Hebrew Israelite videos

May 15, 2012
I've heard something similar to that, but the Bible goes back to 'In The Beginning...', so there shouldn't have been a civilization before that. People only look at when the Bible was compiled as one single compilation of writings, as opposed looking at the whole thing cohesively. I think Genesis and everything after that was given to Moses when he received the Commandments. So are you an Egyptologist?

I just try to learn as much as my I can
like I try to tell people there is no right a wrong because black people always came from different cultures
its a fact the hebrews were black, and I don't fault anybody for wanting to identify with that, also the argument that the black americans
are the hebrews is a strong one, and makes sense
some africans even say this

but african in itself is not a race or anything, its just another name the white man made up
the greek root word Afrik means to divide, which is what they did when the moved into Africa to conquer

If the muslims, hebrews, and the kemetians all realize we are the same people only separated by culture and beliefs, and unify
the things would be for the better. But everybody acts like there gonna only be one way one system of belief
when The Moors, the Hebrews, Kemet all this has real history


Jun 12, 2013
I just try to learn as much as my I can
like I try to tell people there is no right a wrong because black people always came from different cultures
its a fact the hebrews were black, and I don't fault anybody for wanting to identify with that, also the argument that the black americans
are the hebrews is a strong one, and makes sense
some africans even say this

but african in itself is not a race or anything, its just another name the white man made up
the greek root word Afrik means to divide, which is what they did when the moved into Africa to conquer

If the muslims, hebrews, and the kemetians all realize we are the same people only separated by culture and beliefs, and unify
the things would be for the better. But everybody acts like there gonna only be one way one system of belief
when The Moors, the Hebrews, Kemet all this has real history

I feel you on that...one thing most people across the world agree on is that the white man is the cause of the world's problems.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
my main problem with the hebrews is there no record of hebrews ever being slaves in Egypt
however there are records the hebrews were used as mercenaries by the Egyptians because they were nomadic warrior tribe
the bible mentions the hebrews building the city of Ramses, but the city was renamed that it by the Pharaoh it was already built before
and of course the last pyramid built predates the bible and they singular thought of Religion

:usure: skip to 4 min mark

What? That's not true. And even if it was it wouldn't matter, because the only ones who believe the Israelites were black are brainwashed black people.

You've been hit over the head with facts all throughout this thread and you can't do anything about it besides babble about "the word," and throw around incendiary terms like "cacs" and "cacology." I'm sorry but that just wont do.

The Israelites were an actual historical people, we don't need to reference to Bible to learn about them. All we have to do is reference history to understand who they were. Mesopotamians were not black. Sumerians were not black. Israelites were not black. Deal with it.

the bible never mentions the color of any of the sons of Noah. The fact of the matter is...Japheth, Shem, and Ham were ALL black...just like Noah was. So if you believe all races came from these folks...you must admit that the original man was black as well. If you don't believe this...why are you in this thread in the first place? If you don't believe the bible you can't speak on its contents. You have nothing to add in this thread but your self hate of not wanting to be a black person.
:camby: that goes for Emoney as well.

Japheth is the father of the Gentiles, while Ham and Shem stayed black for the most part...they stayed with each other and mixed with each other. Later in the years...they mixed with Japheth's descendants which God has a huge problem with based on scripture. Because of all the mixing...this is why Jesus was sent to save us and why Paul had to preach to Gentiles. The Gentiles were placed on this earth for a purpose (for those that don't seek his word) they must fulfill a time of reign & that's when & why Jesus comes back. :banderas:
May 15, 2012
:usure: skip to 4 min mark

this is just theory with no proof
once again anybody not addressing ancient egypt as Kemet I will not listen to

once again the city of Ramses was RENAMED when Ramses the II became pharaoh
so how could the hebrews build it under his command

The Hebrews were in Kemet, they were mercenaries there's proof of that

also the bible never mentions who was the pharaoh during the exodus, people assume it was ramses because of the name of the city

I'm logical person thats how deduce things
from what i gather the Hebrews were nomadic tribe of people with no homeland
and who known to be fierce warriors during ancient times

if the Kingdom of Israel was this great civilization the way the bible depicts
where is the great cities built by Uzziah King of Judah, Kemet shyt is still standing
why did the honkeys have to get a land carved out for them to claim in the middle of somebody elses country

also I would like to add the cracker in that video, talking about EL
that doesn't come from anything Semetic, EL always meant god
and Elohim is the Plural
You will all notice the Moors have names like El Bey,
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Jun 28, 2013
the bible never mentions the color of any of the sons of Noah. The fact of the matter is...Japheth, Shem, and Ham were ALL black ...just like Noah was.

:dahell: You started off by saying it doesn't mention their color... then proceed to completely contradict yourself right after that :dead:

Yet Adam's is certainly put out there, since the word Adom (Red) derives from his name. the word Dam, which means blood, also derives from his name.


Biblically speaking, Adam and Eve being red was necessary towards creating two separate people later on thru Noah. Seeing as how their skintone (Reddish brown) was in between Black and White.

