Those people look more like dude in the picture than you do though. You saying this guy:
....would look out of place in that crowd? word?
how you know how my family look breh? My brother all look like this guy
Those people look more like dude in the picture than you do though. You saying this guy:
....would look out of place in that crowd? word?
Those people look more like dude in the picture than you do though. You saying this guy:
....would look out of place in that crowd? word?
how you know how my family look breh? My brother all look like this guy
If you say so.
But if you really believe Jesus looked like either of those two guys than everything you've been saying in this thread is type suspect.
Them dudes look like straight up A-robbers.
man... and she's pro black, Afrocentric, and advocate for p*ssy kegals.. etc..This woman is just soooowords couldnt explain
Meanwhile in reality land...
These pure blooded indigenous people of the amazon sure don't look black lol.
This looks like any modern day Arab walking through Egypt as we speak...the same Arabs people claim are "imposters" in that land because the original Egyptians were black. So which is it? Do you really think that looks like a black man, or is he just black for now just for the sake of your argument?
Actually the first people in the Americas were black..there's a bbc doc called the incredible human journey..5 parts 1 hour long each..on the last part they did the America's..they found the oldest skull in a cave in South America 17,000 years old and it was a skull of a black person..before any native Americans, before any amazon's a bbc doc with a white lady anthropoligist just in case you think it's's on YouTube..go learn something
I'll post the documentary and give these folks the answer. The 1st people in America were Melanesian
and guess what they look like
this explains the Olmecs & more than likely The Folsom people![]()
those aren't my pics, those are his pics...his reference. I told dude I don't believe the pics. I showed the board the pic because even his 'factual' evidence is suspect...all of those guys look like light skin black people. My evidence is scripture and scripture alone. I don't need all this other crap because the word is sufficient.
I'm telling you straight up that the OG Hebrews were neither 100% black or 100% white. They were a mixed multitude. Scripture & history confirm that.
He still doesn't understand the concept of being mixed.
He thinks people back then had the same concept of race as modern folks do. That they just sat back idly and never intermarried/intermixed, never adopted things from one another. Everyone just stayed the same for thousands of years lol.
I'm telling you straight up that the OG Hebrews were neither 100% black or 100% white. They were a mixed multitude. Scripture & history confirm that.
What in the world makes you think they had to be white if they weren't black?
Are the native americans white too? How about the Hindu Indians? Asians? Pacific islanders? etc, etc.
I clearly said the Israelites were a mixed people, comprised of everything you can think of. Assuming otherwise is to ignore scripture and history itself.
I'm telling you straight up that the OG Hebrews were neither 100% black or 100% white. They were a mixed multitude. Scripture & history confirm that.
You DO know some of the people in those painting are 1st century Jews from Alexandria, Aka Egypt, right?
Google "Jew Fayum Portraits" so you can get a general idea of how mixed the hebrews actually were. Facts are facts b.
Now back to the Sephardic jews.
Manuel I in 1496, decided to exile thousands of Jews to São Tomé,Príncipe, and Cape Verde. The numbers expelled at this time were so great that the term "Portuguese" almost implied those of Jewish origin. Those who were not expelled were converted by force or executed. During the early 19th century, Jews also came to settle in Santo Antão where there are still traces of their influx in the name of the village of Sinagoga, located on the north coast between Riberia Grande and Janela, and in the Jewish cemetery at the town of Ponta da Sol. A final chapter of Jewish history in Cape Verde took place in the 1850s when Moroccan Jews arrived, especially in Boa Vista and Maio for the hide trade.
Jews were allowed to engage in trade, including the slave trade, as long as they did not compete with the Portuguese trading monopolies.
Those Jews who were expelled... weren't black bruh.
Actually the first people in the Americas were black..there's a bbc doc called the incredible human journey..5 parts 1 hour long each..on the last part they did the America's..they found the oldest skull in a cave in South America 17,000 years old and it was a skull of a black person..before any native Americans, before any amazon's a bbc doc with a white lady anthropoligist just in case you think it's's on YouTube..go learn something
Actually the original Arabs were black..the Arabs of today are actually Turks
I know that.
But it still doesn't take away from the fact that those Indegienous people weren't/aren't black.
They came from North Asia. Eastern Siberia specifically
Afro-Arab (also African Arab) refers to people of mixed African and genealogical Arab ancestral heritage, and/or to linguistically and culturally Arabized Africans.
Or as they're more commonly known: Moors... Aka, African Muslims.
Btw, you do know the apostle Paul was born in Turkey right?
Lol might wanna correct your theory there b.
The irony is, the guy who dapped your post doesn't believe black people came from Africa. He's convinced they all came from Israel... and that the other black people are apostates who are going to be "destroyed" by the Most High along with white people.