Google Glass....proof that Ray Kurzweil's prediction are all coming true

May 16, 2012
There are plenty of people who cant afford to have their genome mapped today. Its only cheap relative to how expensive it used to be

It'll be $1,000 later this year. And in a couple of year it will be less than $100 and could become an app on your phone. The fall in price of genomic sequencing has been so amazing that its even outpaced Moore's law by a great deal. Just remember that Steve Jobs got his genome sequenced a couple of years ago when he was dying hoping scientists could find something in there that could cure him and it cost him $100,000. Now its $1,000 which should make it affordable to anyone with a medical condition. In 2 years, it'll be cheap enough that everyone, even those who don't have any medical issues can get their genome sequenced.

A $100 genome being sequenced in a few hours is very much within reach the next couple of years. Once that happens, I think almost everyone will get their genome sequenced. And once we get the genomes of billions of people into large databases, we'll be able to analyze disease and cures more efficiently.

The biomedical revolution is already here. We're just at the quiet before the storm.


May 1, 2012

But what if mind-uploading actually becomes possible in 2100? Then I could just get my consciousness placed inside a super advanced robotic body that never ages and is perfect in every way. Or maybe by 2100 aging can be reversed and I can go back to my biological 25 year old self? Or even if none of these happen, I'd gladly live to be 150 years old if I can spend most of my time in Virtual Reality like the Matrix where I can be anyone and have any experience based on getting electrical signals to my brain.

Even in a worst case scenario where aging can't be reversed and mind uploading is not possible in 2100, I would still want to live because I'll take that over death. Stop believing death is something that is noble. The only reason our species has accepted it is because we couldn't do anything about it for the last 100,000 years. However, now technology is progressing to the point we might soon be able to slow it down substantially and maybe even stop it. Who wouldn't want that?

Don't let religious dogma cloud your reasoning abilities. There is nothing good about death.

You dont know what death is like. Its here for a reason and thats one thing, everything has in common.

Also, you guys keep talking about this conciousness uploading. Do you think its actually YOU as in you in your concious state right now, or a carbon copy of the patterns of your mind. The mind isnt like a computer file you can just cut and paste into a new location. If they are able to move your conscience like that, i dont think it will actually be You. You will be destroyed, and a copy of you will keep going. You still dead.
May 16, 2012
You dont know what death is like.

Yes I do. Its just like before I was born. NOTHING. There ain't no proof for none of that religious shyt about an afterlife.

Its here for a reason and thats one thing, everything has in common.

Yes. But so is syphilis and I'm not gonna accept it either. Just because something is natural and always been here doesn't mean its good. I'd rather live than die PERIOD. And religious folks feel the same way. They just believe in a man in the sky who'll bring them back to life in another world. I'm gonna stick with the sure thing than betting on a gamble that there is an afterlife.

Also, you guys keep talking about this conciousness uploading. Do you think its actually YOU as in you in your concious state right now, or a carbon copy of the patterns of your mind. The mind isnt like a computer file you can just cut and paste into a new location. If they are able to move your conscience like that, i dont think it will actually be You. You will be destroyed, and a copy of you will keep going. You still dead.

Thats an interesting philosophical question and one that deserves its own thread. I'll just put it this way. If you have one neuron in your brain replaced with a robotic neuron are you still the same person? I think most reasonable people would say yes. Now progressively replace each biological neuron with an artificial one that is connected to the internet. Are you still the same person now? I would say yes because you keep the same continuous consciousness.

Now remove those artificial neurons from the human body and place it inside a computer. Once again you never lose consciousness and believe you are still the same person. Now that your mind is uploaded into a computer, your consciousness can move from one computer substrate to another.

Now you might say well what if that consciousness gets deleted. Surely the backup copies made in the computer are different people. Well no. Unless you also think that every time you go to sleep and wake up the next day that your not the same person. What makes us who we are is our memories and personality. That information resides in the brain. Moving it from substrate to another doesn't make you someone else. Just like going to sleep and waking up the next day with only the memories of the past and the same personality doesn't make you someone else.
May 1, 2012
relevant video

[ame=]Eamonn Healy speaks about telescopic evolution and the future of humanity. on Vimeo[/ame]


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
First of all, many of his 1999 predictions about 2009 were considered radical. Do you even remember what computers and the internet were like in 1999? Remember dial-up? Do you even remember what cell phones looked like? We came a long way in 10 years. The computer in your pocket is more poweful that the most powerful supercomputer in 1996 and is thousands of times smaller. That is CRAZY!!! In addition, most people thought driverless cars were total science fiction and decades away just a few years ago let alone in 1999. Its easy to say that current technology was foreseeable when you are experiencing it right now. I'd love to have seen you say that in 1999.

