Hebrew Israelite videos


Jun 28, 2013



A Bible debate breahh , :heh: lol

Go back and read my edit, Mr Muslim.

Pot, Kettle, Black

Edit: Not to mention the Koran was written 600 years AFTER the New Testament :heh:
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Jun 7, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
These cats gotta feel stupid typing on esau made computers

and communicating in esaus language

complaining about Esau :heh:


Jun 28, 2013
Don't make me bring A'ishah into this b...
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Jun 4, 2012
Talking about the bible was used as an oppresive tool. No kidding. It was used by men who took it outta context.

But let's not get started on the Koran bro. How Arab Muslims guided by it's instructions swept through North Africa and basically forced the people to convert, while relegating them to 2nd and 3rd class citizens in their own land. Which ironically is still going on today out there.

In fact, let's not mention this event either
I'm so shocked. I really didn't know that human being took other human being as slaves, especially in the Mid East.

One thing you should know is that in the West, especially in the most modern nations.. more people transfer over to Islam than Christianity By FAR. As a matter of fact, I'm sure most black American are more concerned about Christianity, because the same Jesus based institutions that oppressed us in recent and past times are still in place today. Our direct history is more concerned w that stuff than random other shyt that happen throughout history.


Jun 4, 2012
Don't make me bring A'ishah into this b...
up until very recently most Christian men on our planet either participate in or thought those practices were OK and acceptable...

I'll give u a pass. It's VERY typical for Christians to judge and throw stones while sitting in the most fragile glass homes.
May 15, 2012
Bruh, you've been right about alotta things in the past, but also wrong on others.

This is one of those times you're dead wrong.

A simple look at an ancient map tells us many things.


I don't think I need to mention the concept of invasions, intermixing, migration, and so forth.

Fwiw, Arabs, just like Jews, are a mixed people. And they came from Shem, not Japheth :snoop:

But if you'd like to debate, we can. You'd be surprised how well versed I am in science, history and archaeology.

I'ma open your eyes and show you the world wasn't just black and white in antiquity.

white supremacy got the world confused. There's no race as Arab is an ethnicity, I seen an arab the other day in a chicken joint he had 360 waves and look like Loyd Banks.

The arabs you thinking of are crackers, caucasians, they are Ottoman Turks hailing from Eastern Europe same as the white the devil disguising as the jew who is really the Khazar who have always been war like people, these are historical facts outside of any religion.

Only reason the so called arab is in Africa is because of invasion, you're just assuming the arab always been in the middle east, its the same of saying white americans were in this country first


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012

Btw, you DO realize the Canaanites were black, right?

Where are you getting this stuff from? Cause it's clearly not from scripture.

Canaan himself was black...but Canaan and Canaan alone was cursed (not Cush or any other sons of Ham)...therefore his descendants or seed was cursed and they mixed with the off spring of the Nephilim (or Fallen Angels). I mean its pretty obvious what happened...if Joshua and Caleb saw these type of folks in the land of Canaan...they obviously took over his line of descendants.

this coincides with Genesis 6:4

There were giants (fallen in Hebrew) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

this is also spoke of again in Daniel 2:43

And whereas thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron doth not mingle with clay.

who is they breh? :what: again why is this stuff never taught in Sunday School or in Church period? And the term miry beside clay is very important in this discussion. Miry is a type or look to the clay. When you look up the word miry there is no question who the OG Hebrew or OG man was period.

It is also mentioned in Luke 17:26

And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

So I think its very important to identify who or what these Nephilim are because they are very important to when Jesus returns. Its why the seed still remains today. And in the parable about the wheat and the tares. Jesus explains further about the mixing and how not to disturb the people because of how mixed the two seeds has become. That's why it was left up to him to gather up his people & burn the tares because no one can distinguish between each other now. Satan did a great job but he didn't plan for Jesus's intervention to save the world & switch the style up :obama: God will still have his people.

I agree that the petty differences we have shouldn't cloud our overall objective regarding Jesus & his main reason for dying for our sins.
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Jun 28, 2013
I'm so shocked. I really didn't know that human being took other human being as slaves, especially in the Mid East.

One thing you should know is that in the West, especially in the most modern nations.. more people transfer over to Islam than Christianity By FAR. As a matter of fact, I'm sure most black American are more concerned about Christianity, because the same Jesus based institutions that oppressed us in recent and past times are still in place today. Our direct history is more concerned w that stuff than random other shyt that happen throughout history.

Lol notice how you completely ducked my question concerning North Africa?

Again, are you saying it's okay that the Arab Mulsims made brothers and sisters 2nd and 3rd class citizens in their own countries? A simple yes or no will suffice.

I'm sure you're also okay knowing that West African Muslims had a hand in the selling of other West African Muslims. Which is something I discovered on my first trip to Africa.

But hey, all Muslims love each other right? Shia and Sunni Muslims are a perfect example of that, lol.

up until very recently most Christian men on our planet either participate in or thought those practices were OK and acceptable...

