Hebrew Israelite videos


Jun 28, 2013
And you proved something King c00n?? :usure: Instead you going extra hard for those with the fairer skin tones. stay tuned im about to address those last 2 dissertations tried to come at me with

I proved you don't know what you're talking about. :umad:

But keep googling angelfire pages with quotes from books you've never read in your life and I'll keep debunking them with facts.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
And I debunked those faulty claims over and over again. Y'all are just so stuck in your way of thinking that it's like :deadhorse:.

Not only could y'all NOT refute/debunk anything I said, y'all started to get desperate and back step on things y'all said earlier.

You even used a picture of mixed greek without even knowing it, trying your hardest to prove a shakey point.

All you've really done in this thread is prove the following

1. Your ignorance of history, migration and intermixing.

2. Your terrible exgesis of scripture and it's ancient languages.

3. Your issue with reading comprehension.

4. How little you actually research and fact check the stuff you post.

5. Your inability to take a L and K.I.M

Calling facts "eurocentric" cause they doesn't agree with your personal opinion shows a complete lack of critical thinking on your part.

But you're right about one thing, the word IS binding.

Which is why your misinterpretation of it doesn't have legs to stand on. Scripture contradicts you.

Like Lamentations 4:7-9 for example, which is giving a poetic depiction of their past glory and present (at that time) suffering.

Now their visage is blacker than soot

But if we use your erroneous logic, they started off as white people, became red, then blue, then black. lol


You can't debunk the bible...sorry :manny:

it hurts you on the inside but God loves you too...come to know him


Jun 28, 2013

Black porn fell off because the majority of Black women in porn aren't attractive. Let's call a spade a spade. If you're like me, I don't like seeing a 'porn star' (like Pinky) perform. I like to see a fresh bytch do porn, that maybe only has 1 or 2 scenes her whole life. Back in the early 2000's and the 90's, the Black Street Hookers series and Jake Steeda's Freaks Whoes and Flows provided bad ass Black women, and you wouldn't see them anywhere else. They were just women who did a porn scene, not 'porn stars'.
:russ::russ:Got em

1 Corinthians 6:18

Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.

Matthew 5:28

But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites

2 Peter 2:1-10

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. 4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darknessto be held for judgment; 5 if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; 6 if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7 and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless 8 (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— 9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.

2 Peter 2:17-22

17 These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.”20 If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.21 It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them.22 Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”

Galatians 5:16-17

16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.

Skip to 15:00. Lol. I got stories just like this about the BHI too. Straight up hyprocrites b.


Jun 12, 2013
And you quoting that means nothing. For that to undermine my reputation, I would have had to say that I was perfect and i'm without sin, which obviously isn't possible. Keep trying though, maybe one day you'll get a credible argument together.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
I'm not debunking the bible. I'm debunking your misinterpretation of it. :jawalrus:

no, you are twisting and manipulating the word when its clear to understand what it means. I don't have to do such things. I don't have to add explanations of why this doesn't mean this, and why this means this here and not this on another scripture. that's the wizardry of cacology... their track record speaks for itself.

The word is what it is. It Stands on its own and it shall continue to eat away at you....even in your sleep, it will haunt you...and scold your mind. You won't have any peace because that word is beating you over the head

That's the conviction of your heart that keeps making you post here. You can't and won't win against the Word of God. It has and will stand the test of time.

Jesus still loves you though, humble yourself and come to him :blessed:


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
I never said there weren't black Jews. I said Israel (Kingdom, 12 tribes) was NOT a black nation.

There is a huge difference between black communities (such as Igbo, Lemba & Beta Israel) and black nations.

Let's look at some facts.

Had to trim some fat but i responded to all your "facts"

1. The claim that one million jews fled into Africa during the siege of 70 AD originated in From Bablyon to Timbutktu, which has alot of historical inaccuracies (Book was written in 1969). He also grossly underestimated the prospect of intermixing. He calls anyone even remotely affiliated with being a Jew, black. Even people who clearly weren't black lol.
1. Just as you Overestimate the prospect of intermixing. You hang your hat on the pictures of the so called Alexandrian Jews like all Hebrews looked like that. Intermixing happened but all Jews didnt approve of it, example Aaron and Miriam not approving of Moses marrying a none Hebrew. Its in scripture bruh.

