Nero is one of the only dudes I like on the show.
Whole last season I was pulling for Nero to slap the shyt out of Jax one good time and he never did. He lost me, man. I was rooting for him.
For no reason at all.
Did it really have to be a dude taping a guy, fukking another guy, eating out a chick
Well written shows would do something with the fact that it was 3 pastors and a pastors wife, there'd be increased pressure from the community to find out who did it, cops would really be on their job, but we all know nothing will happen.
I think that's the route they're going. They seemed to make quite a big deal about it when they found their wallets.
nothing on this show makes sense anymore
how the hell is the gang even making money?
a shoddy little escort service? a porn studio not even up and running and no one buys porn, no mechanic shop anymore.
Let these guys are "loyal"?
how can all these felons carry guns in public.
It's been 7 seasons and nikkaz like tig and chibbs and bobby wearing the same clothes![]()
I might be trippin but I'm pretty sure I saw the mechanic shop in one scene. I know I remember being like wtf. I don't remember when it blew up but they can't have had it restored to brand new in between all the shyt they do.
Small ass town has had multiple motorcycle gangs, the IRA, the Cartel, the Triads an Aryan group running through there.
In the past few years, the assistant sheriff, the new sheriff's wife, the new sherif and a federal agent has been killed in the town.
I said this in the last season thread but Charming is a piece of shyt town.
Multiple motorcycle gangs in a small California town. Fine.
Constant shootouts with minimal police presence. Ok.
Half the club not in jail for just the small shyt they do. Sure why not.
But Charming as a place to protect because it's some haven of purity? Hell no. That's the last thing they could sell me on. The fact that all you ever see of the place is criminals and fukkery I'd say you could burn the whole thing down and nothing would be lost.
They tried to push it so hard, too. That charming was this heaven on Earth.