Hebrew Israelite videos


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
It's not an argument. But if you feel that I'm wrong on something, you should be able to point out where I'm wrong at. You claim Czar speaks truth, but Ray Charles can see this dude is a complete liar regarding scriptures and history, and is only here to cause confusion. Truthfully, I would think you would be the one of the ones that gets this, but it appears this isn't the case. Hopefully you come around to the truth one day. Not being funny, but I'm just being real.

the huge problem I've always had with the Esau being white deal is that if he's white...so is King David among others. Everytime I've asked a HBI about this I haven't gotten an answer. In my research all of those folks are black :manny:

Czar is here to cause confusion and he perpetuates the same ole cac interpretation of the bible which is used to enslave the minds of black folks. That's where he's wrong & you are right IMO.


Jun 12, 2013
the huge problem I've always had with the Esau being white deal is that if he's white...so is King David among others. Everytime I've asked a HBI about this I haven't gotten an answer. In my research all of those folks are black :manny:

Czar is here to cause confusion and he perpetuates the same ole cac interpretation of the bible which is used to enslave the minds of black folks. That's where he's wrong & you are right IMO.

No, that's not the case. We've already been through the whole ruddy/red thing in the beginning of the thread almost. Kind David is described as ruddy, NOT RED. The same word in Hebrew can mean a few different things the same way a word in English can be. When you read the scriptures where the word 'ruddy' is used, red wouldn't fit in the context that it's used. Ruddy describes someone who is handsome essentially, but you can see where they tried to make it seem as if it meant red because there is the scripture that mentions as ruddy as rubies. It's really easy to see that word definitions have been changed to fit an agenda like leprosy, but it is what it is. Putting the red issue aside, it's clear that through Esau's other characteristics and prophecy that it's the white man. Couldn't be anybody but him...so here's the question. Who is Edom today or were they destroyed?


Jun 28, 2013
Czar speaks a lot of truth about Christ...I just hate that he believes all that white washing of the bible...i.e. Hamatic theory etc.

Lion of Judah is right about some things as well i.e. the OG Hebrews being black but once Jesus came he changed a lot and their hate for the white man is not right. It is not according to scripture.

You know what's funny? You claim I believe in the Hamitic Hypothesis, which is just :mindblown: worthy to me.. When I've clearly pointed out in the bible how the Israelites intermixed with Cushytes and Egyptians, who were black. Even Exodus 12:38 says when they left egypt a mixed multitude went along with them.

But I also pointed out in the bible how they intermixed with Japhethic (aka white) people.

I've always maintained the Jews have and always will be a mixed people.

You fail to acknowledge that the Diaspora stretching from Europe to Africa. And most of those Jews WEREN'T black. That isn't "c*cology, those are facts which have proof.

Then again, you assume that being a Jew gives one an easy go pass in the kingdom of God. When the bible clearly states that salvation is only obtained through one path: Jesus.

Which is what irks me the most about you. How can you claim to be a believer in the word and yet harbor ill will towards another "race"? Ironic, since the human "race" is actually one big family from the same source.

Does the bible not say LOVE thy enemy and PRAY for those who persicute you? Cause what does it profit you if you only love those who love you? Matthew 5:44-46

Moreover, the father calls for us to FORGIVE those who wrong us, so that he may forgive us. Matthew 6:14-15

We all know the evils and atrocities of Europeans throughout history. Even Jesus was crucified by Romans. Yet despite that fact, he openly offers them and whoever else the gift of salvation if they repent.

That's not "c*cology" those are facts from the bible itself.

You know better bro. You ain't right... at, all.
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Jun 28, 2013
the huge problem I've always had with the Esau being white deal is that if he's white...so is King David among others. Everytime I've asked a HBI about this I haven't gotten an answer. In my research all of those folks are black :manny:

Czar is here to cause confusion and he perpetuates the same ole cac interpretation of the bible which is used to enslave the minds of black folks. That's where he's wrong & you are right IMO.

