whose work has been universally debunked and rejected as not holding up to historical scrutiny by the consensus in his field. He is to history what Peter Duesberg, the nutty biologist who claims that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, is to biology. And like Frances Cress Welsing, another crackpot in HC, he found himself on the margins on academia unable to get published because his work failed to meet academic standards...not white approval which seems to be you guys dumb go-to strawman argument (which is pretty c00nish because it presupposes all academia=white :snoop:)...academic standards, which have no color.

There is zero evidence for the African Olmecs theory...none. The only thing the pro-Sertima folks have to hang their hat on is the notion that the statues supposedly look black. As Getinthetruck and others have already explained very succintly that is shytty argument because black people are not the only people who have broad noses and thick lips. Olmecs themselves do. Plus they're fukking sculptures...rendered art, not photographs of the people.

Egyptians, who were black, made statues that don't necessarily have black facial features. This sculpture doesn't have what you guys are calling African features.

Using you guys logic, one can say means Egyptians weren't really black and some people from Asia or Europe came down and built them. Of course that's bullshyt...just as the Olmec African theory is.

And what makes it even more retarded is that Sertima claims the African who sailed there were not subsaharan Africans, but Nubians, and Nubians are from northern Sudan and Egypt and don't tend to have the features of the statues anymore than the Olmecs themselves do.

This what Nubian men and women look like:



This is what Olmecs look like.


Here's the statues.


But I'll let you tell it.

Now that we've established the statue thing is illogical, there's nothing else to suggest that it's true. History is a collection of evidence used to create as accurate a narrative of what really happened as possible...evidence, such as archaeological, linguistic, DNA, geographical, oral history and written text. There is NOTHING of historical evidence that suggests that Africans sailed South America.

Sertima's bullshyt theory was never peer-reviewed--peer review is standard accepted practice among academics and when academics don't ask for peer review, it's because they know it's nonsense and would get picked apart. I guess some of you guys don't know that. There is not one African artifact found in Mesoamerica. Also, Van Sertima's timeline doesn't even matchup and he changed it later after new evidence was exposed that proved that the Olmec statues were created several hundred years prior to when he claimed the Africans arrived. So he moved the goalposts and said they came in the 10th century instead of the 700 AD. :deadmanny:

And DNA does not lie. The immunological profile of the native peoples of Mesoamerica today still show genetic isolation.

You guys are taking the unsupported, complete evidence-lacking word of a crackpot professor who wrote some bullshyt book in the 70's that has been pretty much universally debunked by his peers in academia and just saying "It's true and if you disagree you're a c00n or a cracker."

This is sad on a number of levels. African history is largely omitted in schools because we live in America, and history is told through the lens of the dominant culture. But that doesn't mean African history isn't as rich as anyone else's and it cannot be learned without the garbage like a flimsily put together documentary by a charlatan hustler who with no academic credentials known for DVDs on Mackin Lessons getting in the way. "The Triumph of Melanin." :snoop: Melanin is just a fukking polymer that occurs naturally in almost every living creature and doesn't have any anthropomorphosized "spiritual" properties. Jesus christ. Anyway, yeah it sucks that in school you're taught that our history starts as slaves and mass murderers like Columbus are deified. That doesn't mean you have to make up nonsense to counter it. You can easily research about how civilization started in Africa, and how metallurgy, mathematics, agiculture, and astronomy began there. Or about the empires and cultures of Mali, Aksum, Egypt, Songhai, Kush, Kongo, Ashanti, Sine, etc.

Not to mention "contributions" to the world isn't a measure of a people anyway, and that's really a eurocentric, westernized barometer of valuation of life y'all bought into. What about basic human existence and living and thriving as a community? That's not good enough? You have to make up these comical :duck: about being African Gods who invented everything in the entire universe and claim Beethoven was black?

And that's something you need to examine as well: internalized white supremacy...just in blackface because that's a lot of what I'm reading. White people have lied about history and distorted it, taking credit for the creations, inventions, and cultures of other people for centuries. So you want to do the same thing to other people, lying and trying steal what Olmecs, Indians, etc. have done? I guess I should expect that from a forum where a lot of black men shyt on black women all day, just like the white slavemasters who raped them 200 years ago. A lot of y'all express this sick internalized white supremacy in the form of making up pseudohistory, racial supremacist pseudoscience, patriarchy, general bigotry against other races, etc. and you don't even know it. It's sad. Until you challenge yourself to be better than a traumatized b*stard son of the white man, you're going to continue to be in the dark.

