Got fired from my job for being drunk on the clock


Mar 11, 2022
Breh, I don't know if you're still reading these in between sips or not anymore but if so. You gotta quit, you already know this. As much hell as drinking has put you through, getting clean is going to put you through a similar hell. I aint even gone hold you. Its gonna feel like pure hell for a few weeks breh. But the same way drinking gave you mixed emotions, so will treatment. there will be good days sprinkled in along with mostly bad days. eventually it will shift back to good ,or normal like before you had just started drinking. it is what it is. You gotta decide tho.

I had homeboy going thru it same as you. only reason I had to walk away from helping him is because my girl at the time was arguing with me about it. after we broke up anyway i doubled back to check on cuz but... well lets just say as far as I know he's an alcoholic to this day. this is a fight where you might have your family on your team but, you gotta take the shot. and you know, maybe, but most likely they not gonna be there forever on a losing team.


May 1, 2012
I got a family to support. It's not my first time drinking at work. I don't do it often. Only on days where I can't get certain thoughts out my head. It impedes my productivity at work. Alchohol helps me feel nothing. Helps my mind be somewhat blank. I over indulged and had too much. Assistant GM had to drive me home in the middle of my shift. Owner and GM had to let me go. I'm drinking as I write this. I don't drink often. I don't heavy drink I mean unless it's a dark day. I can't predict my emotions. A man who can't control his emotions is no man at all. Alchohol helps me control my emotions. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. They all pity me

Im not sure how to move forward without alchohol. It really helps me. I'm trapped and my life is so fukked up. I'm back to square one. I'm gonna have to take a shyt job somewhere so I can get back on my feet. My wife no longer trusts me. She can't depend on me anymore. She has one foot outside the door. I'm losing my mind and in the process, I'm losing my family.
Maybe it's time to get back to church and get some supportive help.

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
I got a family to support. It's not my first time drinking at work. I don't do it often. Only on days where I can't get certain thoughts out my head. It impedes my productivity at work. Alchohol helps me feel nothing. Helps my mind be somewhat blank. I over indulged and had too much. Assistant GM had to drive me home in the middle of my shift. Owner and GM had to let me go. I'm drinking as I write this. I don't drink often. I don't heavy drink I mean unless it's a dark day. I can't predict my emotions. A man who can't control his emotions is no man at all. Alchohol helps me control my emotions. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. They all pity me

Im not sure how to move forward without alchohol. It really helps me. I'm trapped and my life is so fukked up. I'm back to square one. I'm gonna have to take a shyt job somewhere so I can get back on my feet. My wife no longer trusts me. She can't depend on me anymore. She has one foot outside the door. I'm losing my mind and in the process, I'm losing my family.
Listen breh, it sucks u lost ya job but at the end of the day that is something that can be replaced relatively easy.

Your life, your family, and overall well being is a lot more precious, and before it is too late i urge u to get some help, not just controlling ur alcoholism, but for whatever it is u are self medicating for.

Just remember u not alone, brehs and brehettes older, wiser, and "doing better" than u going through things and self medicating right along with u.

For me, i found something a lot healthier to focus that energy and those cravings on. Its not perfect but it probably saved my family and my life.

U gotta find the key to ur own sobriety and turn that lock while u still can breh.


Sep 6, 2016
go get therapy for those thoughts

do some mindful meditations

do some yoga

read self help books and watch videos

find a consistent mental health routine

there's many routes, you shouldn't be drinking on the job

you allow yourself to reach a level of complacency that is conductive to a leader of a household

ofcourse your wife doesn't trust you, you don't trust you


Top Tier
Jan 4, 2017
dawg he can't even handle drink....u think hard drugs gonna do him favors :dahell:
:mjlol:Uppers/stimulants offset the disorientation part of being drunk. Like I said, speaking from experience. You right tho, not everybody can properly maintain even when mixing
Nov 14, 2013
Eat some shrooms, not like a micro dose, like 2 to 3 grams. Really humble yourself, have the wort trip ever, see yourself for what you currently are and what you could be, you’ll at least make a couple changes afterwards


May 2, 2013
I got a family to support. It's not my first time drinking at work. I don't do it often. Only on days where I can't get certain thoughts out my head. It impedes my productivity at work. Alchohol helps me feel nothing. Helps my mind be somewhat blank. I over indulged and had too much. Assistant GM had to drive me home in the middle of my shift. Owner and GM had to let me go. I'm drinking as I write this. I don't drink often. I don't heavy drink I mean unless it's a dark day. I can't predict my emotions. A man who can't control his emotions is no man at all. Alchohol helps me control my emotions. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. They all pity me

Im not sure how to move forward without alchohol. It really helps me. I'm trapped and my life is so fukked up. I'm back to square one. I'm gonna have to take a shyt job somewhere so I can get back on my feet. My wife no longer trusts me. She can't depend on me anymore. She has one foot outside the door. I'm losing my mind and in the process, I'm losing my family.

I'm sorry you feel you need alcohol to clear your mind, and I'm sorry about your wife thinking about leaving you.

Think about it this alcohol more important than your wife or your job ?

maybe you should try to go to some alcohol AA meetings to try to help you out, I don't mean it as a diss, but that's the only thing I can think of breh

good luck with your wife, job, and getting your alcohol under control, hope everything works out for you OP