Gotta give it to you at least you are consistent with your fukkery.

Answer me this why didnt you ever respond to my post about anthropologist Count Constatin de Volney who acknowledged that ancient Egyptians mixed for centuries with Europeans yet his exact quote was
The ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native born Africans. But when it comes to the Hebrews you went and found whitest and lightest sephia tinted Instagram photos your melanin-less hands could click on. Yet when you post pictures of black people they are always have the darkest complexion ( ie the dark skinned african child, the black cow, and now dark skinned slaves)

In case you dont know black people have the widest range of complexions on the planet but you only post the dark skinned pics to prove your point that the Hebrews were mixed

. Black genes are dominate, a scientific fact, but like Volney said referring to the mixed Egyptians, they might have lost the intensity of their original color, but none the less retain the imprint of the original mold. I see through you homie. I always refrained from calling folks c00ns on here but if you are black like you claim then

to you King c00n.
Gottta give you this, you're consistent in your naivety, especially concerning history.
I know OG kemet was originally a great black civilization which gave the Greeks and Romans their knowledge of philosophy, math & medicine.
Second, many of those paintings are of actuals Jews. But they're also of actual Egyptians, Syrians, Greeks, Romans, etc from the 1st Century AD. If you're mad at them for being lightskinned, be mad at God for allowing them to intermix.
Most of those people were mulatto. Alexandria was a multicultural melting pot.
As for Count Constatin de Volney...
The ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native born Africans. That being so, we can see how their blood mixed for several centuries with that of the Romans and Greeks, must have lost the intensity of it's original color, while retaining none the less the imprint of it's original mold. We can even state as a general principle that the face (referring to The Sphinx) is a kind of monument able, in many cases, to attest to or shed light on historical evidence on the origins of the people."
Ole boy is pretty much saying what I've been tryna tell you for a couple pages now. They started off black (Obviously, anyone who reads the bible knows that. Ham was Mizraim's father)... But became MIXED over time.
So of course they were going to retain some of their genes,
The Hebrews
were NOT.
BIG difference.
You also seem to forget the amount of foreign invaders Kemet had. Many of whom became ruling classes there. Why don't you take a second and look at them all before you embarrass yourself some more.
Oh, and just for fun.
Notice how in Exodus 2 the Midianite girls confused Moses for an Egyptian? Difference in garment can create distinction between seperate nations without skintone coming into play
But here's 4 things that should make you go hmmm.
1. The Hyksos were the ruling class in Kemet during the time of Moses.
2. The Hyksos came from around the same region as the Hebrews
3. The Hysksos were called men of obscure origin by Manetho, and are defined as a mixed people by all reputable sources.
4. Josephus, a 1st century Jew, said the Hyksos and Hebrews were pretty much identical
Do some research.