Girls taking forever to text back

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
Women keep their phones on them all the time. If they are interested in a dude or interested in having a conversation with a dude they will text back ASAP. Doesn't matter the situation. If they don't care whether they have a conversation or not with you, they will text back when they feel like it because you're shyt to them.

If you are attractive to them they will text back immediately. If you're not good looking then you aren't a priority and therefore she will text back when she wants. Most likely after she already texted the attractive dude and/or person(s) she's interested in having conversations with.

I suppose you can't blame women for that mindset, but the smart thing to do is delete the number immediately and move on to the next person.
No lies told in this post.

I'll also add this, if you ever have a woman that replies to your text quickly and y'all have been smashing and then she eventually starts taking longer to text you back and doesn't initiate text that means someone else has her attention and soon she'll be making her move.


Dec 2, 2015
For me, phone etiquette is just as important as any other form of communication. If I call and/or text a woman, I do expect a response within a reasonable amount of time. That reasonable amount of time is usually within a 24 hour period. However, depending on the person, I am ok with a no response time up to 72 hours. After that, if I don’t hear from that person, then I will conclude that she isn’t interested and will delete her contact info and move on...

I understand that people can have a busy schedule and/or have things happen abruptly where a phone call or text isn’t immediately returned. However, I also think there is such a thing a common courtesy and respect. If one’s life is that chaotic, then perhaps dating/relationships should be put on hold until said person’s situation is under control.

Lastly, communication is the foundation that all successful relationships is built upon. You can’t get to know someone without communication nor expect any sort of success without it, so if a person isn’t willing and/or able to communicate with someone, then let that be known from jump, so the other person can move on and not waste his/her time.

Just my take on it..

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
For me, phone etiquette is just as important as any other form of communication. If I call and/or text a woman, I do expect a response within a reasonable amount of time. That reasonable amount of time is usually within a 24 hour period. However, depending on the person, I am ok with a no response time up to 72 hours. After that, if I don’t hear from that person, then I will conclude that she isn’t interested and will delete her contact info and move on...

I understand that people can have a busy schedule and/or have things happen abruptly where a phone call or text isn’t immediately returned. However, I also think there is such a thing a common courtesy and respect. If one’s life is that chaotic, then perhaps dating/relationships should be put on hold until said person’s situation is under control.

Lastly, communication is the foundation that all successful relationships is built upon. You can’t get to know someone without communication nor expect any sort of success without it, so if a person isn’t willing and/or able to communicate with someone, then let that be known from jump, so the other person can move on and not waste his/her time.

Just my take on it..

Women check their phones at least every 10 minutes!!! They're never too busy to reply within 3 hours during the day.


Dec 2, 2015

Women check their phones at least every 10 minutes!!! They're never too busy to reply within 3 hours during the day.

I have no idea what women do when not in my presence nor am I gonna waste my time trying to figure it out. What I could agree with you on is that women or anyone for that matter isn’t busy enough to not return a call within a day. I would even say within a 12 hour period.

However, I also understand that some people may be tired, had an unexpected event happen were they can’t talk at the moment and so forth. Heck, sometimes, one may not be in the mood to talk to someone and it isn’t personal. May be in a funk or bad mood.

So, I try to be understanding...

I do prefer that my phone calls or text be reciprocated as soon as possible because that shows their level of interest in me, but if it doesn’t happen, then I can work with someone. I do pay attention to consistency, behavioral patterns, etc. If I sense that someone may not be interested, then I will fall back or simply charge that person to the game.

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
I have no idea what women do when not in my presence nor am I gonna waste my time trying to figure it out. What I could agree with you on is that women or anyone for that matter isn’t busy enough to not return a call within a day. I would even say within a 12 hour period.

However, I also understand that some people may be tired, had an unexpected event happen were they can’t talk at the moment and so forth. Heck, sometimes, one may not be in the mood to talk to someone and it isn’t personal. May be in a funk or bad mood.

So, I try to be understanding...

