Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism (Official Thread)


May 17, 2012
the internet
ALOT, especially when your told from every direction your a slave and haven't contributed anything to the world.
why would you even give someone that says shyt like that any thought?
People that talk like that havent done shyt themselves...so why on earth would it matter what others of their same race did?

I just dont pay idiots any mind.
Jan 10, 2013
:heh: Those pictures match the description of Beethoven given by those who actually knew him like Frau Fischer(a mistress) and many others about as well as the blue-eyed blonde haired pictures of Jesus match the Bible's description of him. It's not just J.A. Rogers, but even to his credit a lot of the information thy he brought forth is verifiable which gives it credence.

“His face reveals no trace of the German. He was so dark that people dubbed him Spagnol.” Emil Ludwig "Beethoven"

“Negroid traits, dark skin, flat, thick nose.” Frederick Hertz "Race and Civilization"

“His somewhat flat broad nose and rather wide mouth, his small piercing eyes and swarthy complexion, pockmarked into the bargain, gave him a strong resemblance to a mulatto.” Fanny Giannatasio del Rio “An Unrequited Love: An Episode in the Life of Beethoven”

“Everyone knows the incident at Kismarton, or Eisenstadt, the residence of Prince Esterhazy, on his birthday. In the middle of the first allegro of Haydn’s symphony, His Highness asked the name of the author. He was brought forward.

“‘What!’ exclaimed the Prince, ‘the music is by the blackamoor (a black Moor). Well, my fine blackamoor, henceforth thou art in my service.’

“‘What is thy name?’

“‘Joseph Haydn.’” Andre de Hevesy "Beethoven The Man"
Haydn was Beethoven's teacher, ad this next quote put the one above in context.

"Beethoven had even more of the Moor in his features than his master, Haydn." Alexander W. Thayer

These verifiable quotes and personal descriptions of Beethoven is strong evidence that Beethoven as his teacher were "black". You posting those pictures is laughable. Do you really think that those pictures do anything to refute the personal descriptions of what Beethoven actually looked like? Are you that ignorant?


Yes, I do, considering you are clinging to scant evidence, mostly compromised of folks clowning and talking of his tanner complexion and nose, while I have invited you to view the plaster mask made on his actual face 2 days after his death, to view his family's genealogy for African ancestry, to see if you see any "Blackness" in any pictures of his family and have given you well-known contemporaries who are actually real verified mulattoes going through the well-documented genealogies of the day.
The Jesus point you put forward is a terrible comparison being Jesus' contemporaries didn't portray him while he was alive like Beethoven's did for him and his family.
The clinging to such scant small evidence in the face of greater, more accurate information at hand is why this thread is getting the reaction it is.


May 1, 2012
Yes, I do, considering you are clinging to scant evidence, mostly compromised of folks clowning and talking of his tanner complexion and nose, while I have invited you to view the plaster mask made on his actual face 2 days after his death, to view his family's genealogy for African ancestry, to see if you see any "Blackness" in any pictures of his family and have given you well-known contemporaries who are actually real verified mulattoes going through the well-documented genealogies of the day.
The Jesus point you put forward is a terrible comparison being Jesus' contemporaries didn't portray him while he was alive like Beethoven's did for him and his family.
The clinging to such scant small evidence in the face of greater, more accurate information at hand is why this thread is getting the reaction it is.
Let's get this straight. I'm merely making the point that there is evidence out here to support the claim that Beethoven had African ancestry. I haven't said that the claim has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Nothing you've said or posted has debunked the verified personal descriptions of Beethoven from people who actually saw him. The portrayals of Beethoven that you've referred to do not match the descriptions of those who saw/knew him. There's even a quote about how if Beethoven came back from the dead that he wouldnt even recognize himself by how he's portrayed. You have to be completely aice to think that those portraits are accurate. I'm not clinging to anything, I'm just not willing to dismiss strong evidence that suggests something that I don't won't to believe. You're the one who's clinging to the idea that Beethocen couldn't have possibly been of some African ancestry. The death mask doesn't prove or disapprove that he was of African ancestry

That could very well be the mask of someone who has African descent. The fact that you consider the descriptions of those who actually saw him as "scant evidence" says it all. He wasn't just described as "tan". He was called the "black spaniard" for goodness sake. His features and traits were described as being "negroid". He was said to resemble a mullato. His teacher "Hadyn" was described as being a Moor and Beethoven was said to have more "moorish" features than he did. The only thing that you've posted that holds any kind of weight as far as supporting your "Beethoven had no African ancestry" claim is his geneaology. There are questions about his geneaology though. Some argue that his mom was a Moor. Some argue that his African Ancestry comes from his father's Flemish side. The point is that his geneaology doesn't discount him being of some African descent. Remember, Beethoven's "race" only became an issue when Hitler set out to prove that he was a "pure" blood white man. There's always an agenda when it comes to what the history books say, which is why you question everything.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Why do yall care so much about what happened hundreds if not thousands of years ago? How does it affect your life today?

fyi, I ask this of white people who love to say they are 5% Irish, 59%German 3% Indian etc...
Who the fukk cares?

