Have y'all seen the new film "Her"?


Real name no gimmicks..
May 5, 2012
San Jose, Cali
Made a real mistake last night, and saw this instead of 'August Osage County', I'm into indie movies, romance movies, whatever…..but this was a dumb, one note movie. I wanted to like it, I wanted a new age romance, and it had great acting, Jonze created a funny/believable world to frame his story, everything looked beautiful, amazing cinematography and sets, and I got what he was saying about an over reliance on technology, and the future of love/relationships in a tech heavy world, loneliness, detachment, all that shyt….but I couldn't get over the fact that it was a fukking computer. And the guy was a quirky, emo bytch…well acted though. A fukking computer dude. You can't have sex with it, you can't touch her. It's not real. Once you 'get' the conceit, I felt the movie didn't go anywhere….I almost walked out several times, once right after the 'surrogate scene', maybe I am too cynical, negative, and I couldn't enjoy it…but, it's a fukking computer.

That's pretty much how I saw it as well...

I mean I wanted to like it as well...but I couldn't get over that fact that you are just voice coming from a computer. You can't see it, you can't touch it, you can't do NOTHING but listen to it. I mean sure you can organize my E-mails and update my software and all that but bruh when your lover's voice equals this...


but not THIS


You got fukking problems b.

I mean i get the whole concept of it I really do. But that shyt is too far fetched with me, I mean they could have made her a hologram or something.

They could have took this movie into a whole different direction half way through and went all 2001: Space Odyssey mixed with Fatal Attraction with it but they kept it a sad love story.

It was a interesting movie through I can't lie about that :ehh: but I don't see myself watching it again..
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May 26, 2012
San Diego
I think people are too caught up on the technological aspect of the film. That's just the medium Jonze chooses to express his main sentiment. The main thing is that love is mysterious. And try as we might to qualify it or understand it, we really don't. You see Theodore wrestle with it in the film as he understands the gravitas of falling in love with an operating system: the social stigma, the inability to be with it in a physical sense, the obvious limitations of himself compared to that of Samantha's aptitudes and so forth. With all of these things in place, all these impediments, all these things saying he shouldn't love her; it's an impossibility. He still chooses her. She says the right things, she makes him laugh, she's funny, empathetic and so on. It is simultaneously easy for him to love her and difficult. When Samantha is faced with a similar dilemma -- Theodore's myopic human perspective of love, his limited human faculties, him being restrained in the context of his body, etc., she leaves. However, she says she loves him more than he can imagine.
You see how wild this love shyt is?

Ultimately, I think Jonze is saying love is just an experience, like watching a sunset from the top of your roof. It really can't be understood in any real context besides the superficial. And like all of our experiences, it changes us in someway (e.g., the love he had for wife was toxic at one point, his love for Samantha was cathartic), and even ways that are imperceptible (I think Theodore and Amy Adams hook up after realizing that their love is more than platonic).

Just my thoughts.

I like your breakdown here, just thinking about it, all of us now are interacting through a screen. Do we really 'know' each other? Sidetrack aside, I think I can appreciate the views expressed, but it wasn't done convincingly enough for me, or the whole falling in love with an OS. I didn't buy it, or I didn't want too, the character of Theodore was pretty irritating to me fairly early on to.

A grown man playing video games and falling in love with an OS was just a nerd overload, too much awkward/nerd shyt, of course his ass fell in love with a fukking compute.I liked a lot of elements of the movie, truthfully. And I agree wholeheartedly with Louis CK, and most observations about phones/social media, and their influence on our culture/society. Dope breakdown, re: love and it's superficial nature.. I'm definitely going to use that in conversations.
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A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
I like you're breakdown here, shyt just thinking about it, all of us now are interacting through a screen….Do we really 'know' each other? Sidetrack aside, I think I can appreciate the views expressed, but it wasn't done convincingly enough for me, or the whole falling in love with an OS…I didn't buy it, or I didn't want too, the character of Theodore was pretty irritating to me fairly early on too…A grown man playing video games and falling in love with an OS was just a nerd overload, too much awkward/nerd shyt, of course his ass fell in love with a fukking computer….I liked a lot of elements of the movie, truthfully. And I agree wholeheartedly with Louis CK, and most observations about phones/social media, and their influence on our culture/society….Dope breakdown, re: love and it's superficial nature.. I'm definitely going to use that in conversations.

Yeah, breh. I mean, I was having a conversation with a female a few days before I even saw this movie and she posed the question do we really love anything? Maybe we're just conditioned to think we do? And with philosophy being one of my majors, that kinda question is right up my alley. So, we had a long drawn out discussion on the matter. And many of the themes raised in this movie were pondered and weighed. So, when I saw this movie I was like :ohhh:. I felt what Jonze was trying to say. I don't think the execution was 100% on. And I can see how Phoenix was irritating. Although, I think it was intentional. I've wrestled with the idea of it being a "great" film since I saw it. I don't know if it is. I think it's kinda like a poignant film that you only want to sit through once.


Aug 29, 2013
I'm sorry but if this is what movies have to come to, to be considered Oscar contenders then the movie industry has truly fallen off. I laughed at the premise, the trailer didn't do shyt for me. shyt just looks dumb to me
May 1, 2012
its universally loved on a couple of forums where ive seen people talking about it have yall seen it? Or is it that you didnt get immersed in the experience?

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
I'm sorry but if this is what movies have to come to, to be considered Oscar contenders then the movie industry has truly fallen off. I laughed at the premise, the trailer didn't do shyt for me. shyt just looks dumb to me
I thought it was very well made and could see Spike Jonze or Joaquin Phoenix possibly getting Oscar norms but I don't get the hype I have seen in some places for Scarlet Johannsen to be nominated just for her voice work.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
the previews have me with the :wtf:
& I feel like I'm going to be watchin this going :aicmon:

but I am interested in seeing it