Which is why I find it hilarious watching race based cults like the BHI and Christian Identity/British Israelism fight over the color the OG Hebrews.

The biggest irony is, everyone is actually related to one another, seeing as we all came from the same root.

So if you believe all races came from these folks...you must admit that the original man was black as well. If you don't believe this...why are you in this thread in the first place? If you don't believe the bible you can't speak on its contents. You have nothing to add in this thread but your self hate of not wanting to be a black person.
:camby: that goes for Emoney as well.

Biblically speaking, the original man wasn't black though.

That theory has been thoroughly debunked in this thread.

Japheth is the father of the Gentiles, while Ham and Shem stayed black for the most part...they stayed with each other and mixed with each other. Later in the years...they mixed with Japheth's descendants which God has a huge problem with based on scripture. Because of all the mixing...this is why Jesus was sent to save us and why Paul had to preach to Gentiles. The Gentiles were placed on this earth for a purpose (for those that don't seek his word) they must fulfill a time of reign & that's when & why Jesus comes back. :banderas:

Lol really? is that why he had a problem with paul choosing Timothy as a disciple? the product of a Hebrew mother and Greek father? Acts 16:1-3

Not to mention Acts 17:16-30 makes it pretty clear what God's intention was all along.

Yeshua's ministry was to the Hebrews, but his sacrifice was done for ALL people's sins in order to unite Hebrew and Gentile as one people in his name. Jews are not saved by their bloodline.

Romans 9:6-8, Galatians 3:28

Plus you have failed to explain why Sephardic & Ashkenazi Jews aren't black?

Before you attempt to discredit the Ashkenazi jews by using The 13th Tribe.

It should be noted that the author (Arthur Koestler) thought he would actually eliminate antisemitism by writing the book.


'Koestler biographer Michael Scammell writes that Koestler told French biologist Pierre Debray-Ritzen he "was convinced that if he could prove that the bulk of Eastern European Jews (the ancestors of today's Ashkenazim) were descended from the Khazars, the racial basis for anti-Semitism would be removed and anti-Semitism itself could disappear". According to George Urban, Koestler's desire to connect Ashkenazi Jews with Khazars was "based on a tacit belief that the intellectual brilliance of and international influence of Hungarians and Jews, especially Hungarian Jews or Jewish-Hungarians, was due to some unexplained but clearly ancient affinity between the two peoples".'

'Koestler's book was praised by the neo-Nazi magazine The Thunderbolt as "the political bombshell of the century", and it was enthusiastically supported by followers of the Christian Identity movement. According to Jeffery Kaplan, The Thirteenth Tribe was "Identity's primary source for the Khazar theory"; they felt Koestler's book confirmed their own beliefs regarding Jews, and sold it "through their mail order services". Goldstein writes that "... Koestler and the Khazar theory he advanced lives on in the fever swamps of the white nationalist movement".Michael Barkun writes that Koestler was apparently "either unaware of or oblivious to the use anti-Semites had made of the Khazar theory since its introduction at the turn of the century."'

^You can add cults like the BHI to that list.


^This is the same author who committed suicide.
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Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
:dahell: You started off by saying it doesn't mention their color... then proceed to completely contradict yourself right after that :dead:

Because the bible assumes that you KNOW they are black & since you don't recognize that I had to point it out.

Seeing as how their skintone (Reddish brown) was in between Black and White.

Atleast you've admitted that the folks skin color was that of people of color...you are coming around :myman:

Biblically speaking, the original man wasn't black though.

That theory has been thoroughly debunked in this thread.

False & sadly you haven't and you never will :smugfavre:

Yeshua's ministry was to the Hebrews, but his sacrifice was done for ALL people's sins in order to unite Hebrew and Gentile as one people in his name. Jews are not saved by their bloodline.

of course but there is a reason Jesus had to do this. All of this is in the bible, amazingly you have overlooked it. Cacology will MAKE you do that though.

Plus you have failed to explain why Sephardic & Ashkenazi Jews aren't black?

there is no need to explain...this is all done in the word as well. Its plain as day who Ashkenazi is as for the Sephardic I already pointed out that they were the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus's time...who they're father is...I think we know. Now when this is pointed out to you take a deep breath & thank God for opening your eyes.

Before you attempt to discredit the Ashkenazi jews by using The 13th Tribe.

I don't have to 'attempt' to discredit these folks. The Scripture points out who these people are plain as day.
It's all in scripture...

:shaq: that word of truth is coming...
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Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Lol I've been dropping DNA tests in here as well.

Science definitely serves a purpose from time to time. :tu:

without a doubt science has its place in the Word of God exposing the truth


Jun 28, 2013
Because the bible assumes that you KNOW they are black & since you don't recognize that I had to point it out.

What you said.

Because I like to misinterpret/take bible verses out of context & create baseless assumptions outta them, I expect you to do the same

What it actually means, lol.

