Artificial Intelligence
Not Allen Iverson
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It happened in The Dark Knight and Avengers when I went to see them. Why not clap? We paid our money and enjoyed ourselves.
Well I applauded the fact that I got my money's worth.
We just did it for no particular reason. Just like when Liu Kang hit the bicycle kick on Reptile in Mortal Kombat movie.To who? That makes no sense lol.
Do you applaud the staff after a good meal?
lol. when i saw the avengers in atlanta there was a scene where scarlett's ass was looking incredible and this teenager near me went "wooooooooooh!!". lots of people laughed cuz if you were a dude in there you were thinking itWhen I went to go see 300 when it ended just about all the white dudes jumped up and yelled "THIS IS SPARTA"
White dude next to me was trying to give me a high five...told him " I'm more of a Xerxes man myself"
When X:2 came out...there was this scene were mystique walked away and Rebecca Romjin Stamos ass was just jiggling all over the screen...this white dude next to me...had to be at least 50...yelled "OH MY DAMN" and had this exact face...shyt cracked me up I almost had to walk out for a minute...