I do prefer that my phone calls or text be reciprocated as soon as possible because that shows their level of interest in me, but if it doesn’t happen, then I can work with someone. I do pay attention to consistency, behavioral patterns, etc. If I sense that someone may not be interested, then I will fall back or simply charge that person to the game.
If you could see every time a woman seen your text you'd be astounded at how long it took them to reply to it. If she seen your text 2 minutes after you sent it there's no justifying taking over 3 hours to reply to it. If that was Trey Songz or The Rock texting her she would've responded rapidly. I demand to get the high value treatment at this point in my life.

At one point I would've accepted the bullshyt but I consider myself the prize at this point in my life.


Dec 2, 2015
If you could see every time a woman seen your text you'd be astounded at how long it took them to reply to it. If she seen your text 2 minutes after you sent it there's no justifying taking over 3 hours to reply to it. If that was Trey Songz or The Rock texting her she would've responded rapidly. I demand to get the high value treatment at this point in my life.

At one point I would've accepted the bullshyt but I consider myself the prize at this point in my life.

I understand your point. But, I also understand that everyone is different. Some people aren't phone or text people, so returning phone calls or texts right away isn't a priority for them and it isn't personal.

I had to understand this phenomenon, trust me. I do understand where you are coming from.

Let me give you an example..

I work nights. Most women I have talked to work days. So, let's say I called or texted a woman while she is at work. She may have heard my voicemail message or read my text while at work, but may not have the time to call or text back because of work. She may have even heard my message or read my text during her meal hour or coffee break, but may prefer to respond back once she gets off of work. Well, by the time she gets off of work, I am heading to work or is at work and I may not be able to respond to her response until my meal hour. By the time I go to lunch, most people are asleep.

So, we could go a whole day not talking, but it was due to conflicting work schedules. I will not trip off of that. However, I do expect a response of some sort within a reasonable amount of time.

I would not accept someone waiting a week to get back at me. I don't think anyone is that busy to not return a text or call. But, I don't think is is fair to expect someone to immediately respond to me when they may not be able to do so at that moment.

Trust me breh, I been though this shyt with so many different type of women over the course of years, it is ridiculous! If I had it my way, all calls and text would be reciprocated promptly, but I have no control over how others respond to calls or texts.

Lastly, how I roll is like this..

If I call a woman and leave a message, then I do expect a phone call back, not text. I am not gonna call a woman back to back and she doesn't return my call. Some women don't want to call men period and for me, that is a deal breaker.

In addition, many women I have came into contact with have kids, so I have to take into consideration that she may be busy with her kids which can be a handful and may only be available to talk during down time.

I know the game. I know that a woman who is truly interested in a man will promptly return calls and text and will go as far as saying that they will initiate calls and texts on their end. But, some to many play those games, so I learned to adjust myself to deal with that. I have to not get bent out of shape if a woman doesn't return my text or call right away because I can't contol how a person responds to me. I can only control how I respond to that person. If I sense that a woman isn't interested, then I will delete her contact info and place her on the benign neglect program for life!

Then move on to the next one..

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
I understand your point. But, I also understand that everyone is different. Some people aren't phone or text people, so returning phone calls or texts right away isn't a priority for them and it isn't personal.

I had to understand this phenomenon, trust me. I do understand where you are coming from.

Let me give you an example..

I work nights. Most women I have talked to work days. So, let's say I called or texted a woman while she is at work. She may have heard my voicemail message or read my text while at work, but may not have the time to call or text back because of work. She may have even heard my message or read my text during her meal hour or coffee break, but may prefer to respond back once she gets off of work. Well, by the time she gets off of work, I am heading to work or is at work and I may not be able to respond to her response until my meal hour. By the time I go to lunch, most people are asleep.

So, we could go a whole day not talking, but it was due to conflicting work schedules. I will not trip off of that. However, I do expect a response of some sort within a reasonable amount of time.

I would not accept someone waiting a week to get back at me. I don't think anyone is that busy to not return a text or call. But, I don't think is is fair to expect someone to immediately respond to me when they may not be able to do so at that moment.

Trust me breh, I been though this shyt with so many different type of women over the course of years, it is ridiculous! If I had it my way, all calls and text would be reciprocated promptly, but I have no control over how others respond to calls or texts.

Lastly, how I roll is like this..

