The irony is strong in here.
Lol they were depicted as "black".... according to and whatever author wants to push the " ____ are the true negros" agenda.
Excellent source material.... If you don't want to be taken serious.
It's the same reason the Negro in America doesn't look like Africans. Plus, Niger is a proper noun, so it was probably another name he went by. That dude grasps for straws to fit his agenda. I don't think he was in an Israelite camp at all. I think he's probably white.
to sum hl up -
There were no black people on Earth in Antiquity.![]()
Oh, so in this instance Black actually means Black right? LOL, you're a clown.
To sum it up... Africa didn't exist apparently.
But I forget, Brothers came from Israel.
Yup, makes perfect sense.... to someone without any.
I mean, how would you know?
You flat out said you don't understand Hebrew, Latin or Greek in here..
idk What you mean about Israel.. but people didn't think in terms of black continent, non black continent back then.To sum it up... Africa didn't exist apparently.
But I forget, Brothers came from Israel.
Yup, makes perfect sense.... to someone without any.
Hyksos,Egypt’s delta region and gradually settled there during the 18th century bce. Beginning about 1630, a series of Hyksos kings ruled northern Egypt as the 15th dynasty (c. 1630–1523 bce; seeancient Egypt: The Second Intermediate period). The name Hyksos was used by the Egyptian historian Manetho(fl. 300 bce), who, according to the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (fl. 1st century ce), translated the word as “king-shepherds” or “captive shepherds.” Josephus himself wished to demonstrate the great antiquity of the Jews and thus identified the Hyksos with the Hebrews of the Bible. Hyksos was in fact probably an Egyptian term for “rulers of foreign lands” (heqa-khase), and it almost certainly designated the foreign dynasts rather than a whole nation.
The same Hyksos Egyptian historian Manetho called "men of obscure origin from the east"
The same ones he also claimed were lepers
MANETHO Manethonian. The Jews of the three centuries following the time of Manetho were naturally keenly interested in his History because of the connexion of their ancestors with Egypt — Abraham, Joseph, and Moses the leader of the Exodus ; and they sought to base their theories of the origin and antiquity of the Jews securely upon the authentic traditions of Egypt. In Manetho indeed they found an unwelcome statement of the descent of the Jews from lepers ; but they were able to identify their ancestors with the Hyksos, and the Exodus with the expulsion of these invaders.
It's the same reason the Negro in America doesn't look like Africans. Plus, Niger is a proper noun, so it was probably another name he went by. That dude grasps for straws to fit his agenda. I don't think he was in an Israelite camp at all. I think he's probably white.
idk What you mean about Israel.. but people didn't think in terms of black continent, non black continent back then.
I may not be a H israelite or down w the whole idea behind it, but what I do know is that people are confused on what black people are, confused about history, confused about human migration patterns, confused in thinking that in a few generations people magically become non-black and then blend in with blacks; but somehow aren't black - even if all ancient historians and most people today would consider them black.
If you believed in the scriptures like you claim, you'd agree to this.
Galatians 4:26
But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.
ABOVE.... from the father b. Lol how is this going over your head?
Galatians 4:21-27
21 Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman. 23 His son by the slave woman was born according to the flesh, but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a divine promise.
24 These things are being taken figuratively: The women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar. 25 Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. 26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.27 For it is written:
“Be glad, barren woman,
you who never bore a child;
shout for joy and cry aloud,
you who were never in labor;
because more are the children of the desolate woman
than of her who has a husband.”
Context is everything my g.
It's the same reason the Negro in America doesn't look like Africans. Plus, Niger is a proper noun, so it was probably another name he went by. That dude grasps for straws to fit his agenda. I don't think he was in an Israelite camp at all. I think he's probably white.