The only thing enslaving and confusing your mind is your built up hatred b. Which is what the enemy wants.

And you are more than willing to accept his chains of bondage.
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Jun 28, 2013
No, that's not the case. We've already been through the whole ruddy/red thing in the beginning of the thread almost. Kind David is described as ruddy, NOT RED. The same word in Hebrew can mean a few different things the same way a word in English can be. When you read the scriptures where the word 'ruddy' is used, red wouldn't fit in the context that it's used. Ruddy describes someone who is handsome essentially, but you can see where they tried to make it seem as if it meant red because there is the scripture that mentions as ruddy as rubies. It's really easy to see that word definitions have been changed to fit an agenda like leprosy, but it is what it is. Putting the red issue aside, it's clear that through Esau's other characteristics and prophecy that it's the white man. Couldn't be anybody but him...so here's the question. Who is Edom today or were they destroyed?

We have. And you were proven wrong, as usual.

Czar said:
You also neglect to point out how Esau was called Admoniy/Adom, or red. Yet Jacob, his twin brother, was also red. How do we know?

1.) Israel is called Adom
2.) David is also called Admoniy.
2.) Solomon is called Adom
3.) Edom comes from the same root as Adom, which comes from Adam, who was also red. Since all version of the word red in hebrew derive from Adam's name.

Czar said:

The hebrew word alluph was translated as hegemon in the septuagint and NT.
Hegemon is used in reference to the Israelites along with other nations, not just the edomites.

Czar said:

And guess what?

Dux was also used for the Israelites in the Vulgate.


So i guess that makes everyone an Edomite according to your silly logic.

Learn how to research stuff.

LionofJudah said:
False. People like you who like to pervert the scripture try to say 1 Samuel 16:12, Songs 5:10 & Lamentations say 'red', when the word used is clearly the word 'ruddy'.

1 Samuel 16:12
And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.

Song of Solomon 5:10
My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.

Lamentations 4:7
Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

Esau is described as 'red'.

Genesis 25:25
And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.

Although the same Strong's H132 - 'admoniy is used to describe Esau as red (excluding Song of Soloman and Lamentations), King David is ONLY described as 'ruddy' throughout the scriptures using that same 132. The word ruddy doesn't ONLY mean red, and since you claim to know Hebrew, you also know that one word can have MANY meanings, although there is one that is usually generally accepted as the MAIN meaning. The word ruddy only means that he was attractive, and easy on the eyes, not that he was 'red' the way Esau is described. For more proof of this, people can watch this video.

Also, the word 'ruddy' was changed to also mean red so these devil Edomites could hide who they are. Regarding Esau and his wives, you're off on that also. A white male and a Black female can have a white child. One look at Robin Thicke's son with Paula Patton proves this. And if this wasn't the case, you would have to explain how whites came about because everyone on the Earth in the beginning was BLACK. Science proves this.


Red and ruddy are the same thing bruh.


red, ruddy

Or (fully) admowniy {ad-mo-nee'}; from 'adam; reddish (of the hair or the complexion) -- red, ruddy.


adom: to be red
Short Definition: red

Both Esau AND David are called Admoniy.

Facts >>>>> Speculation.

Lol you thought you were slick leaving out the rest of Obadiah.

Obadiah 1:19-21

People from the Negev will occupy
the mountains of Esau,
and people from the foothills will possess
the land of the Philistines.
They will occupy the fields of Ephraim and Samaria,
and Benjamin will possess Gilead.
This company of Israelite exiles who are in Canaan
will possess the land as far as Zarephath;
the exiles from Jerusalem who are in Sepharad
will possess the towns of the Negev.
Deliverers will go up on Mount Zion
to govern the mountains of Esau.
And the kingdom will be the Lord’s.

Which is what The Hasmonian Dynasty accomplished when it took the land of Idumea/Edom and added it into the Kingdom of Judea.