And on the topic of R&D, I've already stated that brain/computer inferface technology is already being researched in the lab. Brain computer interfaces will definitely be common by the mid-2020s considering its already possible right now. Quadriplegics and certain people who don't mind having computer chips surgically implanted into their brain are capable of communicating to computers right now simply by thinking. The only reason this isn't common is because it can only be done surgically right now. However, in 15 years, when nanotechnology is more advanced, the use of brain computer inferences will be more widespread.

Instead of requiring surgery, the brain-computer interface can be inserted non-invasively through the use of small robotic nanobots that attach to the brain. And yes, blood cell sized nanobots are already being used in labs right now. The tech is at its infancy but should mature by the mid-2020s when it hits the market. The brain interface software should also improve. Right now people can only move the mouse or robotic arms with their mind. Thats because only simply brain waves can be interpreted resulting in only simple commands to the computer. To allow for more sophisticated controls, there will need to be more study into the brain and how it works. And we're lucky on that front as well because the European Union just announced nearly $2 billion toward mapping the human brain.
One thing that has always rang true thruout history is there are a couple of geniuses and a bunch of idiots
Albert Einstein was considered an idiot by most while he was alive
When people began saying the world was round, naysayers would look at dudes like :snoop:
I'm sure Exo would be like he already knew the world was round tho :heh:
Then after it goes down, somebody will say "Man, this was already accepted" and that man will have a same sex marriage with Exo (as you can see, Exo is a homo)
Yes I do. Its just like before I was born. NOTHING. There ain't no proof for none of that religious shyt about an afterlife.
You know whats funny about what your saying here. You talk like if you are in a position to see or understand the proof if it was there.
There is proof, but you choose to ignore it because your brain can't fathom something that doesn't tap dance for you.
But the reason its funny to me is because this thread is all about future tech's that people can't really comprehend
The same goes for religion and its origins. You looking for proof people don't want you to see. Key word, "people"
So if you want to find this proof, to find true enlightenment. Your gonna have to find it yourself instead of waiting for a white man with a Don King Haircut and a labcoat to say "We found it!!!"

Lets keep it 100, as long as a dude who looks like this
says it, then ppl believe it :smh:


May 1, 2012
Yes I do. Its just like before I was born. NOTHING. There ain't no proof for none of that religious shyt about an afterlife.

Yes. But so is syphilis and I'm not gonna accept it either. Just because something is natural and always been here doesn't mean its good. I'd rather live than die PERIOD. And religious folks feel the same way. They just believe in a man in the sky who'll bring them back to life in another world. I'm gonna stick with the sure thing than betting on a gamble that there is an afterlife.

Thats an interesting philosophical question and one that deserves its own thread. I'll just put it this way. If you have one neuron in your brain replaced with a robotic neuron are you still the same person? I think most reasonable people would say yes. Now progressively replace each biological neuron with an artificial one that is connected to the internet. Are you still the same person now? I would say yes because you keep the same continuous consciousness.

Now remove those artificial neurons from the human body and place it inside a computer. Once again you never lose consciousness and believe you are still the same person. Now that your mind is uploaded into a computer, your consciousness can move from one computer substrate to another.

Now you might say well what if that consciousness gets deleted. Surely the backup copies made in the computer are different people. Well no. Unless you also think that every time you go to sleep and wake up the next day that your not the same person. What makes us who we are is our memories and personality. That information resides in the brain. Moving it from substrate to another doesn't make you someone else. Just like going to sleep and waking up the next day with only the memories of the past and the same personality doesn't make you someone else.
Sad. You really think that some conscience transfer will have you waking up in a new body feeling exactly the same? Unless you're brain is going along with it, in a jar, its a farce. Your logic is flawed. IF YOUR BRAIN ISNT THERE, YOU ARENT THERE!
May 16, 2012
Sad. You really think that some conscience transfer will have you waking up in a new body feeling exactly the same? Unless you're brain is going along with it, in a jar, its a farce. Your logic is flawed. IF YOUR BRAIN ISNT THERE, YOU ARENT THERE!

Listen bro. The brain is an organ just like the heart. Instead of pumping blood, it send electro-chemical signals that tell the rest of the body what to do. Its not mystical or magical. Its an organic machine that can be replaced by another machine that does the same job.

There are already people living right now that have had computer chips inserted in their brains that allow them to move robotic arms and computer mouses. If we replace one of your neurons with a nanobot that does the same job but is made from silicon rather than carbon, are you the same person?

At what point do you change if we are simply replacing your neurons one by one. Neurons die all the time based on a myraid of factors. Yet I'm sure you won't claim that you are no longer you because one neuron is changed. Why does it change if we replace your organic carbon brain with inorganic silicon that does the same job?


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Listen bro. The brain is an organ just like the heart. Instead of pumping blood, it send electro-chemical signals that tell the rest of the body what to do. Its not mystical or magical. Its an organic machine that can be replaced by another machine that does the same job.

There are already people living right now that have had computer chips inserted in their brains that allow them to move robotic arms and computer mouses. If we replace one of your neurons with a nanobot that does the same job but is made from silicon rather than carbon, are you the same person?

