Hebrew Israelite videos


Jun 12, 2013
my main problem with the hebrews is there no record of hebrews ever being slaves in Egypt
however there are records the hebrews were used as mercenaries by the Egyptians because they were nomadic warrior tribe
the bible mentions the hebrews building the city of Ramses, but the city was renamed that it by the Pharaoh it was already built before
and of course the last pyramid built predates the bible and they singular thought of Religion

Observe and others have brought this up before, and I look at it like this. The Bible IS the record of Israelites being in Egypt, but I know many people won't/don't accept that. But let's think about this, if a nation had slaves working for them, why would they specifically need to put in their records who the slaves are. They are obviously viewed as being inferior somehow (hence them being slaves), so why would they need to add a title to who they exactly are? Israel is right above Egypt, so it would make sense that Egypt enslaving them would be highly possible. Also, we all know the story of God bringing plagues and destroying most of the Egyptian Army in the Red Sea, so why would Egypt want something as embarrassing as that in their records also? Plus, just because records are not known/having been discovered yet, doesn't mean they don't exist.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
the truth never has to work this hard to be made fact. It just is...you'rve put in mad time trying to take the 'black' out of everything regarding jew or Hebrew no matter what the bible states. when I see folks doing that I know they are nothing but liars and twisters of the word. those Khazar folk are nothing more tha
They sure didn't all look like Wesley Snipes back then like you're implying.

Those portraits weren't my trump card at all. But they also can't be ignored. I coulda easily have gone straight to the DNA tests and shut you up. But I wanted to present a different argument concerning Egypt, since all your so-called proof involves comparing Jews to Hamites.

Notice how you have nothing to clearly prove Israel was a black nation? We don't need to compare the Ancient Kemets to Ethiopians to know they were orginally black.

Also some more points to consider.

1. Wasn't one of the prophecies of deuteronomy that the Jews would take on the customs of the places they would go to?

Seeing as many were taken as slaves into Egypt during Greek rule.

In Josephus' history, it is claimed that, after the first Ptolemy took Judea, he led some 120,000 Jewish captives to Egypt from the areas of Judea, Jerusalem, Samaria, and Mount Gerizim.

Almost all of them stopped speaking hebrew. Some even took up the practices of the Greeks. I'm sure you've read about the maccabean revolt due to that?


2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fayum_mummy_portraits#Subjects_and_social_context_of_the_paintings
By the Roman period, much of the "Greek" population of Faiyum was made-up of either Hellenized Egyptians or people of mixed Egyptian-Greek origins.


Regardless, my points are strong and actually backed up by fact.

Whether or not those people were Jews doesn't take away from the fact that the overall makeup of Egypt at the time was pretty much like those portraits.

n white folks who turned to Judaism...Gentiles. They even admit this themselves.

Even the Arabs don't believe those folks are jews...because they aren't....that's the great deception that the word speaks of. They have deceived the entire world and you. Got you fighting hard for your cac people...it won't work. We know the truth & nothing can change what we've read for ourselves. The Word is there to read. I've given you scripture that you either accept or not & you chose not to accept it but turn & twist it into stuff that makes no sense.

You have decided to believe the 'facts' of cacs. I know better...their track record is befriend, get close, lie, shake hands and then steal & claim ownership. This is exactly what happened once the Romans arrived in Jerusalem, The coast of America, South Africa and still to this very day. That's their track record. We see through the trickery and mirrors.
Observe and others have brought this up before, and I look at it like this. The Bible IS the record of Israelites being in Egypt, but I know many people won't/don't accept that. But let's think about this, if a nation had slaves working for them, why would they specifically need to put in their records who the slaves are. They are obviously viewed as being inferior somehow (hence them being slaves), so why would they need to add a title to who they exactly are? Israel is right above Egypt, so it would make sense that Egypt enslaving them would be highly possible. Also, we all know the story of God bringing plagues and destroying most of the Egyptian Army in the Red Sea, so why would Egypt want something as embarrassing as that in their records also? Plus, just because records are not known/having been discovered yet, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Exactly bruh. Dude automatically dismisses any notions that the Chosen People were black by citing anybody who states this or shows evidence has an agenda. :aicmon: Nevermind the fact that whites have a track record of concealing and whitewashing history (white Jesus, Egyptians being white) but he thinks their word is golden. Ole Stockholm syndrome having ass nikka :mjpls: Dude prolly got touched inappropriately by one of those BHI like them catholic priest which would explain a lot. This c00n will pull out all kinds of links maps and vien diagrams and but completely overlooks the Hierogyphics that actually depict what the Hebrews looked like, black people of varying shades with traditional black hair styles. Dont get me started on the link he tried to pass off as what the Alexandrian Jews looked like. His own link said that most of those pictures depicted were of those of Greek and Roman origin lol. On top of that, homie will take his own interpretation of scripture and spin it to align with own agenda. I bet Jesus having feet like burnt brass means his allegorical feet right?:pachaha: Fact of the matter is its not only black people who say the Hebrews are black. Many of the so called Jews of today have gone on record and admitted the OG Hebrews were black, but i guess they have an agenda too:comeon:. shyt they have the most to lose so why would they say that if it wasnt the truth. Dude needs to light a :smoker: and jam this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Z4QXJjXMAFU
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Jun 12, 2013
Exactly bruh. Dude automatically demises any notions that the Chosen People were black by citing anybody who states this or shows evidence has an agenda. :aicmon: Nevermind the fact that whites have a track record of concealing and whitewashing history (white Jesus, Egyptians being white) but he thinks there word is golden. Ole Stockholm syndrome having ass nikka :mjpls: Dude prolly got touched inappropriately by one of those BHI like them catholic priest which would explain a lot. This c00n will pull out all kinds of maps vien diagrams and links but completely overlooks the Hierogyphics that actually depict what the Hebrews looked like, black people of varying shades with traditional black hair styles. On top of that, homie will take his own interpretation of scripture and spin it to align with own agenda. I bet Jesus having feet like burnt brass means his allegorical feet right?:pachaha: Fact of the matter is its not only black people who say the Hebrews are black. Many of the so called Jews of today have gone on record and admitted the OG Hebrews were black, but i guess they have an agenda too:comeon:. shyt they have the most to lose so why would they say that if it wasnt the truth. Dude needs to light a :smoker: and jam this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Z4QXJjXMAFU

