supposedly Bananas tried to get him blacklisted, but Jemmye said the producers believe his behavior is unstable.
Both of them said they're just taking a breakI kinda believe Paulie and Cara Maria, but if these Survivor /Big Brother imports do their thing, the producers will be less inclined to call them back. Jemmye and Trishelle also swore they were done with the Challenge and now they're on All-Stars.
Listening to Bill Simmons & Jacoby's last pod on this and they suggested a cool idea for a future Challenge concept:
basically Bananas & CT recruit teams for a season where they gotta convince past members to join their squads and then trades can happen. it's on The Ringer Dish
this season was boring as hell. i would like to see them do the bananas and CT thing on all stars.
i peeped who they are casting for next seasons regular challenge and i really dont have much of an interest anymore unfortunately. its hard to enjoy these shows when you really dont get to know these people like you once did. even if you watch are you the one or w.e they are casting from it aint the same. ill continue all stars though because it doesnt seem to take its self too serious and its easier to relate with these folks. to me though most reality tv is dead. but particularly the section with young folks is dead they dont show them just livin anymore. its gotta be some weird competition for love or some shyt