Has Sony surpassed Nintendo in 1st party IPs?


#RxLife #UCF #FAMU
Jun 6, 2012
Chi-Town to Tampa
'I was being vague'...'think bigger'....sounds like your avoiding this sonning :rudy:

Name all these must play Sony games breh. I'll wait. :coffee: Post those revolutionary sales numbers too while your at it. Or is Sony still hiding those and not posting them in reports because they pale in comparison with you know who?:coffee:

Matter fact you can list genre for genre and I guarantee you I can list Nintendo 1st party that washes it.

Killzone and Twisted Metal :laff:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
nikka, you say Sony cats is nuts then proceed to name games that haven't even produced titles in the 21st Century! You be saying shyt just to say it cuz you stanboy-trollism is so retarded that half your favorite games is on a system you don't even like, so you make goofy ass posts like this just to spite yourself and try to say "well I'm trolling cuz Sony stans :mjlol:". nikka said Kid Icarus! Kid Icarus nikka?! Man, that shyt was weak way back in its 80's release and never even got any sequels. Excitebike was nice, but also, 80's ass game that you ain't playing today. STFU with that ole bullshyt. Ice climbers?! GET THE fukk OUTTA HERE!!! Yo goofy ass just naming filler Smash bro characters and you know it. Stop it.:stopitslime: Thread is about current status, not some shyt before other companies even existing in the gaming realm. You naming games that no one plays today or back in the day even and acting like they some Legacy shyt. Stop it. I'll give you Starfox, as it was heralded as something special, yet Nintendon't even make any more of its games either in like two decades...cuz of....reasons. Battleclash nikka?! nikka what?!?!?! Battle Clash received 3.775 out of 5 in Nintendo Power.[4

I can't take you serious at all.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
This is how I know you are lying when you continue to say there's nothing to play on Nintendo platforms and swear you owned those system.:duck:Credibility already lost. And you wanna highlight LBP and Dreams? lmaooooooooooooooooo

How you gonna say a a IP like Splatoon that just sold 10 million and only has 2 installments is rehash then prop up games like LPB, Dreams, and that literal;ly nobody gives a fukk about. You wanna know what those devs keeping making new IP? because none of that shyt sticks. 4 gens and not one iconic IP in Sony's stable and only a handful on pillar/defioning games. Go ahead. Tell me I'm lying...

nikkas are literally out here hyping up Kojima walking simulators but wanna talk down on other IP? :stopitslime:Sit down lil nikka.

Nobody gives a damn about most of those Sony games and Sony will be looking for marketing deals like they always do. Sony has like 4 studios getting actually tread out here and the rest of those Killzones, Concrete Genies, etc are trash. And Horizon and BOTW dropped the same year...and I bet everyone here know which one not only sold more and was better received.:russ:

And on top of all that, all those great games you swear Sony has got stomped out on the charts for the last 3 years by Switch 1st party games despite the lower install base of the latter. So like I said, delusional and trying to prop up 3rd party boxes. Fake it to you make it ass nikka :snoop: :smh:
And I'm still waiting on those industry leading PS1, 2, and 3 1st software lineups .:laff: Matter fact just stop before you embarrass yourself even more.

Lying about what?:usure: I didn't say that there was nothing on Nintendo to play. I liable to have more games on the two Switches that I own than you have on yours. What I said was that they while they have select types of games that they cater to, that Playstation also has comparable games and that Playstation other types of games that just aren't on the Nintendo. You gonna quote and critique what I said, then go by what I said correct, you fukk.:ufdup:

Nintendo is all for casuals. Lowest common denominator games that ya'll overrate cuz they sell well. Thy make fun games:patrice:, but they're pre-dominantly casual for certain.:manny:

How you gon quote me about what I said about Splatoon when I didn't say shyt about Splatoon?:mjtf: Once again, quote me correctly, you fukk.:ufdup:It's a cool lil game for cool lil ass gamers.:yeshrug:

Dreams sold over 8 mill. That's hardly some not cared for anybody. And like LBP that came before it, was heralded as being one of the most innovative games in ages. fukk outta here with that shyt that it's trash nonensense. No need for all that hyperbole if you prefer casual only Nintendo games. Sit yo lil casual ass down, pu putt ass nikka.:hhh:


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
'I was being vague'...'think bigger'....sounds like your avoiding this sonning :rudy:

Name all these must play Sony games breh. I'll wait. :coffee: Post those revolutionary sales numbers too while your at it. Or is Sony still hiding those and not posting them in reports because they pale in comparison with you know who?:coffee:

Matter fact you can list genre for genre and I guarantee you I can list Nintendo 1st party that washes it.

Killzone and Twisted Metal :laff:

I already did, you clown. You're washed.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
nikka, you say Sony cats is nuts then proceed to name games that haven't even produced titles in the 21st Century! You be saying shyt just to say it cuz you stanboy-trollism is so retarded that half your favorite games is on a system you don't even like, so you make goofy ass posts like this just to spite yourself and try to say "well I'm trolling cuz Sony stans :mjlol:". nikka said Kid Icarus! Kid Icarus nikka?! Man, that shyt was weak way back in its 80's release and never even got any sequels. Excitebike was nice, but also, 80's ass game that you ain't playing today. STFU with that ole bullshyt. Ice climbers?! GET THE fukk OUTTA HERE!!! Yo goofy ass just naming filler Smash bro characters and you know it. Stop it.:stopitslime: Thread is about current status, not some shyt before other companies even existing in the gaming realm. You naming games that no one plays today or back in the day even and acting like they some Legacy shyt. Stop it. I'll give you Starfox, as it was heralded as something special, yet Nintendon't even make any more of its games either in like two decades...cuz of....reasons. Battleclash nikka?! nikka what?!?!?! Battle Clash received 3.775 out of 5 in Nintendo Power.[4

I can't take you serious at all.
To be fair Kid Icarus Uprising was a cool game on the 3ds. But then Again that was released 9 years ago so :manny:
Last edited:
Jun 4, 2014
No, I went completely logic rationale here. I may not have name dropped software for software, but that's because what I did post was overall picture, which is inclusive of software. Their 1st party offerings truly started to shine on PS3 which is how it dig itself out of its grave, thus revolutionizing their brand. Think bigger.

Like, how you outchea naming old ass games as if they're relevant for today? You want a post about software specifically? Okay breh. In today's world, while you can give Nintendo credit for games like BOTW, Mario Odyssey and Smash as being great games, they only cover smaller segments of gaming overall and areas that Sony's 1st party also covers, if not doubly so. Whether or not you think that there aren't any Playstation 1st party exclusives that compare to those games, the reality of the matter is, they still have games that are comparative to those very games while also having games, current games, that Nintendo doesn't have comparative games to. Sony covers casuals and hardcore with their current line up. You want Mario like platformers, you got LBP/Sackboy, Astrobot and Ratchet & Clank games. But where are the current Nintendo 1st party games that compare to the like of something like Dreams, which is casual friendly, but also a sheer content creator that goes outside of just mario platformer only types, so Mario Maker 2 don't really cut it comparatively. Where are the more challenging games to the likes of Demon's Souls at on Nintendo? Or something more action orientated like GoW or TLOU? What about superhero games? Playstation has both Spiderman and Infamous series. Does Nintendo have any 1st party superhero games? Not really. BOTW is Nintendo's shining open world game, true, but Playstation has that genre covered too with two of their own 1st party joints in Horizon and Ghosts of Tshushima. Only genre that Nintendo 1st party genre that they exclusively got ya'll covered in is that Animal Crossing shyt. Sales like hotcakes for sure, but it's a game essentially about nothing and is the epitome of casual. Imagine that, Championing a genre of casual nothingness as must have game that you can't get anywhere else as a reason to say that their 1st party games are king.

Nintendo games are fun and all no doubt, but small in scope of focus. Everyone loves some casual cake from time to time, but I when I want to eat, I want my gaming diet to beyond simply sugar n shyt. Desserts do not make a full course meal.
This is a good post with objectivity and good examples no fanboy/hater glasses.


Jan 1, 2014
The unknown
I dont get why Nintendo gets so much praise , when they been relying on the same ip since day 1.

Not even trolling but isn't Sony doing the same? There are starting to be a good amount of sequels from them and yet nobody ever complains about that.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Not even trolling but isn't Sony doing the same? There are starting to be a good amount of sequels from them and yet nobody ever complains about that.

The thing about sequels, it kinda gets a bit of a bad rep overall. Damn near anything good gets a sequel and that's cuz they're typically desired as such. The only thing that is truly bad about "sequelitis" is if that's all/primarily you doing and practically aren't doing anything new. Otherwise, we all love sequels to be real about it. Who doesn't want more of want the liked before.


Jul 28, 2013
Not even trolling but isn't Sony doing the same? There are starting to be a good amount of sequels from them and yet nobody ever complains about that.

Sony normally does maybe two or three more sequels before moving on to the next, compared to Nintendo who will just ride the IP till the wheel's fall off.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Hmm.. I’m gonna have to say no.

Nintendo’s big ip’s are too iconic to ever really be surpassed at this point. Not to mention they have classics on classics across several genres. Sony on the other hand, really only specializes in making one type of game (cinematic 3rd person action-adventure)

Gran Turismo
MLB (until this year)
All PlayStation VR titles
Destruction All Stars
PaRappa The Rapper
Fat Princess

Sony releases so many games they go under the radar when those same games would be huge on nintendo just because they push the casual shyt more. The fact is people don’t tend to gravitate towards Sony’s more “creative” offerings but they are there. And they are just as fun if not more than Nintendo’s.

People would probably clown sony if they showed off Snipper Clips as a launch title

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Not even trolling but isn't Sony doing the same? There are starting to be a good amount of sequels from them and yet nobody ever complains about that.
I say this over and over, people are literally hype for ratchet and clank 14 or 15 I've lost count by now.

But those same dudes will call other games on part 5 stale, played out and dull.:mjlol:
Jun 4, 2014
nikka, you say Sony cats is nuts then proceed to name games that haven't even produced titles in the 21st Century! You be saying shyt just to say it cuz you stanboy-trollism is so retarded that half your favorite games is on a system you don't even like, so you make goofy ass posts like this just to spite yourself and try to say "well I'm trolling cuz Sony stans :mjlol:". nikka said Kid Icarus! Kid Icarus nikka?! Man, that shyt was weak way back in its 80's release and never even got any sequels. Excitebike was nice, but also, 80's ass game that you ain't playing today. STFU with that ole bullshyt. Ice climbers?! GET THE fukk OUTTA HERE!!! Yo goofy ass just naming filler Smash bro characters and you know it. Stop it.:stopitslime: Thread is about current status, not some shyt before other companies even existing in the gaming realm. You naming games that no one plays today or back in the day even and acting like they some Legacy shyt. Stop it. I'll give you Starfox, as it was heralded as something special, yet Nintendon't even make any more of its games either in like two decades...cuz of....reasons. Battleclash nikka?! nikka what?!?!?! Battle Clash received 3.775 out of 5 in Nintendo Power.[4

I can't take you serious at all.
I think this was really targeted at the OP who dropped a bunch of unused franchises with no context. Both Nintendo and Sony have IPs they don’t really use anymore and it sucks for the fans who have been clambering for a new iteration on higher spec hardware as opposed to milking certain big franchises Nintendo does it more than Sony but they all do it

Microsoft with Forza, Halo and Gears, Sony with Uncharted and Killzone, Nintendo with Mario, Smash and Zelda.

Brian O'Conner

All Star
May 23, 2012
'I was being vague'...'think bigger'....sounds like your avoiding this sonning :rudy:

Name all these must play Sony games breh. I'll wait. :coffee: Post those revolutionary sales numbers too while your at it. Or is Sony still hiding those and not posting them in reports because they pale in comparison with you know who?:coffee:

Matter fact you can list genre for genre and I guarantee you I can list Nintendo 1st party that washes it.

Killzone and Twisted Metal :laff:

So twisted metal is trash ? :what:

I'll take a new twisted metal 60 fps online over animal crossing any day.

I like nintendo as much as the next guy but outside of zelda they are not innovating like sony

They been cashing out doing the least while sony putting out blockbusters

When's the last new ip nintendo released that took off? Xenoblade?

I'm bout to hop on got now, another one in the bag for sony that gonna have 3 or 4 sequels

Like nas..sony..Always moving forward never looking backwards here's another classic :ahh: