Got fired from my job for being drunk on the clock


Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
I got a family to support. It's not my first time drinking at work. I don't do it often. Only on days where I can't get certain thoughts out my head. It impedes my productivity at work. Alchohol helps me feel nothing. Helps my mind be somewhat blank. I over indulged and had too much. Assistant GM had to drive me home in the middle of my shift. Owner and GM had to let me go. I'm drinking as I write this. I don't drink often. I don't heavy drink I mean unless it's a dark day. I can't predict my emotions. A man who can't control his emotions is no man at all. Alchohol helps me control my emotions. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. They all pity me

Im not sure how to move forward without alchohol. It really helps me. I'm trapped and my life is so fukked up. I'm back to square one. I'm gonna have to take a shyt job somewhere so I can get back on my feet. My wife no longer trusts me. She can't depend on me anymore. She has one foot outside the door. I'm losing my mind and in the process, I'm losing my family.
From coli breh to coli breh, you must control your drinking habits or the alcohol will control you, abuse you and turn you into a mess

Your story is relatable because I spent most of my 20's using alcohol as a crutch for my problems. I would go to work drunk, I would go to school drunk, I would go to family events drunk. Why? For The thrill and stimulation to avoid boredom. In fact, I got fired from Walmart because one of my coworkers could smell the potent odor of Whiskey from a mile away. She asked me "Why do you come to work drunk?" I told her "Jack Daniels is my therapy" :pachaha:

I had to cut the hard liquor because I realized I was being very aggressive. I was turning into an emotional wreck. Had to say enough and enough!

When you overdrink, not only are you depressing your brain, you are also destroying your liver, your ability to think clearly, your brain function and neutral activity. Long term, overdrinking can lead to alcohol poisoning or even worse, death!

Alcohol is fun in moderation, but we must be responsible adults and restrain when a sober and focused mind is needed!

Listen, you are the man of your family. You are the head of your household. Your family and your wife is depending on you, don't give up bruh, you got this!

Best of luck


Sep 11, 2013
OP you've been slowly documenting your downward spiral on the coli for some time now.

you need to get some help, and you need to want it. you see that your spiraling but haven't done anything to change it. based on past topics it seems like you lean into it, hopefully you want to get better and soon for the sake of you and your family


May 1, 2012
t-dot till they bury me
I got a family to support. It's not my first time drinking at work. I don't do it often. Only on days where I can't get certain thoughts out my head. It impedes my productivity at work. Alchohol helps me feel nothing. Helps my mind be somewhat blank. I over indulged and had too much. Assistant GM had to drive me home in the middle of my shift. Owner and GM had to let me go. I'm drinking as I write this. I don't drink often. I don't heavy drink I mean unless it's a dark day. I can't predict my emotions. A man who can't control his emotions is no man at all. Alchohol helps me control my emotions. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. They all pity me

Im not sure how to move forward without alchohol. It really helps me. I'm trapped and my life is so fukked up. I'm back to square one. I'm gonna have to take a shyt job somewhere so I can get back on my feet. My wife no longer trusts me. She can't depend on me anymore. She has one foot outside the door. I'm losing my mind and in the process, I'm losing my family.
You lead off with the main reason why you need to make a change

Seek professional help to help turn things around

I hope you find what you're looking for

Peace breh


Ain't shyt
Mar 11, 2013
From coli breh to coli breh, you must control your drinking habits or the alcohol will control you, abuse you and turn you into a mess

Your story is relatable because I spent most of my 20's using alcohol as a crutch for my problems. I would go to work drunk, I would go to school drunk, I would go to family events drunk. Why? For The thrill and stimulation to avoid boredom. In fact, I got fired from Walmart because one of my coworkers could smell the potent odor of Whiskey from a mile away. She asked me "Why do you come to work drunk?" I told her "Jack Daniels is my therapy" :pachaha:

I had to cut the hard liquor because I realized I was being very aggressive. I was turning into an emotional wreck. Had to say enough and enough!

When you overdrink, not only are you depressing your brain, you are also destroying your liver, your ability to think clearly, your brain function and neutral activity. Long term, overdrinking can lead to alcohol poisoning or even worse, death!

Alcohol is fun in moderation, but we must be responsible adults and restrain when a sober and focused mind is needed!

Listen, you are the man of your family. You are the head of your household. Your family and your wife is depending on you, don't give up bruh, you got this!

Best of luck

I got a similar story about losing my job but it was Target smh

Anyway, get some sort of help man. Take control before the alcohol takes over completely


TheColi's Areolae Supremicist
Mar 11, 2022
Port City Louisiana Cooper Road
I got a family to support. It's not my first time drinking at work. I don't do it often. Only on days where I can't get certain thoughts out my head. It impedes my productivity at work. Alchohol helps me feel nothing. Helps my mind be somewhat blank. I over indulged and had too much. Assistant GM had to drive me home in the middle of my shift. Owner and GM had to let me go. I'm drinking as I write this. I don't drink often. I don't heavy drink I mean unless it's a dark day. I can't predict my emotions. A man who can't control his emotions is no man at all. Alchohol helps me control my emotions. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. They all pity me

Im not sure how to move forward without alchohol. It really helps me. I'm trapped and my life is so fukked up. I'm back to square one. I'm gonna have to take a shyt job somewhere so I can get back on my feet. My wife no longer trusts me. She can't depend on me anymore. She has one foot outside the door. I'm losing my mind and in the process, I'm losing my family.
I realizes I had a sex addiction when I had sex workers sliding through at the site I was doing security at. I was roleplaying as The Director who fukked his admin assistant. I was plowing they asses right on the big wigs desk.

If you gonna be addict OP do drugs that won't kill you. Liq is a poison. Just do shrooms and weed.


Mar 11, 2022
I used to take xans at a sales job cause it made me more smooth on the phone during pitches lmao . I was killing it til I nodded off at my desk. This was in my late teens . This should be behind you lol

Amo Husserl

May 24, 2022
More like Budissy :mjlit: