Girls taking forever to text back


Dec 2, 2015
This is the thing I am talking about. Why the hell should someone who doesn't know shyt about you automatically be interested you? What's wrong with working your way up to being a priority? Ya'll wanna be people's first priority out the gate.

BP the E,

No disrespect to you, but I don't think true to the game grown ass men expect a woman they don't know to place them on top of her priority list, unless he is insecure and immature.

However, there is such a thing as common courtesy. Women want men to be the initiators when it comes to communication, asking her out, etc. OK, so when men do that, then it isn't unreasonable for a man to expect some sort of reciprocity.

I responded to a breh on this thread on how I deal with women and let me tell you that it isn't cool to ghost on someone or put them on the back burner who have done nothing negative nor disrespectful towards you. But, I also understand that you nor any woman are not obligated to communicate with a man, if you don't want to do so. The inverse also applies, BTW..

For me, I prefer to deal with those who are genuinely and sincerely interested in becoming better acquainted with me. If that isn't possible, then cool. Let it be known so we can go on our separate ways. No harm no foul!

But, ghosting someone is childish and cowardly, unless someone is disrespectful, vulgar or exhibited creepy behavior. In that sense, ghosting is understandable.

Other than that, if someone calls you, then said person was thinking about you which is a good thing. If you don't feel like said person deserves a prompt response, then politely let him know, so that he will leave you alone.

I recently had this discussion with a Brehette about this topic and told her what I am telling you. She gave me some push back, but I stood firm with my sentiment and told her that letting someone know you are not interested is OK. She didn't have to give an explanation, but simply let someone know that she is moving on, if that is how she feel.

Needless to say, a day or two later she reached out to briefly state, w/o detailed reason, that she didn't feel we were compatible. I thanked her for letting me know and I told her that I will delete her info in which I did. End of story! I wished her the best!

It's all good!
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Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Time for some self reflection man, something about you freaked her out or spooked her, fix yourself. :francis:

Chances are, there ain't nothing seriously wrong with him besides being boring + low confidence. These broads just don't care.

Everything can go right with a woman on a date. Good conversation vibes, good attraction, y'all set up another date, next thing you know she ghosts:wow: