You prolly do cac you got nearly 15,000 posts

we all know you got no life which is why its even more difficult to believe you have time to work out multiple times a week and hold a job along wit a social life when you arguin on here day and night.
You real bothered by me bein brolic, seems you tight that I got the physique and life you wish you had.

I mean last year when I said I was brolic thats when you claimed you were too, I told you I did 6 years in prison and surprise surprise you said you did the same amount of time.
Stop talkin to yourself Internetgangsta, I didn't give any excuse I said from jump I don't post pics for men.
You the one givin excuses for not postin your arm but had no problem postin a video 5 days later

if you were gonna do that then why not post the arm when asked unless your arm don't match the video and the guy is just your friend.:mmmhmmiseeyou:
You call everyone out which is why I'm on your neck about not postin that arm pic, for someone who demands so much of other men you bytched up quick when you didn't have time to prepare.