Haitian Appreciation Thread

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Yea breh it was bad. That was the era nobody wanted to claim they were haitian.

From Hollywood with the voodoo zombie movies. To the aids thing to the banana boat refugees to them saying all haitians stink.

It's like it always was a concentrated effort to shyt on haitians
black folks quickly forget. i remember that shyt like it was yesterday. folks getting murk/harass on sight it was a green-light on Haitians on some (Mexicans on black in certain parts in cali) . some was committing suicide, you couldn't walk in certain zones/hoods. you had to fight everyday in school, Micky D's, on the bus, going home. teacher was trying us. grown folks was trying us. jits was trying us.

it was to the point we had to start a group effort to fight back from THB and Zoe. the law start calling us gangs and give us gang tags. i don't consider us a gangs tho

these new school Haitians now just don't know. what really piss me off you have the same ppl wanting other black ppl (from other places that's mixed,creole or light skin)to claim they black/or African descent when they known koons but when you have a prideful black nation with history of black excellence dripping from they sweat and tears the same ppl don't want nothing to do with you, especially if you're black than others

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
May 15, 2012
black folks quickly forget. i remember that shyt like it was yesterday. folks getting murk/harass on sight it was a green-light on Haitians on some (Mexicans on black in certain parts in cali) . some was committing suicide, you couldn't walk in certain zones/hoods. you had to fight everyday in school, Micky D's, on the bus, going home. teacher was trying us. grown folks was trying us. jits was trying us.

it was to the point we had to start a group effort to fight back from THB and Zoe. the law start calling us gangs and give us gang tags. i don't consider us a gangs tho

these new school Haitians now just don't know. what really piss me off you have the same ppl wanting other black ppl (from other places that's mixed,creole or light skin)to claim they black/or African descent when they known koons but when you have a prideful black nation with history of black excellence dripping from they sweat and tears the same ppl don't want nothing to do with you, especially if you're black than others

Without bias, If you consider yourself a black militant or even just proud to be black, you should stand behind Haiti. Because Haiti stands as the only major example of black power. The only nation who spat in the face of european colonialism and savagery.

But we will rise one day. The more you oppress a people the more difficulty you give him it does nothing but forge hardened steel. One day that will rise to be an advantage over other men:birdman:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
208th Anniversary of the death of Dessalines.


Today is a public holiday in Haiti, it’s “Anniversaire de la mort de Dessalines” anniversary of the death of Dessalines. Jean-Jacques Dessalines was a military leader who worked with Toussaint L’Ouverture and gave the country of Haiti its name.

According to Bio:

Born around 1758 in Africa, Jean-Jacques Dessalines was enslaved in the French colony of Saint-Domingue. He served as a lieutenant under Toussaint L’Ouverture after the 1791 slave revolt and later repelled incoming French forces. Dessalines renamed the colony Haiti in 1804 and declared himself emperor. A severe, oftentimes brutal leader, he was killed in a mulatto revolt on October 17, 1806, in Pont Rouge, near Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Colonial Life

Born circa 1758 in Africa, Jean-Jacques Dessalines was enslaved in Saint-Dominque, the French West Indian colony currently known as Haiti. He toiled in the fields until 1791, when a slave rebellion broke out in the colony in the wake of the French Revolution. Dessalines fought against the colonial power and positioned himself as lieutenant to the black leader Toussaint L’Ouverture. The movement succeeded, and in 1793 slavery was abolished in the colony.

Leading a Revolution

L’Ouverture served as governor-general until the French sent Napoleon Bonaparte’s forces to the island in 1802. Bonaparte captured L’Ouverture and planned to reinstate slavery. But in 1803, Dessalines became the leader of a new revolution that began in opposition to the French regime.

With British aid, the rebels defeated the French, and on January 1, 1804, Dessalines declared the island an independent country called Haiti. Haiti became the first black independent republic in the world. The newly signed declaration of independence named Dessalines as governor-general for life, and in 1805, he declared himself emperor and took the name Jacques I.

Emperor of Haiti

Dessalines soon proved to be a ruthless ruler. He enforced a system of plantation labor for blacks. Under the law, all blacks had to either work in the fields or join the military. However, perhaps as retribution for the years he was enslaved, Dessalines was most harsh to whites. He did not allow them to own property, and to prevent a return to French power, he killed thousands of whites in a mass genocide campaign.