2. Beta Israel (Along with the now defunct Solomonic Dynasty) claimed to be the descendants of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. They've never claimed to be the biproduct of any Jerusalem refugee fleeing into their country.
2.:usure:Wrong, thumb a little harder through your self hating almanac. The Solomonic Dynasty claimed that but the Companions of Menelik from Jerusalem expressed their wish to be regarded not necessarily as descendants of king Solomon, but as contemporaries of Solomon and Menelik, originating from the kingdom of Israel.

Then there are those of them who believe the forefathers of the Beta Israel are supposed to have arrived in Ethiopia coming from the North, independently from Menelik and his company:
The Falashas migrated like many of the other sons of Israel to exile in Egypt after the destruction of the First Temple by theBabylonians in 586 the time of the Babylonian exile. This group of people was led by the great priest On. They remained in exile in Egypt for few hundred years until the reign of Cleopatra. When she was engaged in war against Augustus Caesar the Jews supported her. When she was defeated, it became dangerous for the small minorities to remain in Egypt and so there was another migration (approximately between 39-31 BCE). Cited from The Falashas of Ethiopia: An Ethnographic Study. Not from Angelfire

3. The Lemba Jews came from Yemen.
3.:yeshrug:Their oral tradition has been backed up by archaeological evidence and DNA

4.The largest presence of Jews in Africa was in Alexandria, which was a multicultural city. You already seen what the Alexandrian Jews looked like.
4.:usure:Did you really show what Alexandrian Jews looked like? Those pictures in that link you posted were Faiyum Mummy paintings. Did Jews really mummify themselves like that? It only says a handful of those portraits may have been of Semetic people, not necessarily any of those depicted in the link, and it doesnt specify. Doesnt prove all or the majority of Jews looked like those portraits. If otherwise Id like some more proof." It is estimated that as much as 30 percent of the population of Faiyum was Greek during the Ptolemaic period, with the rest being native Egyptians. By the Roman period, much of the "Greek" population of Faiyum was made-up of either Hellenized Egyptians or people of mixed Egyptian-Greek origins". No mention of a significant populace of Hebrews in Faiyum, not the same as all of Alexandria. This was cited in the Susan Walker editorial "Ancient Faces : Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt" (Metropolitan Museum of Art Publications). Sorry this wasnt cited from Angelfire either :bustback:The following was taken directly from the link you posted "... the painted mummy portraits can be understood as the result of the combination of elements of Roman ancestral worship, Hellenistic painting methods, and Egyptian funerary tradition" Why were none of the Jewish traditions mentioned if they took part in this ritual? Maybe because they didnt at large participate in this despite there significant numbers in Alexandria.

5. Igbo is not a corruption of the word hebrew. There were Igbo people waaaaay before there was ever a Igbo Jew.Some Non-Jewish Igbos claim their ancestry is not Israelite or Jewish at all but in fact is an indigenousNigerian one. One critic, Catherine Acholonu, attributes Jewish identification among the Igbo as a result of Christianity brought by missionaries, since most Igbo people are Christians
5.Key word SOME Non-Jewish Igbos made that claim. Olaudah Equiano was a christian Igbo and he came to the conclusion that Hebrews are of African descent back in the 1700s. Europeans believed that Africans were descended from Noah's progeny, as the Bible was the basis for their understanding of the world. (yea i can use Wikipedia too):smugdraper:. With Euros believing the slaves were Hebrews (hence Heebos) its easier to understand instances such the as a slave port in West Africa being called Ouidah which means Judah.