Now call me a c00n or a cracker.
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May 1, 2012
Whoa slow down partna with those broad ass generalizations. 1st off Claim Egyptians were African??You ignore there was an extensive white-washing of ancient Egypt which many non black "Afrocentric types" concede to. But its black peoples fault when historically speaking white people have altered the truth for various self serving purposes. Yeah its the "pseudo-scientist" fault for trying to unearth concealed truth and not the fault of those who changed history to begin with. You posted a ton of pics of Mexicans along side Olmec statues but none have hair like they do. Why is that? You argued Hispanics rock braids like its nothing in Queens now you saying those aint braids on the statue.:aicmon:. Why bring the hispanic braids to begin with? You flip flopping like a politician :camby:. The kicker to me you been in several threads like these saying bullshyt like oh they may have dark skin, broad noses, kinky hair, and full lips but that doesnt mean they are of African descent. Nevermind who they look like, because thats not science though right? GTFOH. Your points are like a chick dancing in a strip club with a nursing outfit on. You disregard her being in a titty bar on stage twerking while dudes throw money at her but cling to the notion :ohhh:, oh she's not a stripper she's in the medical field because she wears a stethoscope. Yea keep trollin I see you :troll:

If I grow my hair out, get it braided, and then have someone make a statue of my likeness does that make me an African just because someone may think so 3,000 years from now?

I posted those pictures of Mexicans because they are the people who can be said to be the actual descendants of the Olmecs, and they look just like those statues. That can't be denied by anyone.

The bottom line is that without those stone heads, what other kind of "evidence" can you offer to suggest that the Olmecs were a group of people who "sailed here" from Africa in the neolithic era? The answer is none. If you could, you would have presented it by now....instead you're talking about how dude looks like wesley snipes in blade. This is a prime example of why theories like this get no burn in real academic circles - it has nothing to do with a "white conspiracy."

Tariq Nasheed is a smart guy who knows how to make money. He has re-packaged and re-hashed all of these bullshyt theories which have been floating around for years, and made a semi presentable "documentary" marketed towards idiots who are quick to believe anything they hear without doing any real research for themselves. He knows that the average black american (or any american for that matter) knows nothing about Native American, Asian, or even African culture so they can be easily fooled - 'oh wow, those look like braids, buddha was black!!! :rudy: krs one being presented as some sort of authority on eastern religion/culture :snoop: how can you guys take this seriously? I genuinely want to know.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
Your side of the argument (the movie and Ivan Sertima) has insinuated that there are black features, so you tell me what's black, white, etc. since y'all have the experts backing you up.

The kid in that picture certainly looks NOTHING like that statue. You can't say that he does.

And if you are somehow trying to pull a fast one and say that those are a part of the myriad of "black" features, then I have to ask of you again, explain where blackness ends and where do other races begin? I was exaggerating earlier, but trying to claim the boy in the picture as the same race of the Olmecs just proves the idea you don't like: We're all "one race"

FYI. I believe that there is no such thing as "black" or "white" features because IMO, the way you look isn't just determined by your gene pool but many other factors as well (ie. climate, diet, etc.).

According to you all, white people should be able to claim the boy in the pic as white since he has typically "white" traits (straight blonde hair, light eyes, thin lips, etc.)

Actually, the movie/Sertima states that the Olmecs were black/of African descent. That's what you all are backing up, no? If you didn't watch the movie you are arguing about, please say so so I won't respond to you anymore. I don't deny that black people traveled to the Americas pre-Columbus. Show me explicitly where I have.

I'm just saying that an Native American has no black in him and is of a different race. And for us to try to claim the Olmecs is us is pretty damn "big white man writing history"-ish of us.

African presence makes much more sense in the ideal of Pangea, rather than boat since there's no proof of African boat travel from that time period, even from African scholars.

Wrong If you read They Came Before Columbus you would know Sertima discuses the impact the Africans had on the civilization that was already there. Nice try though


May 1, 2012
Alright time to put this one to bed. Reading this thread is truly disconcerting. I'm sad that so many black youth are still being led astray in this manner. Props to @GetInTheTruck @Handsback @Napoleon @Tommy Knocks @Insensitive and the others I left out who injected some reason and sanity into this pitiful thread.

The level of reason and argumentation of the pro-HC people in this thread is so abysmally poor, I honestly wonder how some of you graduated from high school. It's sad to see that people seem to think when discussing matters that require a healthy degree of critical thinking and digging for facts, and require the use of empirical evidence to formulate conclusions think "You are a c00n or a cac" is tenable counterargument.