Now let's read Malachi 1:3-5 in a proper translation that isn't the erroneous and utterly laughable KJV.

1 A prophecy: The word of the Lord to Israel through Malachi.2 “I have loved you,” says the Lord. “But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’ “Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?” declares the Lord. “Yet I have loved Jacob, 3 but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his hill country into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.” 4 Edom may say, “Though we have been crushed, we will rebuild the ruins.” But this is what the Lord Almighty says: “They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called the Wicked Land, a people always under the wrath of the Lord.

This was also fufilled when Herod the Great overthrew the Hasmonian Dynasty with the help of Rome.


The Idumeans became the ruling class in Judea... until they were completely wiped out during the Judeo-Roman wars.

LionofJudah said:
More bullshyt, that's not backed up by scripture, nor historical fact.

More BHI talking points which can't be substantiated with facts.

The difference between us is everything I'm saying is 100% backed up by history & reputable sources. Everything you're saying was made up by high school dropouts.

Which is why you stay runnin when I hit you with the truth.


Jun 4, 2012
You know what's funny? You claim I believe in the Hamitic Hypothesis, which is just :mindblown: worthy to me.. When I've clearly pointed out in the bible how the Israelites intermixed with Cushytes and Egyptians, who were black. Even Exodus 12:38 says when they left egypt a mixed multitude went along with them.

But I also pointed out in the bible how they intermixed with Japhethic (aka white) people.

I've always maintained the Jews have and always will be a mixed people.

You fail to acknowledge that the Diaspora stretching from Europe to Africa. And most of those Jews WEREN'T black. That isn't "c*cology, those are facts which have proof.

Then again, you assume that being a Jew gives one an easy go pass in the kingdom of God. When the bible clearly states that salvation is only obtained through one path: Jesus.

Which is what irks me the most about you. How can you claim to be a believer in the word and yet harbor ill will towards another "race"? Ironic, since the human "race" is actually one big family from the same source.

Does the bible not say LOVE thy enemy and PRAY for those who persicute you. Cause what does it profit you if you only love those who love you? Matthew 5:44-46

Moreover, he calls for us to FORGIVE those who wrong us, so that he may forgive us. Matthew 6:14-15

We all know the evils and atrocities of the Europeans throughout history. Even Jesus was crucified by Romans. Yet despite that fact, he openly offers them and whoever else the gift of salvation if they repent.

That's not "c*cology" those are facts from the bible itself.

You know better bro. You ain't right... at, all.
I'm not really in these talks.... but you need to look a lil closer. Saying someone isn't african is different than saying they aren't black. By all accounts most of the mixing was with black and black... or black and asians. white's in the picture- was so rare it's almost not worth talking about.

LOL and the specific people you mention jap.. were arab - and half the population at the time were black arabs.....


Jun 28, 2013
I'm not really in these talks.... but you need to look a lil closer. Saying someone isn't african is different than saying they aren't black. By all accounts most of the mixing was with black and black... or black and asians. white's in the picture- was so rare it's almost not worth talking about.

LOL and the specific people you mention jap.. were arab - and half the population at the time were black arabs.....

Bruh, you've been right about alotta things in the past, but also wrong on others.

This is one of those times you're dead wrong.

A simple look at an ancient map tells us many things.


I don't think I need to mention the concept of invasions, intermixing, migration, and so forth.

Fwiw, Arabs, just like Jews, are a mixed people. And they came from Shem, not Japheth :snoop:

But if you'd like to debate, we can. You'd be surprised how well versed I am in science, history and archaeology.

I'ma open your eyes and show you the world wasn't just black and white in antiquity.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
The only thing enslaving and confusing your mind is your built up hatred b. Which is what the enemy wants.

And you are more than willing to accept his chains of bondage.

I don't have hate for anyone breh

You know what's funny? You claim I believe in the Hamitic Hypothesis, which is just :mindblown: worthy to me.. When I've clearly pointed out in the bible how the Israelites intermixed with Cushytes and Egyptians, who were black. Even Exodus 12:38 says when they left egypt a mixed multitude went along with them.

