the bible never mentions the color of any of the sons of Noah. The fact of the matter is...Japheth, Shem, and Ham were ALL black ...just like Noah was.

You started off by saying it doesn't mention their color... then proceed to completely contradict yourself right after that
Yet Adam's is certainly put out there, since the word Adom (Red) derives from his name. the word Dam, which means blood, also derives from his name.
Biblically speaking, Adam and Eve being red was necessary towards creating two separate people later on thru Noah. Seeing as how their skintone (Reddish brown) was in between Black and White.
Which is why I find it hilarious watching race based cults like the BHI and Christian Identity/British Israelism fight over the color the OG Hebrews.
The biggest irony is, everyone is actually related to one another, seeing as we all came from the same root.
So if you believe all races came from these must admit that the original man was black as well. If you don't believe this...why are you in this thread in the first place? If you don't believe the bible you can't speak on its contents. You have nothing to add in this thread but your self hate of not wanting to be a black person.

that goes for Emoney as well.
Biblically speaking, the original man wasn't black though.
That theory has been thoroughly debunked in this thread.
Japheth is the father of the Gentiles, while Ham and Shem stayed black for the most part...they stayed with each other and mixed with each other. Later in the years...they mixed with Japheth's descendants which God has a huge problem with based on scripture. Because of all the mixing...this is why Jesus was sent to save us and why Paul had to preach to Gentiles. The Gentiles were placed on this earth for a purpose (for those that don't seek his word) they must fulfill a time of reign & that's when & why Jesus comes back.
Lol really? is that why he had a problem with paul choosing Timothy as a disciple? the product of a Hebrew mother and Greek father? Acts 16:1-3
Not to mention Acts 17:16-30 makes it pretty clear what God's intention was all along.
Yeshua's ministry was to the Hebrews, but his sacrifice was done for ALL people's sins in order to unite Hebrew and Gentile as one people in his name. Jews are not saved by their bloodline.
Romans 9:6-8, Galatians 3:28
Plus you have failed to explain why Sephardic & Ashkenazi Jews aren't black?
Before you attempt to discredit the Ashkenazi jews by using The 13th Tribe.
It should be noted that the author (Arthur Koestler) thought he would actually eliminate antisemitism by writing the book.
'Koestler biographer Michael Scammell writes that Koestler told French biologist Pierre Debray-Ritzen he "was convinced that if he could prove that the bulk of Eastern European Jews (the ancestors of today's Ashkenazim) were descended from the Khazars, the racial basis for anti-Semitism would be removed and anti-Semitism itself could disappear". According to George Urban, Koestler's desire to connect Ashkenazi Jews with Khazars was "based on a tacit belief that the intellectual brilliance of and international influence of Hungarians and Jews, especially Hungarian Jews or Jewish-Hungarians, was due to some unexplained but clearly ancient affinity between the two peoples".'
'Koestler's book was praised by the neo-Nazi magazine The Thunderbolt as "the political bombshell of the century", and it was enthusiastically supported by followers of the Christian Identity movement. According to Jeffery Kaplan, The Thirteenth Tribe was "Identity's primary source for the Khazar theory"; they felt Koestler's book confirmed their own beliefs regarding Jews, and sold it "through their mail order services". Goldstein writes that "... Koestler and the Khazar theory he advanced lives on in the fever swamps of the white nationalist movement".Michael Barkun writes that Koestler was apparently "either unaware of or oblivious to the use anti-Semites had made of the Khazar theory since its introduction at the turn of the century."'
^You can add cults like the BHI to that list.
^This is the same author who committed suicide.