6. All Jewish communities formed in West Africa were created in the 14th century by North African and Sephardic Jews fleeing persecution in Spain & Portugal.
6.:duck:The Jewish presence in Africa began to expand significantly in the second and third centuries of the Christian era, extending not only into the Sahara desert, but also reaching down along the West African coast. Jewish, Arab and Christian accounts cite the existence of Jewish rulers of certain tribal groups and clans identifying themselves as Jewish scattered throughout Mauritania, Senegal, the Western Sudan, Nigeria, and Ghana. Among notable Arab historians referring to their existence are Ibn Khaldun, who lived in the 13th century, a respected authority on Berber history; the famous geographer al-Idrisi, born in Ceuta, Spain in the 12th century, who wrote about Jewish Negroes in the western Sudan; and the 16th century historian and traveler Leon Africanus, a Moslem from Spain who was raised by a Jewish woman working in his family's household, who is said to have taught him Hebrew and emigrated with the family to Morocco in 1492. Leon Africanus later converted to Catholicism but remained interested in Jewish communities he encountered throughout his travels in West Africa.
:pacspit: And yup I seen this on angelfire. Doesnt matter all this is verifiable.

7. There were Jews involved in the slave trade.
7.:snoop:Yup them counterfeit Jews for the most part. Those of the synagogue of satan, who converted to Judaism about 690 AD. Im well aware of Blacks including arabs, tribesmen and Hebrews (all didnt follow the laws of Yah hence the curses) having a their part in the slave trade. But dont play like it was comparably major.
8 The prophecy of Deuteronomy 28:68 was completed when the Jews were sent, by ship, into Egypt.

9 Deuteronomy 28:64 was fulfilled when the jews were sent all over the place, From Europe to Africa, and expelled from each nation they went to,
:shaq: Yea I used the same verse twice

10 Now were there some some slaves who mighta intermixed with the Sephardic & North Jews, or had a distant ancestor from the 12 tribes that married into their bloodline? Sure. Were all the slaves from the 12 tribes of Israel, or the "true jews"? :stopitslime: No
10.:childplease:The people who enslaved them thought differently as the Muslims called them Yahoodee (House of Israel)

I didnt watch that video you posted :yawn:
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All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
1. Uh, yeah? The part where they migrated over there in swarms way before the time of Jesus. Even the Apostale Paul spoke about traveling there (Romans 15:23-28.) Why weren't any of them confused for "negros" :youngsabo:

Lol hang it up. You grasping for straws like they are going outta style. You lost at the very moment when you said Egyptians were black and couldnt refute how Moses, Joseph (of the original 12 tribes), Jesus Mary and Joseph were all mistaken for Egyptians. You then post a video of the Hyskos and their Hieroglyphs depict them as black skinned people with afros :lolbron:. @iLLaV3

2. Lol I was wondering when someone would bring up Tacitus.

In context

Some say that the Jews were fugitives from the island of Crete, who settled on the nearest coast of Africa about the time when Saturn was driven from his throne by the power of Jupiter. Evidence of this is sought in the name. There is a famous mountain in Crete called Ida; the neighboring tribe, the Idaei, came to be called Judaei by a barbarous lengthening of the national name. Others assert that in the reign of Isis the overflowing population of Egypt, led by Hierosolymus and Judas, discharged itself into the neighboring countries. Many, again, say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin, who in the time of king Cepheus were driven by fear and hatred of their neighbors to seek a new dwelling-place. Others describe them as an Assyrian horde who, not having sufficient territory, took possession of part of Egypt, and founded cities of their own in what is called the Hebrew country, lying on the borders of Syria. Others, again, assign a very distinguished origin to the Jews, alleging that they were the Solymi, a nation celebrated in the poems of Homer, who called the city which they founded Hierosolyma after their own name. Most writers, however, agree in stating that once a disease, which horribly disfigured the body, broke out over Egypt; that king Bocchoris, seeking a remedy, consulted the oracle of Hammon, and was bidden to cleanse his realm, and to convey into some foreign land this race detested by the gods.

Tacitus was commenting on what OTHERS claimed was the origin of the Jews. He wasn't offering HIS opinion.

Good point he wasnt offering his opinion, that was an oversight on my part... :whoa: But answer this why would MANY OTHER Romans say or think it is in the realm of possibility that the Hebrews were a race of Ethiopian origin. :yeshrug:not unless they were black as well.

Speaking of which.. Let's take a look at what ancient Egyptian historian Manetho thought about the Jews..

Manethonian. The Jews of the three centuries following the time of Manetho were naturally keenly interested in his History because of the connexion of their ancestors with Egypt — Abraham, Joseph, and Moses the leader of the Exodus ; and they sought to base their theories of the origin and antiquity of the Jews securely upon the authentic traditions of Egypt. In Manetho indeed they found an unwelcome statement of the descent of the Jews from lepers


:rudy: at you quoting Manetho. Step your research game up. Manetho earned the title of "The First Anti-Semite" due to dude getting salty about Ptolemy II freeing Jewish slaves upon his ascension to the throne and decreed privileges to the literate, technologically proficient Jews that were denied to the illiterate, unskilled Egyptian masses. And because this hater said they descended from lepers means they had light skin too right?

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_and_the_slave_trade
During the 1490s, trade with the New World began to open up. At the same time, the monarchies of Spain and Portugalexpelled all of their Jewish subjects. As a result, Jews began participating in all sorts of trade on the Atlantic, including the slave trade.

I adressed this in my last reply to you

4. Sharing similarities isn't clear a indicator of being one in the same b. I'm sure you're familiar with the Phoenicians? Who had a strong presence in North Africa, particularly Carthage? I'm sure you're also familiar with their alphabet, which was adopted by the hebrews and muslims

Many people from that region migrated & traded in West Africa, bringing with them their influence and language. Let's not forget the Muslims, who also brought their influence and language out there.

The Muslims also worship a God similar to the Jews.

As for breastplates being similar.... I guess the Hindu Indians must be Jews too..


Since they've been using the "star of David" lol

There goes your Hebrew influence. :mj:

:jawalrus: so you gonna down play all the tribal customs, dietary laws, linguistics, worship practices, and deities shared with the Hebrews because Egypt and the Hebrews used the Phoenicians alphabet and that tramp stamp lookin breastplate? GTFOH

I @LionofJudah and @iLLaV3 noticed that spent every post since you signed up for this site trying to prove who the Hebrews are not, how about you say who you think the Hebrews actually are.
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Jun 28, 2013
Lol time to hit you with some facts, again.

1. Just as you Overestimate the prospect of intermixing. You hang your hat on the pictures of the so called Alexandrian Jews like all Hebrews looked like that. Intermixing happened but all Jews didnt approve of it, example Aaron and Miriam not approving of Moses marrying a none Hebrew. Its in scripture bruh.
:facepalm:And you saw what happened to Miriam for talking crazy right?

As for intermixing in general, I explained this to you earlier

I'm telling you straight up that the OG Hebrews were neither 100% black or 100% white. They were a mixed multitude. Scripture & history confirm that.

Read Genesis 21:21, Genesis 38, Exodus 2:21, Numbers 25, Numbers 31, Deuteronomy 21:10-14, Judges 14, The book of Ruth, 2 Samuel 3:3, 2 Samuel 11, 1 Kings 3:1; 11:1-3; 16:31, 2 Kings 17:24, The book of Esther, Acts 16:1-3, Acts 24:24, etc etc.

Now I'll give you this... There was a time when Israel seperated the mixed multitudes (Nehemiah 13). But this wasn't based on race, it was based on those foreign people making the Jews fall away from practicing the Law, which they were still under. This is part of the reason why they didn't associate with the Samarians, who were half Hebrew. Jesus was really the first Jew in a minute to speak to them in John 4. Which was the whole point of the Messiah's sacrifice. To fulfill the law, which was a curse, in order to establish grace. Under which ALL people would be saved.

But even then we have recorded biblical and historical accounts of Jews marrying other people even after the so-called purification process of Nehemiah 13. There are too many to list in one post. Lemme know if you need em all.
2.:usure:Wrong, thumb a little harder through your self hating almanac. The Solomonic Dynasty claimed that but the Companions of Menelik from Jerusalem expressed their wish to be regarded not necessarily as descendants of king Solomon, but as contemporaries of Solomon and Menelik, originating from the kingdom of Israel.
Then there are those of them who believe the forefathers of the Beta Israel are supposed to have arrived in Ethiopia coming from the North, independently from Menelik and his company:
The Falashas migrated like many of the other sons of Israel to exile in Egypt after the destruction of the First Temple by theBabylonians in 586 the time of the Babylonian exile. This group of people was led by the great priest On. They remained in exile in Egypt for few hundred years until the reign of Cleopatra. When she was engaged in war against Augustus Caesar the Jews supported her. When she was defeated, it became dangerous for the small minorities to remain in Egypt and so there was another migration (approximately between 39-31 BCE).

