For me it's Prison Break. As soon as Michael Rappaport came on:

It's crazy how that show fell off.
First couple of seasons it seemed like it was gonna be the biggest show on television and end up being Star Trek/X-Files status....Then it hit a point where seeming EVERYBODY hated that show.
I know myself that I can't even watch the first seasons anybody because I can't help but think of the complete and utter bullshyt that comes after it.
Adebesi dies and the writers were pretty much like well fukk it, lets OD on the gross shyt and even more ridiculous angles and plots
They completly killed the legacy with the last two seasons, I was hoping it would get better because I loved that show.
And they had that dominican chick Maya and Claire.....too much for me in my high school day
Correct me if im wrong, wasn't there a whole season called Fugitives where everybody knew these "mutants" existed and was trying to lock them up on some x-men 3 shyt?
Then after all that the very last episode Claire jumped to her "death" to show the world that they existed when the previous season was all about that shyt?. thats when I knew the show was over
That writers strike really did a number on heroes, but I heard it's coming back![]()
Weeds is the FIRST show that always come to my mind on this type of subject.
Remember that plot line with that pharmaceutical medicine that would make the inmates older in exchange for early release?
They really tried to thrown in some sci-fi bullshyt...