Dessalines also practiced discrimination against mulattoes and was eventually killed during a mulatto revolt on October 17, 1806, in Pont Rouge, Haiti, the result of an assassination plot orchestrated by the mixed-race leader of the revolt, Alexandre Pétion.


Despite his violent reign, Dessalines lives on as a figure of pride for Haitians. The day of his death, October 17, is a national holiday in Haiti. Dessalines’s legacy is embodied in Haiti’s national anthem, “La Dessalinienne.”

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Jean Jacques Dessalines was born in a sugarcane plantation in the Grande Riviere du Nord from enslaved African parents whose country of birth place are still unknown. The only early family members he had that history has kept, was his aunt whom he affectionately called Mantou and, two brothers: Louis and Joseph Duclos who would later adopt the last name Dessalines, afterHaiti's Independence. Jean Jacques Dessalines, just like the rest of children born from two enslaved parents at the time, was also a slave. He worked under the extremely harsh conditions of a white French man named Henry Duclos, until he was sold to a freed slave who treated him much better. About 30 years old, Dessalines escaped and joined the slave revolution that was sparked byBookman, after the Bois Caiman Ceremonyin 1791. He joined François Papillon and Georges Biassou in the mountains who were already training a few escaped slaves. Under their mentorships Dessalines learned the art of fighting; although illiterate, Dessalines was an amazingly quick leaner, he would later become a greater soldier than Toussaint L'Ouverture in terms of fighting abilities. Dessalines, under the command of his aforementioned mentors, traveled to Santo Domingo, the western part of Hispaniola, then occupied by Spain, to fight alongside the Spaniards against the French in Saint Domingue, the eastern part of the Island. There, he would meet the incredible Toussaint L'Ouverture. Jean Jacques Dessalines fighting skills propelled him to the rank of Lieutenant and when Toussaint L'Ouverture got promoted as Commander of the Spanish Army, he chose Dessalines as his chief Lieutenant.

Jean Jacques Dessalines was an intrepid soldier, a formidable general, great strategist, master tactician, ruthless leader and unforgiving commander. Dessalines quickly gained great reputation for the many successful engagements he commanded, but he acquired most of his reputation for the "Take no prisoners policy"he came up with. This policy consisted of burning entire villages to the ground and cutting the head of all the whites. To make sure that all French were killed, he ordered the summary execution of all Europeans, the only exceptions were women, children, priests, teachers and doctors." Haiti must be cleansed of every French taint"he said. Dessalines was one, if not, the most ferocious leader in Haiti's history, he was cruel to the extreme; he had a sanguine heart and spirit. Nearly all historians have labeled him as a blood thirsty monster who delighted in the sufferings of Europeans. In a bloody battle near Cap-Français, (nowCap Haitien), Rochambeau, a French General, took 500 hundred blacks and executed them all the same day, each with a gunshot in the head; Dessalines hearing of this, captured one thousand white French soldiers, brought them to within the sight of the French and hung them all up. Pamphile de la Croix, in a letter sent to France, said:"Dessalines is one of the most ferocious human beings ever born..."Dessalines made his victims endured the most excruciating tortures and the most horrible deaths. He used to bury his victims alive, impaling them upright on bayonets; his own specialty which came to be known simply as Baionettes; cutting and shooting the more fortunate. While there is absolutely no deny of the ferocity of Dessalines, a ferocity which even Toussaint L'Ouverture didn't really like. He even once said to Dessalines:" I said to prune the tree, not to uproot it." Toussaint, although ordered the killings, wanted to keep his hand, reputation and conscious clean. But to understand Dessalines, one must take 2 things into account:

1) Dessalines was the kind of soldier necessitated in the battlefields at the time, a general willing to see plainly what was needed and not hesitating to respond bluntly.

2) The conditions that surrounded him as a child. If Dessalines became cruel, it was because of the treatments he and other slaves received from the French masters. It is noted that when Dessalines escaped to join the slaves in the mountains, he was disfigured from lashes, all his body were covered with deep scars left by beatings. Plus the french were as cruel as Dessalines. French masters used to dump cane syrup on slaves, buried them but leaving their head out so they can breath and remain alive, while ants eat them to death; throwing disobedient slaves in boiling cauldrons of cane syrup was common practice among other despicable treatments. One can only imagine what effects these conditions had on the slave Jean Jacques Dessalines.

