shut up bich, i have no sympathy for you. i go to party all the time and never get drunk. good thing you didn't kill some innocent brothers or sisters. now pay for your shtty decision. 

It was my last months in college too, I just didn't drive for a year or so. My situation was a bit different it seems, I live in the Chi and just took the train everywhere.Did u have to have a breath test to start your car or get your liscence suspended? I'm cool with the suspension tbh, I can do 90 days without. But 2 years? 180? Or a year?
I really can't handle that with everything riding in my last couple semesters of college.
where does that 30 k go
Yeah MN is TOUGH on drunk drivers, I was in the back seat of someone who got pulled over after a night of drinking. She ended up paying thousands and got her license suspended for a yearI've had 2 DUI's and I'm speaking from experience, the fine is based off of income and is up to the judge, get a lawyer, youre going to have to get a chemical assessment, go to a MADD panel, and take a driving with care class, complete all of these before your first appearance, if you dont then the lawyer will just postpone it until everything is completed. Completing all of these and majority of judges will have mercy on you. Youre probably looking at a 200-1000 dollar fine, and a year of probation. Make sure your lawyer files a petition for you to drive to reinstate your license until the judge makes final ruling. I got my 2nd dui last may, i didn't close out my case until october. So i was able to drive until then but I actually was moving when I got the DUI so I got a new license in a different state and didn't lose any driving privileges besides not being able to drive in Minnesota until 5/25/16. So I'm valid to drive in 49 states.
My lawyer only cost 3500.
If you get a 2nd DUI youre looking at a few days in the workhouse and up to 30 days house arrest (unless you have a record). In Minnesota you HAVE to serve 2 days minimum. I believe MN is one of the harsher states when it comes to DUI as well.
Or get a real lawyer. Who will probably get you to plead out to a probation before judgment as a first time offender. Duis and traffic tickets in general generate a lot of money, and they protect that income. You will have to pay one way or anotherYou werent operating your vehicle. You should fight it on those grounds alone. You were legally arrested it sounds like but "keys were in ignition i think" means you were not driving and you WERE TOLD THE KEYS WERE IN THE IGNITION. Whos to say you were not driving, a friend was, blew the tire, and they left you in the car in a panic.
Fight this one.
i stay in texas too, i got a dwi 3 years ago totaled my car single car accident but i hired a lawyer ($2000) and i got 1 year probation 40 hours community service a couple classes i had to attend and i think $200 fine my licence was never suspended even before my case got settled and i was underaged-20 at the time so it could of been way worseI'm not, it's really just a dumb choice I made. I usually drive with someone else in the car with me. I also drive for uber or should I say drove. 15 miles out here would be $60
How is he handling it? I got arrested 5 years ago for poss. of a small amount of marijuana, and that shyt sucked. Had over a year of probation, Community service, and AA meetings to attend.
Yeah, right before Thanksgiving until a little after New Years, many police departments are given extra funding from the Feds to set up DUI task forces.Worst time ever to drive twisted is near the end of the month thats how i caught my DUI nearly 6 yrs ago.
i stay in texas too, i got a dwi 3 years ago totaled my car single car accident but i hired a lawyer ($2000) and i got 1 year probation 40 hours community service a couple classes i had to attend and i think $200 fine my licence was never suspended even before my case got settled and i was underaged-20 at the time so it could of been way worse
This is exactly what happend. Was told I would have been fine if it ain't for the task force "checking" on meYeah, right before Thanksgiving until a little after New Years, many police departments are given extra funding from the Feds to set up DUI task forces.