There was a video on Youtube where this dude pulls out a book specifically regarding the so called Jews who currently live in Israel. Everyone in this book was white, but on the first page, it was an ancient drawing of Hebrews in Egypt and they were ALL BLACK.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
There was a video on Youtube where this dude pulls out a book specifically regarding the so called Jews who currently live in Israel. Everyone in this book was white, but on the first page, it was an ancient drawing of Hebrews in Egypt and they were ALL BLACK.

Post that joint if you can find it


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
What? That's not true. And even if it was it wouldn't matter, because the only ones who believe the Israelites were black are brainwashed black people.

You've been hit over the head with facts all throughout this thread and you can't do anything about it besides babble about "the word," and throw around incendiary terms like "cacs" and "cacology." I'm sorry but that just wont do.

The Israelites were an actual historical people, we don't need to reference to Bible to learn about them. All we have to do is reference history to understand who they were. Mesopotamians were not black. Sumerians were not black. Israelites were not black. Deal with it.

Only brainwashed black people believe the Israelites were black huh? :usure:


*I couldnt embed these somebody help a brother out*
I just posted a few but these (plenty more were that came from) and many other so called jews and white people think the Hebrews were black. Deal with it. How does that humble pie taste?
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May 15, 2012
Observe and others have brought this up before, and I look at it like this. The Bible IS the record of Israelites being in Egypt, but I know many people won't/don't accept that. But let's think about this, if a nation had slaves working for them, why would they specifically need to put in their records who the slaves are. They are obviously viewed as being inferior somehow (hence them being slaves), so why would they need to add a title to who they exactly are? Israel is right above Egypt, so it would make sense that Egypt enslaving them would be highly possible. Also, we all know the story of God bringing plagues and destroying most of the Egyptian Army in the Red Sea, so why would Egypt want something as embarrassing as that in their records also? Plus, just because records are not known/having been discovered yet, doesn't mean they don't exist.

A mass exodus of people who surely have been documented, also the army being swallowed up by the red sea would've been documented as well
because it would have been an awe inspiring event. There's absolute nothing showing that there was slavery in Egypt
also why would the use the hebrews for slaves when they could use them to fight their enemies

Also Moses is a hebrew name, why would an Egyptian Prince have a hebrew name
the reason why is because even to this date nobody knows how to pronounce the true names
you have translations and i guesses, because they didn't use vowels in their language

The story of Moses is actually Thutmose, who was a priest in lower egypt
and lead a rebellion against northern egypt and eventually became a pharaoh
you can google him


Jun 12, 2013
A mass exodus of people who surely have been documented, also the army being swallowed up by the red sea would've been documented as well
because it would have been an awe inspiring event. There's absolute nothing showing that there was slavery in Egypt
also why would the use the hebrews for slaves when they could use them to fight their enemies

You can give reasons why it should be documented, and I could give reasons why it wouldn't be documented. Either way, lack of documentation doesn't prove it one way or the other. For the second part of your statement, I wouldn't use someone I had in bondage to fight my enemies, because I would think there is a high propability that they would join my enemy and fight me.
May 15, 2012
You can give reasons why it should be documented, and I could give reasons why it wouldn't be documented. Either way, lack of documentation doesn't prove it one way or the other. For the second part of your statement, I wouldn't use someone I had in bondage to fight my enemies, because I would think there is a high propability that they would join my enemy and fight me.

I studied this when I almost became a hebrew israelite, till I meet some elders who been to kemet, studied under Dr. York, and few others
The ten Commandments are ripped directly from The Negative Confessions of Egypt, which are 32 in total ten or which are the very commandments
that are in the bible.
Also its has been said only 7 books of bible are the true words


Jun 12, 2013
I studied this when I almost became a hebrew israelite, till I meet some elders who been to kemet, studied under Dr. York, and few others
The ten Commandments are ripped directly from The Negative Confessions of Egypt, which are 32 in total ten or which are the very commandments
that are in the bible.
Also its has been said only 7 books of bible are the true words

I've heard something similar to that, but the Bible goes back to 'In The Beginning...', so there shouldn't have been a civilization before that. People only look at when the Bible was compiled as one single compilation of writings, as opposed looking at the whole thing cohesively. I think Genesis and everything after that was given to Moses when he received the Commandments. So are you an Egyptologist?