Atleast you've admitted that the folks skin color was that of people of color...you are coming around :myman:

Lol when have I ever said they weren't people of color?

I'm telling you the OG hebrews were reddish brown, not black. :takedat:

They became black, white, olive, yellow and all other shades later on thru intermixing.

False & sadly you haven't

Prove me wrong using facts. Cause I feel like jobcorp in here with all this work y'all getting. :troll:

of course but there is a reason Jesus had to do this. All of this is in the bible, amazingly you have overlooked it. Cacology will MAKE you do that though.

Yet I'm the one introducing you to verses you had no idea existed lol.

Brotherman, if you have issues with any race, including white people, you sure aren't gonna enjoy spending an eternity with them.

Ironically, you're gonna have to spend it with them regardless of where you go. Things to make you go hmm.

there is no need to explain...this is all done in the word as well. Its plain as day who Ashkenazi is as for the Sephardic I already pointed out that they were the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus's time...who they're father is...I think we know. Now when this is pointed out to you take a deep breath & thank God for opening your eyes.

I'm well aware of who they are. Talmud, Rabbinical/Pharisaic teachings. All that is clear to me.

I'm simply trying to get this notion of race outta your head. Especially since DNA tests link Jews of all races & colors together. From the Lemba to the Ashkenazi to the Sephardic.

But at the end of the day salvation comes from Yeshua, not skintone, lineage or race.

:shaq: that word of truth is coming...

Titus 3:9
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Nov 12, 2012
The Forest Where Hope Died
Observe and others have brought this up before, and I look at it like this. The Bible IS the record of Israelites being in Egypt, but I know many people won't/don't accept that. But let's think about this, if a nation had slaves working for them, why would they specifically need to put in their records who the slaves are. They are obviously viewed as being inferior somehow (hence them being slaves), so why would they need to add a title to who they exactly are? Israel is right above Egypt, so it would make sense that Egypt enslaving them would be highly possible. Also, we all know the story of God bringing plagues and destroying most of the Egyptian Army in the Red Sea, so why would Egypt want something as embarrassing as that in their records also? Plus, just because records are not known/having been discovered yet, doesn't mean they don't exist.

A mass exodus of people who surely have been documented, also the army being swallowed up by the red sea would've been documented as well
because it would have been an awe inspiring event. There's absolute nothing showing that there was slavery in Egypt
also why would the use the hebrews for slaves when they could use them to fight their enemies

Also Moses is a hebrew name, why would an Egyptian Prince have a hebrew name
the reason why is because even to this date nobody knows how to pronounce the true names
you have translations and i guesses, because they didn't use vowels in their language

The story of Moses is actually Thutmose, who was a priest in lower egypt
and lead a rebellion against northern egypt and eventually became a pharaoh
you can google him

That whole story is bull shyt..Moses doing magic, bringing plagues, the Red Sea parting..you can't be serious breh..that's just fairy tales..

However Finkelstein states in the same book, that at the time proposed by most scientist for the Exodus Egypt was at the peak of its glory, with a series of fortresses guarding the borders and checkpoints watching the roads to Canaan. That means an exodus of the scale described in the Torah would have been impossible.[91]


Jun 28, 2013
till I meet some elders who been to kemet, studied under Dr. York

No disrespect, but that's all I needed to see to know your info isn't reputable.

For those who don't know who Malachi z York is.


He started this cult


And was convicted of touching on little girls and impregnating them over the course of 30 years lol. He's currently serving 135 yrs in prison.

Dude also had mental problems.

First he claimed he was a sudanese muslim, then a nubian moor, then a hebrew israelite lol, then a egyptian, Then a olmec, Then a cherokee indian... he even claimed he was an alien lol.

Son is the real life version of HebrewAllahTripleDarkness
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May 15, 2012
No disrespect, but that's all I needed to see to know your info isn't reputable.

For those who don't know who Malachi z York is.


He started this cult


And was convicted of touching on little girls and impregnating them over the course of 30 years lol. He's currently serving 135 yrs in prison.

Dude also had mental problems.

First he claimed he was a sudanese muslim, then a nubian moor, then a hebrew israelite lol, then a egyptian, Then a olmeic, Then a cherokee indian... he even claimed he was an alien lol.

Son is pretty much just like that tripledarknessallah guy

Nothing i said in this thread came from doctor york but from history thats public information

The fact you using wikipedia something that can be edited by anyone as a source of fact is all I need to know about you
Dr. York is in a maximum security prison in Colorado on 25 hour lock down in solitary confinement, all this for a pedophile

If read any of Dr. York's books you know why he claimed all those things, he was searching for the truth
he was 33rd degree Mason as well, he studied the Moorish Sciences, the Bible, thats why he can talk so much about them
if you never passed through those schools you wouldn't have any information, so the fact he actually studied the shyt he talks about
makes him very informed.

Also Dr. York's info is book is not fiction, is factual information they can be fact checked and research if you take the time to do it, I'd say he had a great talent for gathering information
and delivering it in a easy to follow package
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