At what point do you change if we are simply replacing your neurons one by one. Neurons die all the time based on a myraid of factors. Yet I'm sure you won't claim that you are no longer you because one neuron is changed. Why does it change if we replace your organic carbon brain with inorganic silicon that does the same job?

Because then you crossed the line between living and non living
Prometheus had that robot sidekick. No soul, just a program that looked human
Had human like features. Everything. But wasn't human
The Promethean grabbed homey and split him in half. He knows of the demonic presence present in those things? (possible :troll: comment.. maybe not?)

Bruh, have you ever played Mass Effect? What you talking about, all I'm saying is there is a possibility that your current calculations are off.
And instead of just replacing parts, it will be replacing you/me/all humans
Can you prove it won't happen, or is that just your theory on it all?
I can't answer your question, can you???
I can't answer my question, can you???
May 16, 2012
Because then you crossed the line between living and non living
Prometheus had that robot sidekick. No soul, just a program that looked human
Had human like features. Everything. But wasn't human
The Promethean grabbed homey and split him in half. He knows of the demonic presence present in those things? (possible :troll: comment.. maybe not?)

Bruh, have you ever played Mass Effect? What you talking about, all I'm saying is there is a possibility that your current calculations are off.
And instead of just replacing parts, it will be replacing you/me/all humans
Can you prove it won't happen, or is that just your theory on it all?
I can't answer your question, can you???
I can't answer my question, can you???

***deep breath***

Can you prove to me that you are the same person who were last night before you went to sleep and lost consciousness? How can you be sure that you are not just a copy with the memories and personality of someone else? At a certain point these metaphysical questions about identity become meaningless. What matters is how things behave. Remember that human beings are simply code (DNA) running on hardware (human body) as well. Our genes are code with 4 letters ATCG rather than the 1s and 0s in computers. And those genes determine our hardware (body and brain). Our brains in turn send electro-chemicals signals that can be translated by computers. Why can't a robot that is based on the same code running on a separate substrate be considered conscious? If the robot tells you its conscious, that it feels pain, love, etc. Why would you not believe it? Do you believe other people are conscious? If so, how do you know? If its simply because they are made of squishy organic material like you then your just showing substrate bias rather than dealing with functionality.

Look at this video. Its a TEDTalk from earlier this year in which a neuroscientist at Duke University was able to get a monkey to control a robotic arm simply by thinking. The computer read the brain waves of the monkey and the robotic arm moved when the monkey thought in its mind to move it.

What this proves is that the electro-chemical signals in our brains can be interpreted by computers. If that is already possible, then why can't the opposite be true. Why not have computers generate electro-chemical signals that are then interpreted by the brain? That is what full immersion virtual reality is about. Its about sending small computers into the brain and having them feed the neurons with artificial electro-chemical signals tricking the brain into thinking its actual sensory data when in facts its artificial. This is what creates a Matrix-like simulation in the mind.

Mind uploading simply combines these two aspects of neuroscience that we already know is possible. We know we can send info from computers into the brain and we can send info from the brain into computers. Why not have the whole thing happen in a computer instead of wasting time with the organic squishy material?
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May 16, 2012
not really if they find a way to regenerate cells you can look 18 forever

these dudes just don't understand that we are really not different than computer code

We are coded by 4 letters in a 3 dimensional genetic sequence. Play around with that code and you can change the make-up of the human. Once biotech and genetic sequencing matures, we'll be able to turn off genes we don't like such as those that make us age and instead keep genes we do like such as those that keep us looking young and healthy.


May 1, 2012
there have already been trials for a human brain - computer interface.

the singularity :blessed: it is coming

What if the singularity is the rapture in disguise? What if our thought processes can be uploaded, but our soul is lost in the transfer and we "die", while those religious folks would likely resist uploading themselves, and be "saved" the wrath.


*is high*


May 1, 2012
Lets take it a step further..say you can implant your consciousness virtually. What happens if the device your consciousness exists on fails (hardware error)? The state of your consciousness is now Maybe they have it distributed somehow...but now you have multiple consciousness..crazy

You will exist as a nanoswarm. A variable-density swarm of nanobots networked together to form your consciousness. Theoretically, a very large percentage of the nanobots would have to be destroyed to do damage to your consciousness.


Duck Season
May 2, 2012
Los Scandalous
What if the singularity is the rapture in disguise? What if our thought processes can be uploaded, but our soul is lost in the transfer and we "die", while those religious folks would likely resist uploading themselves, and be "saved" the wrath.


*is high*

i only read comic books, i dont believe in them, so i will have to conclude that there is a pretty small probability that upload of brain data = rapture...
thread shoulda prolly been made in HL, r moved to it


Apr 30, 2012
What if the singularity is the rapture in disguise? What if our thought processes can be uploaded, but our soul is lost in the transfer and we "die", while those religious folks would likely resist uploading themselves, and be "saved" the wrath.


*is high*