What you said earlier: After Rome seized destroyed Jerusalem in around 70 CE Hebrews that werent captured and enslaved by Rome, fled all throughout Africa. Including Beta Yisrael (House of Israel) from the Tribe of Dan. They fled to E. Africa Ethopia


Cited from The Falashas of Ethiopia: An Ethnographic Study. Not from Angelfire

Lol which you quoted from this link


From the same article.

Oral traditions

There is no independent tradition of origin transmitted over the ages among the Ethiopian Jews. The known Beta Israel versions of the Ethiopian legend of origin take as their basis the account of Menelik's return to Ethiopia.Though all the available traditions correspond to recent interpretations, they certainly reflect ancient convictions. According to Jon Abbink, three different versions are to be distinguished among the traditions which were recorded from the priests of the community.

Kebra Nagast

The Ethiopian history described in the Kebra Negast, or "Book of the Glory of Kings," relates that Ethiopians are descendants of Israelite tribes who came to Ethiopia with Menelik I, alleged to be the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (or Makeda, in the legend) (see 1 Kings 10:1-13 and 2 Chronicles 9:1-12). The legend relates that Menelik, as an adult, returned to his father in Jerusalem, and then resettled in Ethiopia, and that he took with him the Ark of the Covenant

In the Bible there is no mention that the Queen of Sheba either married or had any sexual relations with King Solomon (although some identify her with the "black and beautiful" in Song 1:5); rather, the narrative records that she was impressed with his wealth and wisdom, and they exchanged royal gifts, and then she returned to rule her people in Kush. However, the "royal gifts" are interpreted by some as sexual contact. The loss of the Ark is also not mentioned in the Bible. In fact, King Hezekiah later makes reference to the Ark in 2 Kings 19:15.

The Kebra Negast asserts that the Beta Israel are descended from a battalion of men of Judah who fled southwards down the Arabian coastal lands from Judea after the breakup of the united Kingdom of Israel into two kingdoms in the 10th century BCE (while King Rehoboam reigned over Judah).

Although the Kebra Nagast and some traditional Ethiopian histories have stated that Yodit (or "Gudit", Judith; another name given her was "Esato", Esther), a 10th-century usurping queen, was Jewish, some scholars consider that it is unlikely that this was the case. It is more likely, they say, that she was a pagan southerner or a usurping Christian Aksumite Queen. However, she clearly supported Jews, since she founded the Zagwe Dynasty of rulers who governed from around 937 to 1270 CE., in which, according to the Kebra Nagast itself, Jewish, Christian and even pagan kings ruled in harmony. Furthermore, the Zagwe dynasty legitimated itself (again, even according to the Kebra Nagast itself) through the claim that its lineage descended from Moses and his Ethiopian wife.

The House of Solomon was the former Imperial House of Ethiopia. Its members claim lineal descent from Solomon of Israel and the Queen of Sheba, the latter of whom tradition asserts gave birth to Menelik I after her biblically described visit to Solomon in Jerusalem.

DNA tests:

Y-DNA of Jews from Ethiopia

A study of Lucotte and Smets has shown that the genetic father of Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews) was close to the Ethiopian non-Jewish populations. This is consistent with the theory that Beta Israel are descendants of ancient inhabitants of Ethiopia, not the Middle East.

Mt-DNA of Jews from Ethiopia
The results are similar to those of the male population, namely, genetic characteristics identical to those of surrounding populations.

Nice try though.
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Jun 28, 2013
3.:yeshrug:Their oral tradition has been backed up by archaeological evidence and DNA

I've always been a strong proponent of the Lemba being authentic Jews via DNA.

But let's examine this closer.


