I'm surprised SUV isn't cancelled. That Erick Spolestra looking dude with Olivia is beyond wack.
I'm still shocked Dexter is still on
I really wished The Wire had a sixth season. That homeless killing storyline was so silly and over the top. I still don't know how they flipped that into nabbing Marlo's crew.
But anyway
Weeds-I just gave up when they went to NY. Still havent seen the finale season
Entourage- I don't know what Doug Ellin was thinking the last few seasons. But the feminization of the show was completely contradictory to the original premise of the show. Vince simping coke whores and marrying random british bytches:katt:
Family Matters- Surprised no one mentioned this. This show, while always corny, was at least solid especially for the late 80s/early 90s time frame. But then when Jaleel White had 80 characters on the show it went straight to hell. You could tell cac writers destroyed this show. Urkel in space?:dafuk::dontlike:
And True Blood is heading quickly down this road also
That new dude on SVU constantly gets the

from me everytime he opens his mouth.
I had to stop watching True Blood after season 3. I like season 1, loved season 2, but season 3 was full with too much bullshyt. Dem werewolves were the most weakest werewolves I have ever seen on television and movies... they hyped them up as a great threat in the earlier seasons but once they arrived everyone even the weakest nigas was killing them had me like
Family Matters should have been called Urkel's Wacky Inventions cause that's what every episode eventually became. Laura was a bytch constantly to Steve and thirsty for Stefan's dikk, Carl was

and Eddie was outed as a virgin and

everytime Myrtle came around trying to rape him.
For me the true ending of Entourage was season 6 finale when they boarded that plane with Jay-Z played
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxODvIILFq8]Matt Damon in Entourage season 6 Finale [HD] - YouTube[/ame]