Because I’ve dealt with men my whole life, many violent ones, it’s very rare for them to get that violent unprovoked unless they’re lashing out for other reasons.
I’ve also dealt with NYC women. Like the men, some of the most blunt braggadocios broads on the planet.
You can’t hear what’s being said.
I’ll start this, again, with the proclamation that these scumbags need to be punished to the full extent of the law as there’s nothing that could’ve been said to justify their actions (since some of you can’t read).
The reason why I feel like it’s important to get to the full truth of what happened is because of the message it sends to other young women. If it started with a polite decline, and then escalated to an argument with them exchanging insults then it should be included in the lesson learned from this incident that one shouldn’t argue with a bunch of strangers that hang out outside of liquor stores.
People don’t like to hear this, but women are notorious for popping off at the mouth at clearly physically superior men because they’re coddled by society into believing that men won’t hit them. Physically inferior men are less likely to do this (unless they’re holding a weapon to equalize the disparity) because they know they could get assaulted.
I’ll close it, again, by restating the fact that nothing she could have said would justify these scumbags beating her like they did. But no punishment they receive (if they receive any) will undo the trauma she experienced and the alleviate the rehab she’ll need to undergo.