Depends on state. From what i heard in washington its an auto DL suspension, but it significantly increases your chance of avoiding dui.what happens if you refuse to do the breathalyzer?
Research in your state
Depends on state. From what i heard in washington its an auto DL suspension, but it significantly increases your chance of avoiding dui.what happens if you refuse to do the breathalyzer?
Depends on the state you in and the county in the state. What state are you in? Different states treat duis differently. Some don't care and will allow you to make a deal for a lesser charge(wet reckless) while others won't allow a deal if you blow over the legal limit. Regardless get your own lawyer but don't break the bank. If you lawyer up you're more likely able to get a lesser charge or a minimum sentence. Note this is advice is only good if this is your first criminal offense. If you got a record they may try to throw the book at you.
This is great, thank you so much brother. Reps for you.And lets think about what they know. Or specifically...what YOU know they know
They claim keys were in the ignition. In most states you always have to be behind the drivers side. Also, the car might have been operating but lets not assume this because you didn't get in an accident.
- You were intoxicated
- You were in a car
- That car had a blown tire
- You were PASSED OUT in that car
This is one of the few dui cases worth fighting
You older than 21 right?I'm not, it's really just a dumb choice I made. I usually drive with someone else in the car with me. I also drive
Dont talk to them again without a lawyer. words. You/he will form a defense.TX, and I have a Possession of Marijuana Misdemeanor B 5 years ago. It litterally only .01 grams (a crumb) they found. Did probation and got off.
This is great, thank you so much brother. Reps for you.
I was definitely behind the drivers side/wheel of the car. So do i need to make up some bogus story of what happened? Or just not talk about it in that sense so theres never potholes or discrepancies. Just let the lawyer talk and express that it can't be proven that I was driving even if I was drunk.
C'mon breh. Dude is in serious trouble. Either shut the duck.up or offer help clown.
kill yourself
if your drunk and behind the wheel WITH your keys in the ignition...that counts as a DUI. I'm not joking eitherYou werent operating your vehicle. You should fight it on those grounds alone. You were legally arrested it sounds like but "keys were in ignition i think" means you were not driving and you WERE TOLD THE KEYS WERE IN THE IGNITION. Whos to say you were not driving, a friend was, blew the tire, and they left you in the car in a panic.
Fight this one.
if your drunk and behind the wheel WITH your keys in the ignition...that counts as a DUI. I'm not joking either
First off its okay, drunk people are immune to deathMade a dumb choice. Got blacked out drunk last night while I was out, and obviously made the decision to drive home which was about 15 miles away straight shot. Made it 14 miles and hit a curve a few blocks from my crib.Popped my tire. I pulled into a lil shopping center parking lot and tried to sleep it off, but in my drunk stupor, I left my keys in the ignition and was pulled up on by a few cops. I'm certified dumbass.
Apparently, I was 2x over the legal limit. SMFHI could have killed someone. Gotta get my life right again, all this partying I do leads nowhere good time and time again.
Bro's who have caught a DUI, what do I do now? Obviously i want to avoid a major license suspension or having to have a breathalyzer on my car to drive.
Also, will hiring my own lawyer instead of a Public defender even help?
Thanks guys.