But I also pointed out in the bible how they intermixed with Japhethic (aka white) people.

I've always maintained the Jews have and always will be a mixed people.

You fail to acknowledge that the Diaspora stretching from Europe to Africa. And most of those Jews WEREN'T black. That isn't "c*cology, those are facts which have proof.

Then again, you assume that being a Jew gives one an easy go pass in the kingdom of God. When the bible clearly states that salvation is only obtained through one path: Jesus.

I've never assumed that. my point about identifying whites is to let people know they have a purpose on this earth but they can and will be saved too. Jews did mix with white people (Japheth (was black) - Ashkenaz) that obvious because its stated in the word. That is where mixing with black and white first occurred.

my ideas are science and bible supported. If the original MAN was black...so was Adam. My entire angle has been the mixing of seeds. The devil does have a seed and that is white people but that doesn't excuse the fact that all of us are born into sin since the beginning of time. This is why Jesus had to come and straighten all that out....God 1st sent the flood because Satan's seed had done great harm on the earth. Noah was not mixed (he was Albino black) but 'perfect in his generations.' God chose him because of that to save his seed. Again this is all Bible & Science. The mixed multitude in Exodus only describes the beliefs of the people that mixed [Egypt folks mixing with Hebrew folks] & animals, not the skin color. The 1st time that the Hebrews encountered whites again was in the land of the Cursed Canaan...when Josha & Caleb ran into them. They did mix with them again there which is where the mix multitude (current dau definition) came from. (Moses marrying a woman from there as well). Those people were Neanderthals (fallen Angel) offspring and their bones have been found in the land of Japheth and the land of Canaan.

Some of the OG Gentiles (fallen Angel) blood still runs through our veins today & their purpose was to cause destruction on this earth and ruin God's creation. The devil is busy but he will not win because of Jesus. Jesus cleans all sins Jews and Gentiles alike. I don't think being a Jew is all that important today but for them to put out like it is & that OG Hebrews/Jews are white and destroy peoples mind with that is something I take issue with. Its wrong because it isn't bible & I don't support it.


Jun 28, 2013
I've never assumed that. my point about identifying whites is to let people know they have a purpose on this earth but they can and will be saved too. Jews did mix with white people (Japheth (was black) - Ashkenaz) that obvious because its stated in the word. That is where mixing with black and white first occurred.

my ideas are science and bible supported. If the original MAN was black...so was Adam. My entire angle has been the mixing of seeds. The devil does have a seed and that is white people but that doesn't excuse the fact that all of us are born into sin since the beginning of time. This is why Jesus had to come and straighten all that out....God 1st sent the flood because Satan's seed had done great harm on the earth. Noah was not mixed (he was Albino black) but 'perfect in his generations.' God chose him because of that to save his seed. Again this is all Bible & Science. The mixed multitude in Exodus only describes the beliefs of the people that mixed [Egypt folks mixing with Hebrew folks] & animals, not the skin color. The 1st time that the Hebrews encountered whites again was in the land of the Cursed Canaan...when Josha & Caleb ran into them. They did mix with them again there which is where the mix multitude (current dau definition) came from. (Moses marrying a woman from there as well). Those people were Neanderthals (fallen Angel) offspring and their bones have been found in the land of Japheth and the land of Canaan.

Some of the OG Gentiles (fallen Angel) blood still runs through our veins today & their purpose was to cause destruction on this earth and ruin God's creation. The devil is busy but he will not win because of Jesus. Jesus cleans all sins Jews and Gentiles alike. I don't think being a Jew is all that important today but for them to put out like it is & that OG Hebrews/Jews are white and destroy peoples mind with that is something I take issue with. Its wrong because it isn't bible & I don't support it.


As are mine bro. But then again, I don't put all my eggs in the science basket, cause their theory is based on us descending from primates, which is just :smh:

Biblically speaking, Adam was reddish brown, not black. His name after all is the root word for red in hebrew.

