I see I hit a nerve you furious right now, vomitin laugh smilies ain't hidin your anger bytch. Pretty sure he ain't bench it 17 times, and I have no idea if it was even actually 225 like you say.

If he "just started back bulkin" then why did he look bigger in the video you posted a month ago than he looked in that video you posted the other day? Dude losin weight cause he got that
Virginia quit tryna spin it.
I told your autistic ass last year I don't post videos of myself for other men and I'm never gonna feed your gay fetish for muscular males so quit beggin me fakkit.

@ 6 month ban you too scared to even put a lifetime IP ban on the line cause you know you'd lose.
Shoutin out the Coli and usernames don't mean shyt you think its some irrefutable proof which is why you had your boy do it but anyone can get someone to pretend to be them:mmmhmmiseeyou:thats why I don't bother tryna prove shyt to losers like you either believe me or don't but unlike you I don't care what random men think cause I know the truth and so does everyone who knows me.

Thats called bein who you say you are and not needin internet approval to live vicariously thru made up personas somethin you know nothin about, and I said I'm 6'3 235 you confusin me wit one of the other male posters you obsessed wit.:michaeljordanlaugh: