Got hit with a DUI last night. What do I do now?


Dec 26, 2014
shut up bich, i have no sympathy for you. i go to party all the time and never get drunk. good thing you didn't kill some innocent brothers or sisters. now pay for your shtty decision. :ufdup:


Jan 22, 2016
Did u have to have a breath test to start your car or get your liscence suspended? I'm cool with the suspension tbh, I can do 90 days without. But 2 years? 180? Or a year?

I really can't handle that with everything riding in my last couple semesters of college.
It was my last months in college too, I just didn't drive for a year or so. My situation was a bit different it seems, I live in the Chi and just took the train everywhere.

shyt was hard, but hey.


It's the inner strength..
Jun 9, 2012
New York
where does that 30 k go

The lawyer and shyt he or she will have you do to make you seem as a stand up citizen.

That kids fam is worth 30k wasnt shyt to them...

Here is the kicker, that kid was drunk and hit a cop car that had pulled over another car for speeding lol...he actually broke the side mirror on the cop car

You have a chance, just need a really good lawyer.


Sep 10, 2012
I've had 2 DUI's and I'm speaking from experience, the fine is based off of income and is up to the judge, get a lawyer, youre going to have to get a chemical assessment, go to a MADD panel, and take a driving with care class, complete all of these before your first appearance, if you dont then the lawyer will just postpone it until everything is completed. Completing all of these and majority of judges will have mercy on you. Youre probably looking at a 200-1000 dollar fine, and a year of probation. Make sure your lawyer files a petition for you to drive to reinstate your license until the judge makes final ruling. I got my 2nd dui last may, i didn't close out my case until october. So i was able to drive until then but I actually was moving when I got the DUI so I got a new license in a different state and didn't lose any driving privileges besides not being able to drive in Minnesota until 5/25/16. So I'm valid to drive in 49 states.

My lawyer only cost 3500.

If you get a 2nd DUI youre looking at a few days in the workhouse and up to 30 days house arrest (unless you have a record). In Minnesota you HAVE to serve 2 days minimum. I believe MN is one of the harsher states when it comes to DUI as well.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Varies too much from state to state to give specific advice, but I'd say lawyer up and follow the lawyer's advice.

I wouldn't say get a super-expensive lawyer but find somebody with experience dealing with DUI cases, they're more likely to know the right people. But definitely get some sort of lawyer, because public defenders usually are going to be too busy to give a shyt about your case and you're likely to get a worse outcome with one of them.

Nick Barnes

All Star
Apr 30, 2012
I've had 2 DUI's and I'm speaking from experience, the fine is based off of income and is up to the judge, get a lawyer, youre going to have to get a chemical assessment, go to a MADD panel, and take a driving with care class, complete all of these before your first appearance, if you dont then the lawyer will just postpone it until everything is completed. Completing all of these and majority of judges will have mercy on you. Youre probably looking at a 200-1000 dollar fine, and a year of probation. Make sure your lawyer files a petition for you to drive to reinstate your license until the judge makes final ruling. I got my 2nd dui last may, i didn't close out my case until october. So i was able to drive until then but I actually was moving when I got the DUI so I got a new license in a different state and didn't lose any driving privileges besides not being able to drive in Minnesota until 5/25/16. So I'm valid to drive in 49 states.

My lawyer only cost 3500.

If you get a 2nd DUI youre looking at a few days in the workhouse and up to 30 days house arrest (unless you have a record). In Minnesota you HAVE to serve 2 days minimum. I believe MN is one of the harsher states when it comes to DUI as well.
Yeah MN is TOUGH on drunk drivers, I was in the back seat of someone who got pulled over after a night of drinking. She ended up paying thousands and got her license suspended for a year :scusthov:


Jan 24, 2016
14th and Kennedy to Macombos
Here is what I would do: (not legal advice)

1. Call a lawyer ASAP and arrange a meeting. Many times, the initial consultation will be free. Odds are that you will receive 10-20 “mailings” (solicitations) in the mail over the next week once the arrest is entered into the court system. These lawyers are usually newer or ones that may not be the best. Ask around or do some internet research on good DUI lawyers in your area. Not sure what Texas lawyers charge, but I would expect $2000 to $5000 and additional $$$ if they go to trial as a reasonable rate. If you go with them, they will ask for a retainer, so try to get some funds available right away. You would need to pay the balance before the court date.

2. Write down (again ASAP) everything you can remember about the events that night. How many drinks, how long you were at the bar, when the tire went flat, whether you admitted to the police that you had been drinking, whether you handed the keys to the police or whether they took them from the ignition, etc. Its important to document things now since your memory will start to forget things. The little things may be important. You will need this with your consultation with the layer.

Why I would recommend a lawyer.

1. The lawyer will direct you to an alcohol class that is convenient and ones which the court views more favorably. Its important to start these right away, and if possible, complete them or the majority of them before you appear before the judge. It shows sincerity in your intent to address any alcohol issues.

2. The lawyer may advise you to attend 1 or 2 AA classes a week. If that is the case, get a sheet off the web, and have the sheet signed by an AA member at the meeting. In most AA meetings, there will be several people having similar sheets, either for bettering their chance before the judge, or because they were court ordered as part of their probation. Doing these before the court date will again shown you are addressing any issues (and may save you from doing a longer stint of them on probation. Again, follow your lawyer’s advice.

3. The lawyer will be better able to deal with the prosecutor’s office to get the police reports and the prosecutor’s evidence. Without a lawyer, this can be difficult. For example, you indicate the keys were in the ignition (which is many times a DUI at your BAC) but did the police take any pictures or have evidence? If not, that could be a point of contention. Most likely they took pictures when you were passed out before they woke you up. Further, the lawyer can check on the calibration date of the test machine, etc.

4. Many jurisdictions allow first time DUI offenders to obtain a deferred adjudication probation (or a probation before judgment) where if you complete the probation, its not declared a conviction. However, Texas has been the exception. Over the last few legislative sessions, there have been bills to reinstate this. Your lawyer will know the appropriate Texas state laws and advise accordingly.

5. Your lawyer will know which judges may be more favorable to your case in view of the prior possession charge, and delay or use other tactics to get before a more understanding judge.

6. Your lawyer will be able to deal with any DMV issues, such as a hearing, or make arguments to allows certain privileges during suspension such as driving to work or school, etc. Your lawyer can also advise on the need to just take the suspension, or install the interlock device after conviction.

7. The prosecutor and the good lawyers all know each other, and many times, the defense attorney was a former prosecutor. This will help on possible reduction of charges, etc.

8. If jail time is ordered after a conviction, the attorney can argue with the judge to suspend as many days possible of the time, suggest community service instead, suggest that you only spend weekends in jail so you are able to go to work or school. Etc.

So, it’s a serious matter, and you were lucky not to have killed yourself or another person at that BAC. Use the opportunity to examine your alcohol use, and become a better person. If you are really honest with yourself, this is not the first time you drove after some drinks. In fact, most people after having a few drinks have no idea what their BAC is, and are just lucky that they were not the ones seen in the parking lot or pulled over. So, move on and don’t beat yourself up. This will pass.


May 3, 2012
Run Thru U Like Skattebo
yes, you want a private lawyer. depends on your state, but a dude i know spent about $10K in fees to the state, 1 year license suspension, and 3 months jail time on his first DUI. another dude i know who had more than one DUI ended up getting sentenced to four years in prison.

my state (arizona) may be the harshest against DUIs in the nation, so maybe you will be a little better off.

Uncle Kingpin

No Relation
Jul 26, 2013
:dame:You can listen to coli lawyers...
You werent operating your vehicle. You should fight it on those grounds alone. You were legally arrested it sounds like but "keys were in ignition i think" means you were not driving and you WERE TOLD THE KEYS WERE IN THE IGNITION. Whos to say you were not driving, a friend was, blew the tire, and they left you in the car in a panic.

Fight this one.
Or get a real lawyer. Who will probably get you to plead out to a probation before judgment as a first time offender. Duis and traffic tickets in general generate a lot of money, and they protect that income. You will have to pay one way or another
Apr 30, 2012
I'm not, it's really just a dumb choice I made. I usually drive with someone else in the car with me. I also drive for uber or should I say drove. 15 miles out here would be $60


How is he handling it? I got arrested 5 years ago for poss. of a small amount of marijuana, and that shyt sucked. Had over a year of probation, Community service, and AA meetings to attend.
i stay in texas too, i got a dwi 3 years ago totaled my car single car accident but i hired a lawyer ($2000) and i got 1 year probation 40 hours community service a couple classes i had to attend and i think $200 fine my licence was never suspended even before my case got settled and i was underaged-20 at the time so it could of been way worse

Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
i stay in texas too, i got a dwi 3 years ago totaled my car single car accident but i hired a lawyer ($2000) and i got 1 year probation 40 hours community service a couple classes i had to attend and i think $200 fine my licence was never suspended even before my case got settled and i was underaged-20 at the time so it could of been way worse

Bro can you do me a huge solid. Can you try and tell me who you had represent you? Just wanna test things out here. I keep looking up lawyers and reviews and it's so mix and match. Bunch of 5 stars Bing of no stars. Seems like it all depends on their case.

Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
Yeah, right before Thanksgiving until a little after New Years, many police departments are given extra funding from the Feds to set up DUI task forces.
This is exactly what happend. Was told I would have been fine if it ain't for the task force "checking" on me