Dessalines and Toussaint are the most revered Haitian heroes, while Toussaint was a diplomat; military expediency distinguished Dessalines.

After the capture and deportation of Toussaint L'Ouverture by the French General Leclerc on May 5th, 1802; Dessalines assumed the post of Commander in Chief of the Haitian Army. The shift of powers was immediately felt by both the French and the Haitian soldiers. He deemed that the war was now a revolution for total independence rather than colonial autonomy with emancipation, like Toussaint wanted. No more diplomacy.

"Liberty or death; to renounce forever to France, and to die rather than to live under its domination."


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
When Dessalines suspected that some of his generals, out of interest or humanity, may not have carried his orders fully, he took it upon himself to tour the country and pitilessly massacred every French soldier that fell in his way. Dessalines is said to have personally slaughtered anywhere form 5000 to 10.000 French soldiers.

On May 18th, 1803 in the City of Archaie, Dessalines took a french flag: Blue, white and red, tear out the white in symbolization of getting rid of everything white, gave the remaining two pieces to his god daughter Catherine Flonwho would sew the first version of the Haitian Flag.

Dessalines commanded a major battle, Crête-à-Pierrot, fought for 20 days. March 4-24, 1802. General Leclerc, besieged the heavily barricaded fort. Surrounded, Dessalines and his troop were trapped inside the Fort, short of food and munitions. Dessalines launched a splendid call to his soldiers and boosted their courage."Those ready to give up the fight for their freedom may leave, those who want to live free or die should stay and blow up the fortress rather than to give it up to the French." The fort was significant as it was sort of a gateway to the Artibonite River valley, the stronghold of France. Marie Jeanne, the only female soldier present was the first to chose to stay on the side of Dessalines, she took out her sword and encouraged the soldiers to urged they way through the French army, vigilantly waiting outside. Hungry, thirsty, outnumbered, they defeated the French lines and even killed their commander General Charles Dugua. On November 18th, 1803 Jean Jacques Dessalines led the last battle for Haiti's independence, the Battle of Vertieres.

Dessalines defeated the French army numerous times, the only place left was Vertieres, the night prior, the 17th of November 1803, the Haitian army positioned their guns to blast Fort Breda, located on the habitation where Toussaint L'Ouverture grew up. As the French trumpets sounded the alarm, Clerveaux, a Haitian soldier, fired the first shot. Capois La Mort (Capois the Death) mounted his horse, and under the command of Dessalines, led his demibrigade forward despite storms of bullets from the French located at the fort on the left, they kept running up the long steep ravine, a great number of Haitian soldiers died, and a bullet, killed the horse which Capoix La Mort was riding, he immediately got up, draw out his swords and shouted:Forward! Forward! as he continues to ran up the hills, another bullet hit his hat, but he kept on running and shouting:Forward! Forward! Another bullet hit his epaulette and he continued "Forward! Forward!" As Capoix charged forth, the French drum rolls a sudden cease-fire. The battle then stood still. A French officer mounted his horse and rode toward the intrepid Capoix La Mort and shouted:

"General Rochambeau sends compliment to the General who has just covered himself with such glory!"

He saluted the Haitian warriors, returned to his position, then the fight resumed. After what seemed an endless battle, the French Army was defeated. 20.000 Haitian soldiers defeated the 60.000 men French Army sent to Haiti by Napoleon Bonaparte; the largest single military deployment in France's History to date; to re-institute slavery. The Battle of Vertieres was of great significance; It marked the first time in the history of mankind that a slave army led a successful revolution for their freedom. This has never been duplicate by any other country in the world's history. Haiti became finally independent, 3 centuries after King Caonabo and Queen Anacaona fought the first battle against outside invasion of their beloved land. On December 5th 1803, exactly on the 311 years anniversary of when the first Europeans set foot on Haiti's soil, on December 5th 1492; the French colonial army surrendered its last remaining territory to Jean Jacques Dessalines. He wasn't done though, more importantly, he prodded that a final act of massacre would send the most dramatic message possible to dissuade France and any other power, that this fledgling nation could ever be reclaimed for slavery. The only group of white people who were allowed to stayed freely in the country were the Polish and German mercenaries who always were for the freedom of the slave population of Saint Domingue, and even fought alongside Haitian soldiers during the revolution. They settled in the north west part of the country.

