blathering blatherskite!
Funny how you can find so much to criticize before release and constantly regurgitate i
gow combat much greater than got
GOT was amazing and one of my favorite games, a new one already is not something I'm hyped for when I know it's going to be GOT all over again with like one or two mechanics a few different style enemies and the same run around the map stuff.
I hope I'm wrong though and they change things up significantly with combat at least.
I loved the game but I can't support dlc that clearly could have been in the 1st game (a year turn around is really quick for something new) or put into a part 2 or even a spin off.
Sony is lame for charging for a upgrade.
Those two things combined unless it's some crazy new cool weapons moves or plot point.... or combat changes. I'll be skipping this.
I hope MS forces a change to that going forward in the future
There's a reason I don't go into threads about games bashing it or criticizing until after significant time has passed and give my own personal experience...
Also you have a bad habit of trying to slide console wars into everything. When dudes just be trying to game.

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