I don't subscribe to BHI....they actually believe Native Americans are Hebrews too. I don't see that the bible talking about Native Americans....so I don't know about that. What I do see is that those folk have dark skin and are called 'red'. I subscribe to bible... you can at what the bible says all you want but that's what the word says. dark skin & woolly hair is used to describe Jews or Hebrews in the bible. There really is no way of getting around it. You can sit on this computer day and night but that's just how it is.
as for these paintings https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1LENN_enUS446US446&q=Jew Fayum Portraits&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.51495398,d.cWc,pv.xjs.s.en_US.Zn0fveqivGU.O&biw=1366&bih=667&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=bswfUsb0GZWtsAStl4CAAg
you really gonna sit on here and say these 'light' skin black people with fros who were living among & mixing with Greeks-Romans in the 1st century aren't black folks. Breh you are making a pathetic argument
do you breh. Those are the paintings of Jew Fayum Portraits you wanted me to google.
of sub-Saharan and Saharan African decent. A socially constructed classification that started w cac, but spread to the more righteous varieties of the world. Since it's the original state and purest form of our species - i would also consider Barack Obama, the people who settled Asia, and Soledad Obrian black.
Being the original with the most varieties.. people sometime consider black Hispanics and black Australians non-black, but that's false. The original Hebrews and nerissa irving would also be considered black.
Any variation of a person who could have come from this:
EVERY SINGLE POST has been in this thread.
very telling. dude probably looks like Powder talking about he was an Ex HBI
nikka looks like my cousin
According to him, this is what the original Hebrews looked like LMAO
This looks like any modern day Arab walking through Egypt as we speak...the same Arabs people claim are "imposters" in that land because the original Egyptians were black. So which is it? Do you really think that looks like a black man, or is he just black for now just for the sake of your argument?
lol bruh be real there are tons of arabs that would easily be mistaken for AA if you didnt hear them speak. Dude at the corner store by my crib named Hassan rocking dreads looks like a shorter version of Waka. dont know what point you are trying to make
I'm sorry breh but these people don't look black. They look like the dudes I got my street meat from this afternoon
This looks like any modern day Arab walking through Egypt as we speak...the same Arabs people claim are "imposters" in that land because the original Egyptians were black. So which is it? Do you really think that looks like a black man, or is he just black for now just for the sake of your argument?
them dude's ain't walking around with fros breh...try harder
Yeah there are Arabs who could be mistaken for being black...that guy isn't one of them. You not even being honest with yourself right now. If you believe Jesus looked like that than your arguments in this thread look even more foolish than they already did.