"...Know that you have done nothing if you do not give the nations a terrible, but just example of the vengeance that must be wrought by a people proud to have recovered Its liberty and jealous to maintain it. Let us frighten all those who would dare try to take it from us again; let us begin with the French. Let them tremble when they approach our coasts, if not by the memory of those cruelties they perpetuated here, then from the terrible resolution that we will have made to put to death anyone born French whose profane foot soils the land of liberty. Recall that my name horrifies all those who are slavers, and that tyrants and despots can only bring themselves to utter it when they cursed the day I was born...

Never again shall a Colonial or a European set his foot upon this territory with the title of master or proprietor. This resolution shall henceforward form the fundamental basis of our constitution."

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

On January 1st, 1804, following the actual massacre of the remaining French planters, from the city of Gonaives, Dessalines officially proclaimed the country's independence, renamed it Haiti, the very first name given to it by the indigenous Taino/Arawaks. Under Dessalines command, Haiti became the First Black Republic on the face of the earth, the second independent Nation in the Americas; and undoubtedly one of the most remarkable moment in the global history of the human race. On January 1st, 1804, it was in Haiti that the Act of Independence as a genre began its trajectory from a single Nation's document to a global history. Dessalines made sure that the written Document would be called " Acte de L'Independance" Act of Independence rather than following the US, to call it "Declaration de L'Independance", Declaration of Independence. The freedom of the people was not acquired by a Declaration, but by Actions.

" We have rendered to these true cannibals, war for war, crime for crime and outrage for outrage. Yes I have saved my country; I have avenged America. The avowal I make in the face of earth and heaven, constitutes my pride and my glory. Of what consequence to me is the opinion which contemporary and future generations will pronounce upon my conduct? I have performed my duty; I enjoy my own approbation: For me that is sufficient"

Dessalines, in Haiti's Act of Independence, left the future generations dreadful reminders of the crimes and atrocities committed by french colonists, and the extent Haitians had to resort to to put their feet down and renounce to slavery. He demanded that Haitians be the judge of his actions:

"The moment of the crimes was upon us. Impartial reader, you will be the judge of who played the role of executioner and victim."

Dessalines approached the problem of slavery and Liberty, not in tragic and sentimental terms like those of Toussaint L'Ouverture, but with vivid and shocking affirmations and symbolism meant to continuously reintroduce the injustice and trauma of slavery, making the Nation took the oath that slavery would never be again tolerated. Dessalines stroke the 19th century with his astonishing words; no matter who repeated them or for what purpose.

"What a horrible wound we discover in humanity! Oh! Because we had the courage to lift this veil, let us hurry to shred the rest of this disgusting tatters! And let them never again appear on the surface of the globe"

"We swear never to yield them to any power on earth. The appalling veil of prejudice is torn to pieces and will sundered forever. Woe to whoever would dare to piece back together its bloody rags!"Jean Jacques Dessalines chose Boisrond Tonnere, a mulatto who was a General in the Haitian Army as his secretary and dictated him the words for the Act of Independence. Boisron Tonnere introduced Dessalines in his writing of the Document.

"Haitians, freed of the anathema of prejudice, by a hero's courage, in reading this memoirs, you eyes will measure the abyss from which, Dessalines rescued you! And you slaves of all countries, you will learn from this great man, that every man carries liberty in his heart, and that he holds the key to it in his hands."

The very next day, on January 2nd 1804, Dessalines ask that Boisrond Tonnerre sends letters to the rest of the countries in the continent, informing them of Haiti's Declaration of Independence. One of such letters were personally sent to the publisher of a major news paper in the US, in Philadelphia, Samuel Relf, an avid American speaker against slavery, who was known by Boisrrond Tonnere.

