God Emperor of SOHH
calling in for back up
No, back up for what... YOU?! I've proved you lost already. Moving on.calling in for back up
No, back up for what... YOU?! I've proved you lost already. Moving on.
I saw there post in another thread and that made me want to ask them about this.
What do you want me to tell you? Is there something that I can do for you? I already mentioned that it's ok if you want to wallow in all that mess.yeah by the time the europeans came to africa in the 1400's any technological advantage the africans had was gone
you brought up the egyptians that lived 7000 years ago, you brought up the cathaginians who were from north africa and were defeated by the romans and whos capital was razed to the ground in 146 BC 1400 years before the atlantic slave trade, you dont seem to have a sense of time scale
the African trade ports such as Mombasa, Zanzibar, Mogadishu and Kilwa[103] were also slave trading ports were millions of african were sent into slavery by arabs and muslims
and i have no idea what the hell china has to do with anything
none of what you are saying changes the fact that when europeans came with their ships to africa they were more technologically advanced, posting info about china, carthage or egypt doesnt prove that the yoruba, igbo, zulus and akhan that europeans encountered were equally advanced
what you are saying makes no sense
wow, really? literacy?Guns, ships and literacy were the main technologies that the european had and the africans lacked
and the europeans never enslaved southern africans, they enslaved west africans, they did conquer the rest of africa with guns tho
I mentioned pyramids. I mentioned the connection you just made. And I said African's had guns as advanced as proved that you have no sense of the time scale of history
saying that egyptians building pyramids 7000 years ago proves that the igbo, yoruba and other people of west africa in the 1400s were just as advanced as europeans with ships and guns is simply dumb and goes against logic and common sense
@emoney @Napoleon @HoopDreams94 @Ukrem ?? @Hiphoplives4eva @thekingsmen @iLLaV3 @Van Taakwow, really? literacy?
1. east and southern africans been had ships
2.they only had one tactic, which was to use the enemy tribes against eachother then attack while theyre backs were turned.
3.your a cac
wow, really? literacy?
1. east and southern africans been had ships
2.they only had one tactic, which was to use the enemy tribes against eachother then attack while theyre backs were turned.
3.your a cac
What do you want me to tell you? Is there something that I can do for you? I already mentioned that it's ok if you want to wallow in all that mess.
Those areas trading ideas and technology with Carthage and with moors and with others before 400 BCE is of no relevance I guess. Mediterranean and Asian goods arriving in Nigeria and other parts way before modern times... is of no value especially when there were cultural and technological exchanges.
The Swaili sending people and receiving technology from China for much of history.... leading up to sending art and freaking Giraffes to China as exchanges in the 1400's.... its basically whatever. Technology found in Egypt and northern African is of no significance..... even if there was also advanced technology found in Southern African...
I guess you can make blanket statement about "Africa Lacked" if you chose. You can ignore the ideological and technological trade between Africans and Africans and Asians if you chose. Why be upset about what I'm saying tho?
I mentioned pyramids. I mentioned the connection you just made. And I said African's had guns as advanced as Europeans.
There, IF I go along with your lies, will you then chill the hell out?
read the book. Probably might change your life. Had a profound effect on me in 10th grade.I saw the videos... I didn't watch them. I always assume it's better to read the books (that's y I'm slow on shyt i guess)
post the vids here and ill watch.
edit: ^^ ok
Like @knowmadd said it's tough to give a real good summary of a book that covers so much.
Growth and advancement took place because of location and opportunity. We suffer from this narrative that the English and Australian Aborigines are very different people because they advanced at different rates. Guns, Germs, and Steel says that location is more important than the people. Australia doesn't have the climate or livestock to domesticate. Eurasia does. The author makes it pretty clear that 'primitive' is a relative term. While we may see New Guineans as less advanced, most Americans wouldn't make it three days out in a jungle that their 12 year olds have no problem in. All the iPhones in the world don't make a difference if you don't have an understanding of how to survive your environment.
The beginnings of language part was especially impressive to me. Suppose I'd just never thought about it before.
Coming from a black perspective the book really kicks racist arguments in the ass. It's not that white folks are naturally more inclined to be more intelligent or more advanced, it's that the environments that their ancestors lived in gave rise to cultures that allowed them to survive in those environments and expand elsewhere, while other environments did not foster the same kind of growth.
columbus sailed on a moorish map, his ship had a moorish captain.
lacking literacy? the worlds first university is in Africa, dating back to the 11th century. There was 90+ written languages "documented" in Africa before slavery. And take into account that europeans burned down our libraries
yes they DID enslave southern africans, and even in that instance those blood thirsty whites were too busy systematically killing southern africans to establish a large colony there (south africa)
to say they conquered africa with guns is also bullshyt
to my knowledge, the technical edge europeans had was that even though Africa was smelting steel 2000yrs before the europeans, we never used steel for weaponary and preffered the much weaker brass.
why is this? idk, i guess our minds were not developed enough in the "evil" stakes.