"Ha Ha Suck Our Clinton Dix, We Back in the Mix!" The Official 2014 Green Bay Packers Season Thread


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
I have no expectations on Thursday

its the modern way to approach Packers games. :ld:

Honestly i wouldnt be surprised if we won or loss. This is a toss up game but im leaning more towards a loss then anything. I expect us to be 6-2 at the bye.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
I expect a win :ufdup:

Green Bay - By now you’ve probably enjoyed listening to Packers defensive tackle Mike Daniels and that deep baritone voice booming on a radio show or on a TV news clip or you’ve read his comments here. He kind of calls it the way it is. And you know he’s ready to be one of the badly-needed vocal leaders for the Green Bay Packers.

He held court for a little bit in the locker room Tuesday afternoon as most of his teammates packed up and prepared to leave for the Seattle game and he did not hide his admiration or respect for the Seahawks defense.

But, as you might imagine, he did not back down, either.

“You watch the Super Bowl and didn’t take notes? Then you probably don’t belong here,” said Daniels. “Because they really showed how they get it done. They didn’t do anything special. There was no crazy this-or-that. They rushed four, maybe blitzed every now and then, and their defensive backfield was there to intimidate. And the linebackers filled gaps and made plays.

“They all hustled to the football and everybody thoroughly looked like they were having fun. Every tackle was a celebration and they looked like they were having fun with very play.”

That was the compliment.

Here comes the reaction.

“We won’t be afraid to throw the first punch,” he said.

“FIGURATIVELY. NOT LITERALLY,” he quickly shouted, loud enough to maybe be heard all the way to the Puget Sound.

“We will not be afraid to make sure we’re the ones getting after it. We won’t be responding. We won’t be reacting. We’ll be attacking.”



“We’ll really be getting after it, within the rules, the way we’re supposed to.”

Daniels said the elusive nature of Seattle quarterback Russell Wilson will challenge the Packers because he is so hard to catch.

“You want to keep him in the pocket. Obviously. But I’ve seen him where he’s been contained. Very well. On numerous occasions. Still finds a way to get out of there,” said Daniels.

“I do know this: He’s a dangerous football player. He has a dangerous running back. He has a pretty good offensive line. He’s got guys that will catch the ball. If we don’t come out and play our best game, it will be ugly for us.”

But Daniels has promised a meaner Packers defense this year, and as of today, he sees a change.

“The complacency from the Super Bowl is gone. It’s all gone. …,” said Daniels. “Our mentality is different. Everybody is running to the ball, everybody has got a little more of an edge to them. The best thing is – guys do it within the rules, so it is basically a controlled fury. Which is basically what this game is.”