My hope is that most of you are really young...like late teens because a lot of people believe stupid shyt when they're that age, including myself. Of the people here who accept the more fantastical claims of HC, there two types: people who are misinformed, and people who are just complete hopeless idiots, such as Gravity. I hope that most of you are in the former category.

Regarding this nonsense about the Olmecs being black, it is nothing more than baseless hypothesis made by a crackpot professor named Ivan Van Sertima in 1976, whose work has been universally debunked and rejected as not holding up to historical scrutiny by the consensus in his field. He is to history what Peter Duesberg, the nutty biologist who claims that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, is to biology. And like Frances Cress Welsing, another crackpot in HC, he found himself on the margins on academia unable to get published because his work failed to meet academic standards...not white approval which seems to be you guys dumb go-to strawman argument (which is pretty c00nish because it presupposes all academia=white :snoop:)...academic standards, which have no color.

There is zero evidence for the African Olmecs theory...none. The only thing the pro-Sertima folks have to hang their hat on is the notion that the statues supposedly look black. As Getinthetruck and others have already explained very succintly that is shytty argument because black people are not the only people who have broad noses and thick lips. Olmecs themselves do. Plus they're fukking sculptures...rendered art, not photographs of the people.

Egyptians, who were black, made statues that don't necessarily have black facial features. This sculpture doesn't have very black features

Using you guys logic, one can say means Egyptians weren't really black and some people from Asia or Europe came down and built them. Of course that's bullshyt...just as the Olmec African theory is.

And what makes it even more retarded is that Sertima claims the African who sailed there were not subsaharan Africans, but Nubians, and Nubians are from northern Sudan and Egypt and don't tend to have the features of the statues anymore than the Olmecs themselves do.

This what Nubian men and women look like:



This is what Olmecs look like.


Here's the statues.


But I'll let you tell it.

Now that we've established the statue thing is illogical, there's nothing else to suggest that it's true. History is a collection of evidence used to create as accurate a narrative of what really happened as possible...evidence, such as archaeological, linguistic, DNA, geographical, oral history and written text. There is NOTHING of historical evidence that suggests that Africans sailed South America.

Sertima's bullshyt theory was never peer-reviewed--peer review is standard accepted practice among academics and when academics don't ask for peer review, it's because they know it's nonsense and would get picked apart. I guess some of you guys don't know that. There is not one African artifact found in Mesoamerica. Also, Van Sertima's timeline doesn't even matchup and he changed it later after new evidence was exposed that proved that the Olmec statues were created several hundred years prior to when he claimed the Africans arrived. So he moved the goalposts and said they came in the 10th century instead of the 700 AD. :deadmanny:

And DNA does not lie. The immunological profile of the native peoples of Mesoamerica today still show genetic isolation.

You guys are taking the unsupported, complete evidence-lacking word of a crackpot professor who wrote some bullshyt book in the 70's that has been pretty much universally debunked by his peers in academia and just saying "It's true and if you disagree you're a c00n or a cracker."

This is sad on a number of levels. African history is largely omitted in schools because we live in America, and history is told through the lens of the dominant culture. But that doesn't mean African history isn't as rich as anyone else's and it cannot be learned without the garbage like HC getting in the way. Yeah it sucks that in school you're taught that our history starts as slaves and mass murderers like Columbus are deified. That doesn't mean you have to make up nonsense to counter it. You can easily research about how civilization started in Africa, and how metallurgy, mathematics, agiculture, and astronomy began there. Or about the empires and cultures of Mali, Aksum, Egypt, Songhai, Kush, Kongo, Ashanti, Sine, etc.

Not to mention "contributions" to the world isn't a measure of a people anyway, and that's really a eurocentric, westernized barometer of life y'all bought into. What about basic human existence and living and thriving as a community? That's not good enough? You have to make up these comical :duck: about being African Gods who invented everything in the entire universe and claim Beethoven was black?

And that's something you need to examine as well: internalized white supremacy...just in blackface because that's a lot of what I'm reading. White people have lied about history and distorted it, taking credit for the creations, inventions, and cultures of other people for centuries. So you want to do the same thing to other people, lying and trying steal what Olmecs, Indians, etc. have done? I guess I should expect that from a forum where a lot of black men shyt on black women all day, just like the white slavemasters who raped them 200 years ago. A lot of y'all express this sick internalized white supremacy in the form of making up pseudohistory, racial supremacist pseudoscience, general bigotry against other races, etc. and you don't even know it. It's sad. Until you challenge yourself to be better than a traumatized b*stard son of the white man, you're going to continue to be in the dark.