I think you're not getting the part where satan's seed are all those who oppose the Most High, regardless of skin color.

Btw, you DO realize the Canaanites were black, right?

And Noah was albino? :bryan:

Where are you getting this stuff from? Cause it's clearly not from scripture.

Please don't say you got it from the book of Enoch, which is considered pseudepigraphal writing

Look, all petty differences aside, one thing is clear as day. Salvation is for all mankind in the messiah. No exception. That's the one thing in scripture that cannot be debated.

I know I go at you sometimes and you go at me cause we're passionate in what we believe in... But if we truly are united in our belief in Jesus, let's just keep it at that. We're all gonna get the thorough, unadulterated backstory eventually.
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Jun 4, 2012
Bruh, you've been right about alotta things in the past, but also wrong on others.

This is one of those times you're dead wrong.

A simple look at an ancient map tells us many things.


I don't think I need to mention the concept of invasions, intermixing, migration, and so forth.

Fwiw, Arabs, just like Jews, are a mixed people. And they came from Shem, not Japheth :snoop:

But if you'd like to debate, we can. You'd be surprised how well versed I am in science, history and archaeology.

I'ma open your eyes and show you the world wasn't just black and white in antiquity.
Idk how accurate your thomas nelson map is.... but regardless, I'm not saying the world was black and white - you are. You were basically saying a group of people are white that aren't white.

Sure arabs are mixed, but are also mainly western asia and northern afirca. Japheth people are arab - so it's misleading for you to refer to them as White. How are you referring to any people that descended from Noah as White? That's some ol' I believe in every supernatural story but not in science BS. lol, Next thing you know you're gonna say that the statues of ancient persian soldiers didn't have some very dark people. Even many of the people in Elam were black. Look at the statues on the walls and structures -- if you're a black American then those people look like you.

The Original Ashken was 2 generations after noah and were not a white people.... but were the same as Madai (which is on your map) - A Japhetite descendant group. "God shall enlarge Japheth" comes from Genesis 9:27 - The reason people started to claim the group as CAC and the reason it's even known as that (and certain maps and history was created) is so that African's and Asians could be oppressed and have that oppression justified by the Bible. Japhetite was used to describe ancient white people since the middle ages up until the 20th century.. but that shyt has been thrown out the window because it's a backwards and false way of thinking. You're trying to say that the people above the Persian gulf and even people in ancient turkey and iran etc were probably white. I wouldn't just say a Persian person is white. I guess you could say that if you mean as in not black.

You have a map posted that shows an Arab area called Ashkenaz. Modern Ashkenazi Jews are European, recent DNA studies show that these people have no roots in Africa or the Mid east - but are recent converts. Nearly all the original jews were black and arab.

And fyi, I've seen your map before. I even have a religious degree from Liberty.... That doesn't mean I buy into that BS. They feed into old ideas about things. Arabs didn't ONLY come from Shem, Jews didn't only come from Shem. Japheth weren't all cac and Japheth people eventually migrated to populate Europe but originated as a mix of the people who occupied southwest asia in ancient times. One man didn't populate the earth. One man didn't have sons that slit off to create the racial classifications of the world. Noah clearly was AFrican.


Jun 28, 2013
Idk how accurate your thomas nelson map is.... but regardless, I'm not saying the world was black and white - you are. You were basically saying a group of people are white that aren't white.

Sure arabs are mixed, but are also mainly western asia and northern afirca. Japheth people are arab - so it's misleading for you to refer to them as White. How are you referring to any people that descended from Noah as White? That's some ol' I believe in every supernatural story but not in science BS. lol, Next thing you know you're gonna say that the statues of ancient persian soldiers didn't have some very dark people. Even many of the people in Elam were black. Look at the statues on the walls and structures -- if you're a black American then those people look like you.

