yeah i have stated multiple times that american domination is a good thing and that american domination is the stepping stone for black domination
first of all stop throwing in modifiers like "sole"
i said that when europeans came into contact with africans the europeans were ahead technologically and that is why the africans lost
the book explains how the europeans got ahead
the whole premise of the book is that europeans were ahead and more advanced (im not sure why but apparently there is a difference to you between being ahead and being advanced)
the reason i LOLed is that you are disputing something that everybody knows and you are disputing the premise of the book, im just stating facts
i dont know why you are into this intellectually deceitful practice of using absolute modifiers, i never used the word 'entire'
what i did is post a video that discuses slavery and went into the reasons why slavery occurred
and i cosigned that the reason why the slave trade went on for so long is that 1) the europeans were more advanced 2) africans participated in the slave trade themselves
again i stated that the european were more advanced than the africans and you went into a hissy fit and started babbling about asian technology or something
you had a problem with the statement that europeans were more advanced when the whole book is premised on the notion that the europeans were more advanced
the circumstances of how it got to that point isnt going to make the europeans NOT advanced