If I call a woman and leave a message, then I do expect a phone call back, not text. I am not gonna call a woman back to back and she doesn't return my call. Some women don't want to call men period and for me, that is a deal breaker.

In addition, many women I have came into contact with have kids, so I have to take into consideration that she may be busy with her kids which can be a handful and may only be available to talk during down time.

I know the game. I know that a woman who is truly interested in a man will promptly return calls and text and will go as far as saying that they will initiate calls and texts on their end. But, some to many play those games, so I learned to adjust myself to deal with that. I have to not get bent out of shape if a woman doesn't return my text or call right away because I can't contol how a person responds to me. I can only control how I respond to that person. If I sense that a woman isn't interested, then I will delete her contact info and place her on the benign neglect program for life!

Then move on to the next one..
I hear you breh, But you have to teach people how to treat you. What you accept is what they'll allocate.

Slic Ric

All Star
May 12, 2015
I'll also add this, if you ever have a woman that replies to your text quickly and y'all have been smashing and then she eventually starts taking longer to text you back and doesn't initiate text that means someone else has her attention and soon she'll be making her move.
Had this happen outta nowhere, you can always pinpoint the change too

Robo Squirrel

CEO @ Squirrel Burger: Fish & Chips
Jul 20, 2013
San Francisco, CA
No lies told in this post.

I'll also add this, if you ever have a woman that replies to your text quickly and y'all have been smashing and then she eventually starts taking longer to text you back and doesn't initiate text that means someone else has her attention and soon she'll be making her move.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
I treat everyone the same and again i have a lot of positive relationships that don't mind because they're not pressed. Ya'll just feel entitled because you're just too eager. If you all had options and kept busy it wouldn't be an issue. Ya'll can't see past you're own entitlement though. Ya'll can't even conceptualize the thought that someone isn't as pressed for communication as you all or that not everyone is breaking their necks to reply to impersonal texts. I swear folks now a days just feel like they shouldn't have to put in time for anything. You just want everything handed to you. A chick should just see, jump up and down with glee at the thought that you asked for your number, you send her a "what you doing?" text and then she is ready to drop the draws.

But when I was growing up we didn't have constant access to each which is probably why I ain't on IG clocking people's movements and then getting in my feelings when they made a post.

too many women in 2020 do this bull shyt to men to the point men think it’s “normal” When it’s another poor form of communication. It’s misleading. It’s using men for attention. That is toxic femininity. Leading men on, text them a couple hours then ghost, then text them 2 days later. The hell is this? You guys be knowing the guy is interested but you don’t care as long as dude keeps texting to give you a ego boost so you can share to your street walker friends “look at this guy! He is so dumb. I rarely text him and he keeps texting me back. I’m gonna set something up and when the time comes I will not show up. men are trash :pachaha::bryan::heh:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
This is the thing I am talking about. Why the hell should someone who doesn't know shyt about you automatically be interested you? What's wrong with working your way up to being a priority? Ya'll wanna be people's first priority out the gate.

what you mean is have the guy keep texting you and texting calling it “building communication” until when ever you feel like getting to know him in person which is never. Brah, you can’t run game on us. :dahell:


Dec 2, 2015
I hear you breh, But you have to teach people how to treat you. What you accept is what they'll allocate.

I agree with you wholeheartedly!!

So, this is what I do...

If I call or text, then it is on that woman to respond. Depending on the woman and MY interest in her, I may wait (not literally) up to 3 days. I may decide to give her Cinderella liberty meaning, if I call or text and I don't hear from her by midnight or when I wake up the next day, then I will charge her to the game.

I won't do back to back texts or calls! Doing that reaks of desperation, and I am not desperate for any woman regardless of who she is, look like, what she got underneath her draws, or what she got in her pocket/purse, etc.

Like you, I am a prize and my time is just as valuable as hers. Those who fail to respect my time and effort will miss out on her blessing, which is on her, not me!


All Star
Feb 4, 2013
Thats why u gotta be talk to like 12 different girls

Females do the same
This OP... lowkey u need to be constantly getting new numbers id say talk to at least 20 until u find 3 that fwu and even then still keep getting new numbers.. put your self improvement first then get numbers

the game is crazy out here ...u better not get attached to one :wow: