fukk what you talking about but your name is fukking bad ass daps just because of thatFirst off, cacs make the majority of almost all rapper fan bases. It's inevitable, they're a 64% majority in the US right now. Black Americans are only 13% of the population. This rule holds true in Europe too. And this "white consumption of 'black culture" has been here forever in various forms. Fats Waller was touring not just the US, but also UK and Ireland before World War 2!
that said, I do think Kendrick is pandering way too much with his comments. The Iggy thing is partly cause she's dating his cousin. But his Ferguson comments have no excuse
The thing is, he DOESNT have to pander. He should know that. Cole sold more than 300K with 0 big singles WHILE BEING OUTSPOKEN AND PROTESTING IN FERGUSON AND NYC
Kendrick got love for white folk and vice versa soK. Dot's commentary on everything from Iggy Azaelia to Ferguson seems like he's trying to be PC as possible not to offend his huge cac fanbase.It seems like at this point cacs own him or something. That song "I" makes Pharrell's "Happy" sound like Mobb Deep "Give Up the Goods"
. Suburban Starbucks drinking cacs seem to love K. Dot. For what reason, I do not know. I, mean, how the hell could a little suburban peckerwood Timmy or Becky relate to lyrics about witnessing drive-by's and murders before they were ten years old and fighting to stay positive and neutral in an environment torn apart by generational gang violence?
It may have to do with the fact he is from Compton. To white people, Compton is some mythical ghetto of all ghettos to which they reference for all of their anonymous online racist rants to their racist blackface college parties.Suburban cacs nationwide were responsible for the commercial success of N.W.A.
But Kendrick seems like he is more willing to offend black people than white people at this point and not even in a constructive manner. Kendrick has become what formerly unapologetic East Coast thug rappers like Wu-Tang and Wu-Tang became in the 2000's in just a few years. That is, back in the 90's, Wu-Tang would call white people devils to their face. But now since Wu's fanbase is almost entirely white, they chilled out on all that shyt.
K. Dot could have used his success to continually push the envelope and put out more raw music but instead, he's starting to make music for suburban cacs to jog to and play on adult contemporary radio while cacs drive places in minivans with they kids.He has some time to turn himself around, but K. Dot is proving himself to be the Nas of this generation. He takes forever coming out with music between albums and tries to gain mass appeal through watered down radio singles. The only difference is that a watered down radio single from the 90's seems potent and hard hitting compared to a pandering watered down radio single from a crossover artist today. It would be refreshing to hear some controversial subject matter to make cacs feel uncomfortable on the next album. After all, that's what West Coast Rap was based on.
Koondrick is to whom yall placed your Hip-Hop faith?
Come collect yall L's
Malcom X once said something about the newspapers
I doubt that he ever even DREAMED that it would be black people themselves doing this and not the whiteman's news!
you can't be too militant in the entertainment industry without burning bridges you can't afford to burn, you have to make concessions, you have to bite your tongue a lot, you have to laugh when the powerful white guy in the room makes bigoted jokes, you have to fake smiles. It's easy for us to call him and others out, and we should, but we also have to put our feet in their shoes to have a better understanding of the behavior.
Well... I'm willing to bet that the 'cacs' that are Kendrick fans are those pro-black/struggle types of hipsters who wouldn't turn their back on dude for some comments on these recent events. Like... you really think a white Kendrick fan would care if he shytted on Iggy Azalea(sp)?
I don't think so.
I just don't get how he performed that Untitled song talking about how the white man wants a piece of everything, then turn around and give Rolling Stones an interview basically generalizing his people for them
I still think the album will be dope though
Where the hell Dead Prez selling out shows at..?True. But what's ironic is that the most unapologetically black militant artists like Dead Prez have the most disproportionately white fanbases.So if Dead Prez can call cacs crackers to their face and still sellout shows with nothing but cacs and fukk hella groupie cac bytches, what is stopping K. Dot from pandering so much?