Dak out here producing more memes and GIFs than touchdowns.

Their defense is horrificSerious question for the stans,
Has there ever been a supposed “top-5” qb that gets embarrassed and blown out like this on a weekly basis?
In recent memoryThis year?
See my last post 35 points in the first half of the last 4 home games.Their defense is horrific
You want him to put up 50 pts?
To be clear I’m not shooting him bail.
Ben Johnson showing off in front of his future boss. This is his job interview tbh.
Has there ever been a Top 5 QB with Jerry as the owner besides Aikman?
Cowboys had a 20 year drought the day Dak was drafted. What did they do from 1996 to 2016? Nothing.
Cowboys could have Mahomes right now and the game wouldn't be much different. Crap culture, bad o-line coach, meh HC/DC. Name the QB that is winning rings with this franchise in its current form?
I'm not even a Dak stan but I hate seeing Jerry escaping criticism because fans insist on blaming Dak for shyt that was going on when Dakota was a toddler. Cowboys fans hate mediocrity yet never hold Jerry accountable and then complain about mediocrity. Make it make sense.
Absolutely isThe Dak fandom is a cult.