Yea i dunno whose ass he is eating to get max minutes wtf
McGruder got hurt
No doubt in my mind McGruder would have been are starting SF if he didn’t get hurt at this point since it seem Winslow didn’t even have a shot at SF since Spo refuses to play him there unless Waiters gets hurt
JRich is in a horrible slump playing out of position and at this point is pressing even more since signing his deal
Spo needs to do the right thing for him and the team and just move Winslow to his natural position and let JRich backup Waiters.
This small ball experiment needs to hit the bushes
In JRich last 10 games he has took 84 shots 43 of them have been 3s
He is 10-43 from 3s in his last 10 games

Spo stop having him shoot 3s tell and have him move inside the line try and get him some easy basket at the rim to help get his confidence back up.
Spo really got him trying to be a younger version of Ellington