The Lemba clans are scattered among the Bantu-speaking tribes in Zimbabwe and northern South Africa. The oral tradition traces the origin of the Jewish Lembas to Saana in Yemen. Some practices seem reminiscent of Jewish practices (circumcision, food law,…). Two studies have attempted to determine the paternal origin of these tribes. The first by A. Spurdle and T. Jenkins dates from 1996 and suggests that more than half of Lembas tested are of Semitic origin. The second study by Mark G. Thomas et al. dates from 2000 and also suggests that part of Lembas have a Semitic origin that can come from a mixture of Arabs and Jews. In addition, the authors show that clans Lemba (Buba clan) has a large proportion of the former CMH.


It may sound like another myth of a lost tribe of Israel, but British scientists have carried out DNA tests which have confirmed their Semitic origin.
These tests back up the group's belief that a group of perhaps seven men married African women and settled on the continent. The Lemba, who number perhaps 80,000, live in central Zimbabwe and the north of South Africa.


Lemba traditions and culture

There are numerous versions of their myths of origin, but they generally tell of migrating from the North (which is common to many African ethnicities.) According to Lemba tradition, their male ancestors were Near Eastern Jews who left Judea about 2,500 years ago and settled in a place called Senna in the Arabian peninsula (present-day Yemen). Much later, they migrated into North East Africa.

According to the British scholar, Tudor Parfitt, who published a book on his findings in 1993, the location of Senna was more than likely in Yemen, specifically, in the village of Sanāw within the eastern most portion of the Wadi Hadhramaut. The city has had a Jewish population since ancient times, but since 1948 and the founding of the State of Israel, as well as later wars, it has dwindled to a few hundred. In Lemba tradition, Sena has the semi-mythical status of a sacred city of origin and hopes for eventual return.

According to Lemba oral tradition, their male ancestry originally comprised several male "white people from over the sea” who came to southeast Africa from a country which boasted large cities in order to obtain gold. After becoming established in Africa, at some point, the tribe split into two groups, one staying in Ethiopia and the other travelling farther south, along the east coast.

^Lol I don't agree that their ancestors were white men at all. But then again, those words are straight from the Lemba themselves.


^Alternate link mentioning the same thing.
4.:usure:Did you really show what Alexandrian Jews looked like? Those pictures in that link you posted were Faiyum Mummy paintings. Did Jews really mummify themselves like that? If so Id like some proof." It is estimated that as much as 30 percent of the population of Faiyum was Greek during the Ptolemaic period, with the rest being native Egyptians. By the Roman period, much of the "Greek" population of Faiyum was made-up of either Hellenized Egyptians or people of mixed Egyptian-Greek origins". No mention of any of them cats being Hebrew or Jewish. This was cited in the Susan Walker editorial "Ancient Faces : Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt" (Metropolitan Museum of Art Publications). Sorry this wasnt cited from Angelfire either :bustback:The following was taken directly from the link you posted "... the painted mummy portraits can be understood as the result of the combination of elements of Roman ancestral worship, Hellenistic painting methods, and Egyptian funerary tradition" Why were none of the Jewish traditions mentioned if they took part in this ritual?

I already pointed that out to iLLaV3.

But this was also taken from the link I posted.

"Jewish and Semitic traits also have been identified on a handful of these portraits, which indeed is expected since Jewish communities in Egypt were prosperous and particularly numerous."

You do know what Hellenization means right? You do know the Alexandrian Jews were Hellenized? Hence the creation of the LXX, a Greek translation of the hebrew Tanakh, since they couldn't read Hebrew.


While commonly believed to represent Greek settlers in Egypt, the Faiyum portraits instead reflect the complex synthesis of the predominant Egyptian culture and that of the elite Greek minority in the city.According to Walker, the early Ptolemaic Greek colonists married local women and adopted Egyptian religious beliefs, and by Roman times, their descendants were viewed as Egyptians by the Roman rulers, despite their own self-perception of being Greek. The dental morphology of the Roman-period Faiyum mummies was also compared with that of earlier Egyptian populations, and was found to be "much more closely akin" to that of ancient Egyptians than to Greeks or other European populations.

