He might view me as merciful, but what's the justification for saying I'm a perfectly moral being? There is none.
What does that matter? And what does perfectly moral even mean?
If god created me, and the bible is an accurate portrayal of god's guidelines, then my moral compass is not in alignment with this god. I couldn't have derived my morals from god if they directly contradict.
Not everyone chooses to follow God. That is what free will is about I suppose.
As well, I assume you do not believe in the death penalty?
I don't really understand the last question. I don't know if you're asking me if it's a moral right that god has to take my life as he pleases, or if he has the power to do so. If it's the latter, then sure if we're assuming he's all powerful and could do anything he wanted, then I suppose he could kill me when he wanted. So what? We'd probably disagree on whether god has the right to take my life if he wanted.
Ok. Let me put it in earth terms. Your parents give you a car to use for college. Instead of using it for college you lets say, sell drugs. Would they be wrong to take it back?