There's a better boss battle than that later on imo.Brehs.
1st Stranger fight is the GOAT boss battle I've ever been in.
The seemless transition from cinematic cut scenes to gameplay is jawdropping. Felt like actual gods brawling it out too. Knock him back and trees andboulders start getting destroyed.
Well TLOU/UC had decent gameplay imo. I loved UC4's shooting mechanics. I just mean in terms of depth and whatnot. TLOU had something going for it with the weapon upgrades and crafting but what really needs work is their melee systems. GOW's hand to hand action has no business being this good.This & HZD illustrate why I could never fukk Naughty Dog heavy like that. As pretty and wells scripted as they are both Uncharted & Last of Us had mediocre gameplay, hope they're taking notes.