so MW3, this child killing nobody is suspicious of a van that parked right infront of them & a guy jumps out in suspicious clothing
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Child's Death Scene (Davis Family Vacation) - YouTube

so MW3, this child killing nobody is suspicious of a van that parked right infront of them & a guy jumps out in suspicious clothing
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Child's Death Scene (Davis Family Vacation) - YouTube
I almost jumped in this thread after the shootout at the end of Walking Dead last week...10,000 bullets and the only two actual hits.
not to mention , the governor just standing out in the open , no cover whatsoever rambo 3 status...bustin off a pistol in a fight with automatics and sniper rifles
And to add more for theCarol using Axel's body for a human shield should have been dead with the type of gun and the amount of rounds that dude on the tower was pumping into his body. The human body isn't bullet proof like that.
you are not lyin my dude.Walking dead shootout was ABSURD.
The Boondocks - Tom DuBois is supposed to be a lawyer, yet he lets his underage daughter sign a contract to conduct business with scheming-ass Ed Wuncler.![]()
Let's not forget that one of the only two people to land a shot just lost an eye and probably has no depth perception...damn that scene was RIDICULOUS![]()
you are not lyin my dude.
- i dont know how close you have to be for there to be exit wounds but she used homie's dead body as a shield against highpowered rifles.....
-how the hell did maggie manage to not get lit up when she brought carol nem the guns?
-how did it take them that long to blast on the guy shooting from the tower?
im sure there's more still one of the best things on TV tho
Ninja Turtles - Where the eff do they get money from? No one that many people lose money in the drains for your to afford pizza ever night, in bulk at that, gas money, fuel for jets, planes, blimps, and all the gadgets.
ever since i watched the first Blade.... i'm convinced every single super hero who wasn't born rich, is robbing these villians soon as they knocked out