Mac Casper
@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
To me, his style is really unappealing
To me, his style is really unappealing
theres no underground album that has come out 2012 that is better than GKMCPeople overrated Kendrick and GKMC so much due to the hype that it created an unrealistic expectation and gassed his head up, should have given him a chance to grow. I wouldn't be surprised if he drops a better album this time around overall but it's not rated as highly cause the hype machine may die down a little. But the concern would be his ego has been overblown due to the over the top praise. If GKMC was an underground album with no hype hardly anybody would be talking about it or citing it as great. It was more hype than substance to me. Hopefully he will drop a better album, cause he can rap better than some of his abysmal peers but will see....
Are you gonna act like we're supposed to give a fukk about how a label decided to promote their artist?Are we gonna act like Koondrck wasn't an industry plant from the beginning? he was a SIGNED unsigned hype rapper getting his buzz up when he got the ok from Dre to fast track his budget and marketing.
Once he got a decent base he was pushed as the mainstreams new young lyrical conscious rapper, for lack of any sellable candidates.
Lets not forget that much of his popularity in the mainstream still came a couple of singles after the album dropped.
The radio practically forced kendricks songs down our throat. His songs are not Strong radio friendly songs, His strongest radio joint was poetic justice.
And he was HURT he aint get that grammy from them crackers
. That song "I" makes Pharrell's "Happy" sound like Mobb Deep "Give Up the Goods".
theres no underground album that has come out 2012 that is better than GKMC
what albums in question? theres thousands of underground albums produced every year..ofc i havent heard all of emYes there is, ignorant statement also as you haven't heard the albums in question.
First off, cacs make the majority of almost all rapper fan bases. It's inevitable, they're a 64% majority in the US right now. Black Americans are only 13% of the population. This rule holds true in Europe too. And this "white consumption of 'black culture" has been here forever in various forms. Fats Waller was touring not just the US, but also UK and Ireland before World War 2!
that said, I do think Kendrick is pandering way too much with his comments. The Iggy thing is partly cause she's dating his cousin. But his Ferguson comments have no excuse
The thing is, he DOESNT have to pander. He should know that. Cole sold more than 300K with 0 big singles WHILE BEING OUTSPOKEN AND PROTESTING IN FERGUSON AND NYC
nikka been c00nin since the grammys
I agree GKMC is one of the most overrated albums of all time.This new generation isn't used to hearing a solid album. I think it has to do with the Dr. Dre co-sign + being from Compton + being intelligent, lyrical and nonviolent. Folks from outside of Cali, especially cacs, believed every single last nikka from Compton was some superhuman gang banger that gained mystical power from killing other black men like ghetto Highlanders of some shyt.
Dude answers questions in interviews and he's the social barometer for how all black people are supposed to act/think?
They could use you in hollywoodyou can't be too militant in the entertainment industry without burning bridges you can't afford to burn, you have to make concessions, you have to bite your tongue a lot, you have to laugh when the powerful white guy in the room makes bigoted jokes, you have to fake smiles. It's easy for us to call him and others out, and we should, but we also have to put our feet in their shoes to have a better understanding of the behavior.