This new Star Wars shyt makes the prequels feel like masterpieces. I've only like Rogue so far.
fukk J. J. Abrams, as a staff, record label and as a muthafukkin' crew.
Starwars worked because of the chemistry of the original cast. Without them it's trash. Every one of the new movies has failed to be as good the originals. Rogue One was piff though. They need to just leave it alone and find a new franchise. I think a franchise based on The Witcher would be fire.
so this shyt bombed?
hopefully that will get Kathleen whoever off the reigns of starwars.
Every time numbers get updated it goes down.
This might be the first outright bomb in star wars history.
Everything Im reading is predicting it could drop to $80-90 million for the 3 day. And could do less than $500 million WW end of run.
That's nuts.
Deadline updated to 80-90
‘Solo’ Currently Flying Low For Disney ‘Star Wars’ Opening With $105M-$115M 4-Day
UPDATED, 10:47AM: Industry estimates this morning are pegging around $33M today for Disney’s Solo: A Star Wars Story with a $80M-$90M three-day.
A 33 million Friday is behind Justice League which had a $38 million Friday and justice league opened to $93
It looks like worldwide this thing may not do ant man numbers forget justice league.
You didn't like revenge of sisth...![]()
Just got home for the movie. Thought it was dope as hell. Just a fun ass movie. I did have one question tho...
The Darth Maul cameo was obviously FIRE, but has anyone else noticed that it doesn't fit the timeline of the Star Wars series? They show the Stormtroopers at the beginning of the movie, then keep showing the Emipre throughout the film. Darth Maul was LONG dead before any of that existed. At first I thought it might just be a different character that was the same species as Maul, but that theory went completely out the window once he broke out that double bladed lightsaber.