Which means, if Jews like Paul were being confused with those people, who weren't black, then that should tell you everything you need to know.
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Jun 28, 2013
5.Key word SOME Non-Jewish Igbos made that claim. Olaudah Equiano was a christian Igbo and he came to the conclusion that Hebrews are of African descent back in the 1700s. Europeans believed that Africans were descended from Noah's progeny, as the Bible was the basis for their understanding of the world. (yea i can use Wikipedia too):smugdraper:. With Euros believing the slaves were Hebrews (hence Heebos) its easier to understand instances such the as a slave port in West Africa being called Ouidah which means Judah.

Igbos as a MAJORITY were/still are pagan. The Igbo Jewish minority is a direct result of the migrating Jews who came into the region and converted and even intermixed with some of the local population.

As for Olaudah Equiano

His essay has since been discarded as speculation. Critical historians have carefully reviewed the historical literature on West Africa during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They have clarified the diverse functions (quite aside from questions of validity) which such histories served for the writers who proposed them at various times in the colonial and post-colonial past.
Historians have disagreed about Equiano's origins. Some believe he may have fabricated his African roots and his survival of the Middle Passage not only to sell more copies of his book but also to help advance the movement against the slave trade. According to Vincent Carretta,

Equiano was certainly African by descent. The circumstantial evidence that Equiano was also African American by birth and African British by choice is compelling but not absolutely conclusive. Although the circumstantial evidence is not equivalent to proof, anyone dealing with Equiano's life and art must consider it.

Baptismal records and a naval muster roll appear to link Equiano to South Carolina. Records of Equiano's first voyage to the Arctic state he was from Carolina, not Africa. Equiano may have been the source for information linking him to Carolina, but it may also have been a clerk's careless record of origin. Historians continue to search for evidence to substantiate Equiano's claim of birth in Africa. Currently, no separate documentation supports this story. Carretta holds that Equiano was born in South Carolina, based on the documents mentioned above.

The reason he probably made up the claim he was an Igbo born in Africa was to give validity to his book: The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African.

Which he wrote in order to deflect the racist ideologies of the so-called Hamitic curse, which was used to justify slavery.

And I don't blame him. I woulda done the same thing too back then.

6.:duck:The Jewish presence in Africa began to expand significantly in the second and third centuries of the Christian era, extending not only into the Sahara desert, but also reaching down along the West African coast. Jewish, Arab and Christian accounts cite the existence of Jewish rulers of certain tribal groups and clans identifying themselves as Jewish scattered throughout Mauritania, Senegal, the Western Sudan, Nigeria, and Ghana. Among notable Arab historians referring to their existence are Ibn Khaldun, who lived in the 13th century, a respected authority on Berber history; the famous geographer al-Idrisi, born in Ceuta, Spain in the 12th century, who wrote about Jewish Negroes in the western Sudan; and the 16th century historian and traveler Leon Africanus, a Moslem from Spain who was raised by a Jewish woman working in his family's household, who is said to have taught him Hebrew and emigrated with the family to Morocco in 1492. Leon Africanus later converted to Catholicism but remained interested in Jewish communities he encountered throughout his travels in West Africa.
:pacspit: And yup I seen this on angelfire. Doesnt matter all this is verifiable.


They cited an article on Kulanu.org.

Kulanu is a non-prophet organization which tries to help all neglected Jewish communities worldwide. Not just African communities. http://www.kulanu.org/about-kulanu/


^Kulanu used an old 1968 Newsletter written by George E. Lichtblau.

All the writings of those men are available online. Leo Africanus' family maid, Sarah, was a Sephardic jew. Nowhere in that article is she called black.

Ibn Khaldun spoke about the Berber Jews in Africa. If you don't know who the Berbers are


Ibn Khaldun was also a mega racist who regarded black people as "dumb animals" http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ibn_Khaldun#On_black_people. I don't think he woulda missed his chance to call the Berbers beasts if he felt they were black.

Muhammad al-Idrisi spoke about Hebrew communities in Western Sudan, but only a fool doesn't know there were Jewish communities out there.


We know those communities were formed by migrants from Western Asia, North Africa & the Iberian Peninsula, along with local converts. We know they even had a small army in place to ward off any possible threat from local tribes.

You're gonna have to come with something stronger than C&P stuff you haven't researched yourself.
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