The Original Ashken was 2 generations after noah and were not a white people.... but were the same as Madai (which is on your map) - A Japhetite descendant group. "God shall enlarge Japheth" comes from Genesis 9:27 - The reason people started to claim the group as CAC and the reason it's even known as that (and certain maps and history was created) is so that African's and Asians could be oppressed and have that oppression justified by the Bible. Japhetite was used to describe ancient white people since the middle ages up until the 20th century.. but that shyt has been thrown out the window because it's a backwards and false way of thinking. You're trying to say that the people above the Persian gulf and even people in ancient turkey and iran etc were probably white. I wouldn't just say a Persian person is white. I guess you could say that if you mean as in not black.

You have a map posted that shows an Arab area called Ashkenaz. Modern Ashkenazi Jews are European, recent DNA studies show that these people have no roots in Africa or the Mid east - but are recent converts. Nearly all the original jews were black and arab.

And fyi, I've seen your map before. I even have a religious degree from Liberty.... That doesn't mean I buy into that BS. They feed into old ideas about things. Arabs didn't ONLY come from Shem, Jews didn't only come from Shem. Japheth weren't all cac and Japheth people eventually migrated to populate Europe but originated as a mix of the people who occupied southwest asia in ancient times. One man didn't populate the earth. One man didn't have sons that slit off to create the racial classifications of the world. Noah clearly was AFrican.

:dahell::dahell::dahell::dahell:you seriously cannot be this ignorant bro

Japhetites are Japhetites.

Arabs are Shemites.

I'm surprised that you being a "Muslim" are oblivious to that fact. The Koran virtually repeats the same thing. Ishmael fathered 12 princes. From there came the Arab people. Ishmael was the son of Abraham with Hagar. Abraham descended from the line of Shem.

And someone musta forgot to tell you that the Elamites, who were the byproduct of Cushyte and Shemite intermixing, became the ruling class in Persia (Which they migrated to). Hence the black empire of Persia. :snoop::snoop::snoop:

But you seem to think people settled in one area and didn't move from there

Log off for 10 hours b. Use that time to study up on history, please. Cause that degree from Liberty is doing you no justice.


Jun 4, 2012
:dahell::dahell::dahell::dahell:you seriously cannot be this ignorant bro

Japhetites are Japhetites.

Arabs are Shemites.

I'm surprised that you being a "Muslim" are oblivious to that fact. The Koran virtually repeats the same thing. Ishmael fathered 12 princes. From there came the Arab people. Ishmael was the son of Abraham with Hagar. Abraham descended from the line of Shem.

And someone musta forgot to tell you that the Elamites, who were the byproduct of Cushyte and Shemite intermixing, became the ruling class in Persia (Which they migrated to). Hence the black empire of Persia. :snoop::snoop::snoop:

But you seem to think people settled in one area and didn't move from there

Log off for 10 hours b. Use that time to study up on history, please. Cause that degree from Liberty is doing you no justice.
I fully agree abou the Elamites... and Shem... and how man kids Ishmael fathered.

But I don't agree that Japetites were the white group.... that isn't based on anything but psudo philosophy.


Jun 28, 2013
Talking about the bible was used as an oppresive tool. No kidding. It was used by men who took it outta context.

But let's not get started on the Koran bro. How Arab Muslims guided by it's instructions swept through North Africa and basically forced the people to convert, while relegating them to 2nd and 3rd class citizens in their own land. Which ironically is still going on today out there.

In fact, let's not mention this event either


Jun 28, 2013
I fully agree abou the Elamites... and Shem... and how man kids Ishmael fathered.

But I don't agree that Japetites were the white group.... that isn't based on anything but psudo philosophy.

The irony.

You obviously don't know that Javan is the literal definition of Greece in hebrew.

Seriously bruh.

Czar said:
Log off for 10 hours b. Use that time to study up on history, please. Cause that degree from Liberty is doing you no justice

I'm not even tryna be mean. It's just that you don't know when to toss up the white flag when you're wrong.
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