I'll give u a pass. It's VERY typical for Christians to judge and throw stones while sitting in the most fragile glass homes.

Again, this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

FWIW, I don't subscribe to Protestantism nor Catholicism. What those men did is on them. The bible is my only guide.

I just think you should be quiet when it comes to anyone else's belief system. Considering the one you chose to believe in.

As for A'ishah, even by old world standards ( i.e "13 is legal'), becoming engaged to a 6 year old and marrying her at 9 is crazy.

But it is what it is.

Don't go throwing stones yourself if you're not prepared to have a few tossed back at you.


Jun 28, 2013
white supremacy got the world confused. There's no race as Arab is an ethnicity, I seen an arab the other day in a chicken joint he had 360 waves and look like Loyd Banks.

The arabs you thinking of are crackers, caucasians, they are Ottoman Turks hailing from Eastern Europe same as the white the devil disguising as the jew who is really the Khazar who have always been war like people, these are historical facts outside of any religion.

Only reason the so called arab is in Africa is because of invasion, you're just assuming the arab always been in the middle east, its the same of saying white americans were in this country first

Actually i'm talking about Arabs, not Turks (Although they were just as bad). Or would you like to be schooled on the Umayyad dynasty?

As for "Khazarians"..

www.youtube.com/watch?v= tnIEsf_klCg[/media]
www.youtube.com/watch?v= 0M8_LQjnR1g
(Combine each link to watch)

We've been through this b.

Btw, the guy who dapped you (LionofJudah) doesn't believe we are the descendants of Continental Africans. In fact, he doesn't believe black Africans are actually black, lol. He also believes white people came from Esau and every black person in this country is genetically more connected to them than Africans. :snoop:

Along with promoting the utterly laughable belief that God hates Africans and is going to destroy them.... even though scripture says this, this, this, this, this, this etc.
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Jun 4, 2012
Lol notice how you completely ducked my question concerning North Africa?

Again, are you saying it's okay that the Arab Mulsims made brothers and sisters 2nd and 3rd class citizens in their own countries? A simple yes or no will suffice.

I'm sure you're also okay knowing that West African Muslims had a hand in the selling of other West African Muslims. Which is something I discovered on my first trip to Africa.

But hey, all Muslims love each other right? Shia and Sunni Muslims are a perfect example of that, lol.

Again, this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

FWIW, I don't subscribe to Protestantism nor Catholicism. What those men did is on them. The bible is my only guide.

I just think you should be quiet when it comes to anyone else's belief system. Considering the one you chose to believe in.

As for A'ishah, even by old world standards ( i.e "13 is legal'), becoming engaged to a 6 year old and marrying her at 9 is crazy.

But it is what it is.

Don't go throwing stones yourself if you're not prepared to have a few tossed back at you.
Not calling the kettle black, I'm just simply responding to your attacks on Islam by pointing out that Christians affect on everything that is negative now and the past - you can't deny it.

It's ignorant to put all that on the entire religion and everyone in it. The Aisha thing is laughable because it shows that you actually believe that the story goes... "Muhammad went out searching for young broads. And he found one" ,lol. You ignore the realities of him previously choosing women older than him... then denying the unity with Aisha and only accepting it after her fam and everyone basically begging him to. Culturally it made sense at the time - It wasn't an Islamic thing... NTM, in the most advanced Christian nations on Earth... this shyt was fully accepted until relatively recently - so what the hell are you even talking about it for??? For the sake of having a tired talking point? In all of arabia and the mid east people forced their daughters on men at age 7-16, that happened before islam and would have happened without islam.

You put negative Christian behavior on Catholics and protestants.. when really it was every single version of the 55000000000 versions of that 'a man is really god but god at the same time as he is a spirit ass religion.'

I'm fully aware how Islam spread in Africa Asia and all over the world. Some forced conversions and some voluntary conversions in Africa. You point is what? You point can't be that nearly 100% of black American's are Christians as a direct result of Christianity being a main component of the mental brainwashing that affects us today. Or is your point that slaves couldn't read or write or Not be raped or keep their families entacted... But WERE encouraged to praise DA Lawd! - in the same fashion most black americans do today. If a slave was a slave in Islamic empires there was a chance to be free, and they had to learn to read and were allowed to not be downgraded to the mentality of a Mule. One of the main things about the quran is freeing and taking care of slaves if you had them. Slavery was/is a reality of the world, not created by these religions... but created by man. Christianity took slavery and gave it steroids with the Atlantic slave trade.

Most importantly - many black American's look at Christianity they way they do because we are fully aware that Christianity killed off the Natives of America - and opened up the space and Justification for Millions of Africans to die in the Oceans and to be enslaved here. Regardless of Islam's characters, Ghangis Khan, Emperors in China, Hitler, or whoever else... IT WAS Christianity that was the justification for the Worst and Longest lasting oppression of people in the world, black in the americas.