"It’s a twist that leads to more twists," showrunner Bruno Heller tells Deadline."The creation of the Joker is a larger and more epic story than people realize, and this show is very much about kind of the deep, secret history. So, as the show rolls on, people will see how a mythology is born, how a kind of cultural mien is created that will lead us to the Joker himself."
"Origin stories are to me, and I think to a large part of the audience, one of the most fascinating aspects of this whole world. You know, to a degree, those origin stories are the meat and drink of this world. So now all of that will become clearer to the audience as this season unfolds. You’ll see how Gothamitself coalesces around the legend of Jerome. I don’t want to give away too much, but the audience will see an organic progression towards the real history of the Joker, rather than a kind of legendary supervillain who creates himself out of nothing."