" Mr Relf,

The Government confiding in your impartiality, hope that you will please to publish the enclosed Arrete. Although motives of a political nature required that this Arrete should at first be kept secret in order to insure its execution. It is at present the desire of the government to give it all possible publicity. -As evil disposed persons (Of whom unfortunately there are too many) will not fail to charge us with causing an indiscriminate destruction of the whites, whether good or bad, who have remained in the Island, it is right that the world should be undeceived by exposing the true motives which induced the government to a measure which has never affected and never will affect anyone but the guilty."

In an another Decrees Jean Jacques Dessalines offered to pay for the repatriation of black and mixed races refugees from the Haitian revolution, and other Caribbean colonies, migrated to the states in the US that didn't have slavery. As Haiti was the first and, the only Independent Black Republic in the world at the time, Dessalines was particularly against the idea of black people living in slavery in other countries.

" This Decree shall be printed, published, posted up; and a copy of the thereof shall immediately be forwarded to the Congress of the United States" (...) There shall be allowed to the captains of American vessels, the sum of forty dollars for each black individual they may restore to this country.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
After the Declaration of Independence, Dessalines named himself Governor General for life of Haiti. He served in that role until September 22nd 1804, when he proclaimed himself Emperor of Haiti. He was crowned Emperor Jacques I in a coronation ceremony on October 6th in the city of Cap-Haitien, he later released the imperial constitution naming Jean Jacques Dessalines, Emperor for life with the right to choose his successor. The same constitution also specifies:
"Haitians shall henceforth be know only by the generic appellation of blacks"getting rid of social classification by skin color.

The destruction of properties, businesses and plantations left the new Republic Haiti economically devastated, plus the defeat of the French Army, the mightiest at the time by a slave army, making Haiti the first and only independent black nation at the time, didn't sit well with the rest of the Western World whose economy still depended on the labor of slaves. The United States of America only 30 years older, and Haiti were the only two Independent countries in the Americas, the rest were colonies of England, France, Portugal and Spain. None wanted to do business with Haiti. US President Thomas Jefferson refused to recognize Haiti's Independence and joined force with France and set forth policies to isolate the new Republic founded by former slaves.

"Our policy with regard to Haiti is plain... we never can acknowledge her independence... The peace and safety of a large portion of the union forbids us to ever discuss it"

" Our policy towards Haiti... has been fixed...We trade with her, but no diplomatic relations have been established between us... we receive no mulatto consuls, or black ambassadors from her. And why? because the peace of eleven states will not permit the fruits of a successful negro insurrection to be exhibited among them. It will not permit black ambassadors and consuls to... give their fellow blacks in the United States proof in hand of the honors that await them for a like successful effort on their part. It will not permit the facto to be seen, and told, that for the murder of their masters and mistresses, they are to find friends among the white people of the United States"

They imposed a crippling economic embargo which prevented Haiti to sell its coffee and sugar. Keep in mind that before independence, Haiti was responsible for the supply of 40% of all the sugar and 60% of all the coffee consumed in the entire world, sugar and coffee were the equivalent of oil today. Dessalines tried very hard to keep the sugar industry and the plantations running; without slavery of course, but he enforced a harsh regimen of plantation labor. He demanded that all blacks work either as soldiers to protect the nation from outside invasions or work as laborers for the government to generate crops and income in order to keep the country going. He was so strict on enforcing this, that the new freed population felt that they were again being enslaved. Dessalines despotism and draconian labor policies forced disaffected citizens to plot against him. Even members of his own administration were involved in the conspiracy to overthrow him. Including Alexandre Petion and Henry Christophe. On October 17th 1806, on his way to Port-au-Prince, at the Pont-Rouge Dessalines got ambushed by his own soldiers, they opened fire and killed the iron fisted Emperor. His body was mutilated from the numerous shots. Charlotin Marcadieu who was traveling along, tried to save the Emperor's life, but him also got killed. Both bodies were left on the streets. A madwoman named Defilée who was passing by, recognized the Emperor's body, gathered, buried and guarded Dessalines remains in a final act of restorative devotion.

Jean Jacques Dessalines is the Man, the African, the slave, the Ruler, the General and ultimately the Emperor who's memories will never be erased in the soul of Haitians, in the written in blood history of Haiti and the history of black people in this world. He might be one of the most misunderstood leaders in History , but his courage, achievements and legacies are only that of a true Hero. One who resulted in any means necessary to say no to injustice and yes to freedom.

May the befallen Hero forever rests in peace.