So true, I said this in the other thread....in a twisted way all this is is another form of white supremacy....because all these guys are doing is accepting who the white man has considered to be great throughout history and just trying to claim them for themselves to the point of desperation. At the end of the day, the white man gets the final say regardless :mindblown: aint that some shyt.

This isn't a unique occurrence either, a lot of indians accepted the Aryan invasion theory of India hook, line, and sinker because certain Indians were so brainwashed they wanted to identify with "northern peoples" like Persians and Europeans rather than their own peers in their own country down south. Thankfully that sentiment has slowly started to change over recent years.

y'all need to wake up.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012

LOL!! The thing is, I would find it a lot more bearable if these same clowns even bothered to go in half as hard on european scholars who spout blatantly fallacious anti black shyt, but no, you could hear a pin drop when it comes to racist propaganda. They never question their credentials or validity. Where were all these smart dumb fools when this thread (http://www.thecoli.com/threads/blacks-arent-human-article-wtf.125922/) was posted? Whenever there is racist sentiment expressed against black folk, these idiots are nowhere to be seen. If or when they do appear, it's always on some "well look at how blacks portray themselves yada yada yada".

Then they wanna say Tariq shouldn't do this documentary and can't be trusted because he has books on how to bag women - like that has shyt to do with it. What about their white teachers at school? Were they totally wholesome? These fools always have to nitpick and fault find and look for any petty reason to attack other black folk. Yeah....and I guess all these worshipped euro scholars and so called intellectuals are the closest thing to sanctity and purity.....fukk outta here.
I bet you won't comment on the quality standards of these so called intellectuals you've embraced though. :mjpls:

One of them is a fukking METAPHYSICIAN. :beli:






Now, I could dismiss him off that alone, but even listening to about 40% of his commentary as completely laughable, then I'm not sure how I can truly trust him.

Was there some knowledge and plans dropped int he movies? Sure. :obama:

Was there some major holes in the narrative? HELL YES. :stopitslime:



Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Wrong If you read They Came Before Columbus you would know Sertima discuses the impact the Africans had on the civilization that was already there. Nice try though
What does that have to do with the movie/people in here asserting that the Olmecs were black/had black blood though? :mjpls:

So true, I said this in the other thread....in a twisted way all this is is another form of white supremacy....because all these guys are doing is accepting who the white man has considered to be great throughout history and just trying to claim them for themselves to the point of desperation. At the end of the day, the white man gets the final say regardless :mindblown: aint that some shyt.

This isn't a unique occurrence either, a lot of indians accepted the Aryan invasion theory of India hook, line, and sinker because certain Indians were so brainwashed they wanted to identify with "northern peoples" like Persians and Europeans rather than their own peers in their own country down south. Thankfully that sentiment has slowly started to change over recent years.

y'all need to wake up.

This is what I was saying earlier.

Not ONE post in here celebrates a dark(er)-skinned black person. Just focuses on bringing in lighter shades to our black image. But then when you show them what exactly they are doing (ie. me posting up that pic of Paula Patton's son), then they don't wanna claim it and they wanna back down.

Only light brights and people who "pass"/ would run from their blackness if it ever caught up to them in this whole thread. Beethoven ain't black to me. And I'm pretty sure he wasn't black to himself. But here you have a thread of nikkas heralding him as some epoch of Blackness that they wanna use to show "black pride". Trying to convince someone that they aren't desperate.

No wonder y'all are plagued by simpery on this board. Y'all stay reachin' after somethin' that doesn't want you/is a far stretch from you. :dahell:

LOL!! The thing is, I would find it a lot more bearable if these same clowns even bothered to go in half as hard on european scholars who spout blatantly fallacious anti black shyt,
Where's the thread that's celebrating this false shyt in the first place ole strawman ass nikka :russ:

Ain't no one makin' a thread celebratin' any white man's false shyt in the first place slo mo so your point is moot.

You sound like a black woman deflecting to white women when she's criticized about her weave. "Bu-bu-bu-bu white men do it to!" ass nikka. :lolbron:


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
If I grow my hair out, get it braided, and then have someone make a statue of my likeness does that make me an African just because someone may think so 3,000 years from now?

I posted those pictures of Mexicans because they are the people who can be said to be the actual descendants of the Olmecs, and they look just like those statues. That can't be denied by anyone.