You do realize the world existed before you were born right?
Jan 10, 2013
Let's get this straight. I'm merely making the point that there is evidence out here to support the claim that Beethoven had African ancestry. I haven't said that the claim has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Nothing you've said or posted has debunked the verified personal descriptions of Beethoven from people who actually saw him. The portrayals of Beethoven that you've referred to do not match the descriptions of those who saw/knew him. There's even a quote about how if Beethoven came back from the dead that he wouldnt even recognize himself by how he's portrayed. You have to be completely aice to think that those portraits are accurate. I'm not clinging to anything, I'm just not willing to dismiss strong evidence that suggests something that I don't won't to believe. You're the one who's clinging to the idea that Beethocen couldn't have possibly been of some African ancestry. The death mask doesn't prove or disapprove that he was of African ancestry

That could very well be the mask of someone who has African descent. The fact that you consider the descriptions of those who actually saw him as "scant evidence" says it all. He wasn't just described as "tan". He was called the "black spaniard" for goodness sake. His features and traits were described as being "negroid". He was said to resemble a mullato. His teacher "Hadyn" was described as being a Moor and Beethoven was said to have more "moorish" features than he did. The only thing that you've posted that holds any kind of weight as far as supporting your "Beethoven had no African ancestry" claim is his geneaology. There are questions about his geneaology though. Some argue that his mom was a Moor. Some argue that his African Ancestry comes from his father's Flemish side. The point is that his geneaology doesn't discount him being of some African descent. Remember, Beethoven's "race" only became an issue when Hitler set out to prove that he was a "pure" blood white man. There's always an agenda when it comes to what the history books say, which is why you question everything.

Nice backpedaling. Your evidence isn't really strong though. It's just whiter Europeans clowning dude for being darker than them. "Blackamoor" was considering an insult for many Germans (a good number were darker than others, not to mention the way the amount of beer they consumed affected their complexion) Is that really all you have? Just having a flat bigger nose doesn't make you Black. I understand questioning everything, but there's a lot of reaching to fit an argument here. The mask looks Germanic, and the paintings of him and family were done of the subjects while they were alive with them as the models. Makes no sense comparing that to the inaccurate portrayal of Jesus Christ or just casting pictures aside when it works out of your favor but embracing it when it fits your argument. His detailed genealogy (like a great deal of others then) and the pictures we have of relatives suggest no real immediate African ancestry, esp. when his very famous friends were "outed" as mulattoes themselves for the world then and now to see. Even if there's no definitive answer you'd accept, you have to admit you're doing some muscle straining reaching here.
I'm just saying the evidence is overwhelming our of your favor, friend. I don't agree with paying a guy to provide me misinformation or us hijacking some other peoples' history with what amounts to crumbs when that which is ours undeniably is so rich and so much to be proud of.


May 17, 2012
the internet

You do realize the world existed before you were born right?
my point is that you cats spend so much time trying to prove points that dont mean shyt to your current life.
I actually grew up w/ all this black bookstore "knowledge", so I probably know more about it than you do.

But I grew up and stopped caring about white folks, black folks....everybody!


May 1, 2012
Nice backpedaling. Your evidence isn't really strong though. It's just whiter Europeans clowning dude for being darker than them. "Blackamoor" was considering an insult for many Germans (a good number were darker than others, not to mention the way the amount of beer they consumed affected their complexion) Is that really all you have? Just having a flat bigger nose doesn't make you Black. I understand questioning everything, but there's a lot of reaching to fit an argument here. The mask looks Germanic, and the paintings of him and family were done of the subjects while they were alive with them as the models. Makes no sense comparing that to the inaccurate portrayal of Jesus Christ or just casting pictures aside when it works out of your favor but embracing it when it fits your argument. His detailed genealogy (like a great deal of others then) and the pictures we have of relatives suggest no real immediate African ancestry, esp. when his very famous friends were "outed" as mulattoes themselves for the world then and now to see. Even if there's no definitive answer you'd accept, you have to admit you're doing some muscle straining reaching here.
I'm just saying the evidence is overwhelming our of your favor, friend. I don't agree with paying a guy to provide me misinformation or us hijacking some other peoples' history with what amounts to crumbs when that which is ours undeniably is so rich and so much to be proud of.
The evidence isn't strong enough for who? A closed and weakminded sheep who's not mentally capable of disregarding his own biases and consider evidence that suggests something that he doesn't want to believe? I haven't done any backpeddaling whatsoever. I've already stated that im not here to convince you or anybody else here of anything. I've already stated that I'm not speaking in absolutes meaning, I'm not saying that Beethoven being black is a fact. I'm simply saying that there is evidence to suggest that he was of some African ancestry. My point from the beginning is that there is evidence to support a lot of the claims that c00n/cracker posters are whining about. These posters haven't disproved any of the claims that they're whining about, including you. Your bullshyt excuses are pathetic. You certainly haven't proved that the personal descriptions of Beethoven were not that of a person with visible African ancestry. Especially when some of the descriptions specifically describe him as a man with "negroid" traits. Again, he was called the black Spaniard. You're the one who's speaking in absolutes so the burden of proof is on you. "uh uh blackamoor was just an insult that Germans used to clown other Germans who were darker than them.....uh uh uh they drank a lot of beer which made them darker" :pachaha: Get the fukk outta here with that dumb shyt.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
my point is that you cats spend so much time trying to prove points that dont mean shyt to your current life.
I actually grew up w/ all this black bookstore "knowledge", so I probably know more about it than you do.

But I grew up and stopped caring about white folks, black folks....everybody!
I, I, I, I, I, I, I.

the point is, since you stopped caring, everyone else should too?

"I don't get why you guys care, it doesn't matter to me, so I can't possibly understand why it should matter to you"
