Just a little thing called racism.
See, a lot of mulattos prefer that their kids marry mulattos because they prefer their babies to have white skin, curly haired hazel eyed babies. They would like to keep the family from turning too dark. But trouble is, outside of those foreigners who became haitian over time, most of the ruling class is regular dark-skin black people And we know mulatto girls feel they need to be with powerful men thus they marry these powerful black men.
But in government it's the blacks that rule. Notice the people in power from senate to presidents
Find me the non-blacks that are at the helm

Again it's about money. Those that have it vs those who dont. And a lot of those who migrated and came with money were white and middle eastern men from mid 1900s.
And even today they are still migrating. I should know. My own cousin married one of those Syrians. He a cool dude and all but still. And lately there has been an influx of Chinese and Koreans too invading Haiti.