The bottom line is that without those stone heads, what other kind of "evidence" can you offer to suggest that the Olmecs were a group of people who "sailed here" from Africa in the neolithic era? The answer is none. If you could, you would have presented it by now....instead you're talking about how dude looks like wesley snipes in blade. This is a prime example of why theories like this get no burn in real academic circles - it has nothing to do with a "white conspiracy."

Tariq Nasheed is a smart guy who knows how to make money. He has re-packaged and re-hashed all of these bullshyt theories which have been floating around for years, and made a semi presentable "documentary" marketed towards idiots who are quick to believe anything they hear without doing any real research for themselves. He knows that the average black american (or any american for that matter) knows nothing about Native American, Asian, or even African culture so they can be easily fooled - 'oh wow, those look like braids, buddha was black!!! :rudy: krs one being presented as some sort of authority on eastern religion/culture :snoop: how can you guys take this seriously? I genuinely want to know.

Again you assuming Sertima and others are saying the Olmecs were just black people. No there was civilization there already but yall heads are too far up your own asses to see that. Read the book and you would have known that. What you Doom and others seem to deny that there was an African presence there back then. The fact of the matter is those statues have strong African features AND rock traditional black hair styles and those pictures of South Americans didnt depict both. Sorry dude if that just doesnt fit what you are trying to debunk


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Again you assuming Sertima and others are saying the Olmecs were just black people. No there was civilization there already but yall heads are too far up your own asses to see that. Read the book and you would have known that. What you Doom and others seem to deny that there was an African presence there back then. The fact of the matter is those statues have strong African features AND rock traditional black hair styles and those pictures of South Americans didnt depict both. Sorry dude if that just doesnt fit what you are trying to debunk
In case you didn't know, black people were also once part dog as well

"Even though no other evidence points to it, it's in multiple statues/painting so it must be true. :ld:" - Generations 2000 years from now :blessed:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
In case you didn't know, black people were also once part dog as well

"Even though no other evidence points to it, it's in multiple statues/painting so it must be true. :ld:" - Generations 2000 years from now :blessed:

there's a thin line between trolling and just being flat out mad..



All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
What does that have to do with the movie/people in here asserting that the Olmecs were black/had black blood though? :mjpls:

Are you retarded? Did you not just say Sertima said the Olmecs were black? I simply corrected you because you were wrong, he maintained Africans came to where the Olmecs were seeing they were already there hence the title "They Came Before Columbus" :deadmanny:. Dude didnt say the indigenous people were black :ufdup:. Know what material you are trying debunk first then dispute it. The c00n/cac brigade looking real :flabbynsick: right now.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
What does that have to do with the movie/people in here asserting that the Olmecs were black/had black blood though? :mjpls:

This is what I was saying earlier.

Not ONE post in here celebrates a dark(er)-skinned black person. Just focuses on bringing in lighter shades to our black image. But then when you show them what exactly they are doing (ie. me posting up that pic of Paula Patton's son), then they don't wanna claim it and they wanna back down.

Only light brights and people who "pass"/ would run from their blackness if it ever caught up to them in this whole thread. Beethoven ain't black to me. And I'm pretty sure he wasn't black to himself. But here you have a thread of nikkas heralding him as some epoch of Blackness that they wanna use to show "black pride". Trying to convince someone that they aren't desperate.

No wonder y'all are plagued by simpery on this board. Y'all stay reachin' after somethin' that doesn't want you/is a far stretch from you. :dahell:

Where's the thread that's celebrating this false shyt in the first place ole strawman ass nikka :russ:

Ain't no one makin' a thread celebratin' any white man's false shyt in the first place slo mo so your point is moot.

You sound like a black woman deflecting to white women when she's criticized about her weave. "Bu-bu-bu-bu white men do it to!" ass nikka. :lolbron:
The championing of lite brites of history as a testament to black superiority has long been a constant meme in smart niggology. Dudes be dikkriding the fukk out of Nubians, Kushytes, Egyptians, etc. Meanwhile, the vast majority of us here are West Africans.

A few of these dudes in this thread I know for a fact are mulatto or 3/4 Mike Bibby looking dudes...probably a lot more more. nikkas rebelling against their white DNA. :dead:

And they say Indians are really black, then turn around try to diminish my blackness because I'm half Indian. :deadmanny: Well I'm not white like you :umad: Goes to show how when you claim absurd positions, your argument will inevitably collapse under the weight of its own internal contradictions.