\no you talked around it, went into all the reasons that black didn't mean black. said it didn't mean skintone...then went into some mess about white people turning dark with sickness (even if the word meant black as black). Which then I showed you proof that the people don't turn black...you deflected saying the people of now are not the people of then.
Then used Niger & black to mean black when it fit what you wanted. Now instead of answering the questions regarding Moses, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph/brother...you are now saying people didn't see black folks in Spain.Even after Paul was thought to be an Egyptian himself. You are all over the place breh
Wrong again.
I've literally shown you what each word means, presented them in the context they were used, even gave you the correct translations which ironically came from the NIV and ASV. Both popular bible translations.
I'm literally giving you proof and since it isn't to your liking, you reject it and go into ad Homenim attacks. Which basically means you're losing the debate.
I can only repeat something so many times before I realize the other person is pretty much stuck in their mood of thinking.
Your agenda is clear. You want the hebrews to be 100%, unadulterated black folk.... and unfortunately they weren't.
You can either accept that fact or continue believing what you want.
It's that simple.
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