Get Out (2017)

Dec 13, 2012
Eastside of that Motor
So you honestly think this movie, made by a comedian which they perceive as "safe", would shatter the privilege of these white liberals and magically have them begin thinking outside their bubble? :rudy:

If Louis C.K. can't even wake these cacs up from their privilege, what makes you think a nikka can?
Never said shatter privilege or have them thinking outside their ideology off rip. I said spark conversation :gucci:
Come on cuz I said I'm probably reading into this too much and was expecting something more for being so directly race related but keep my words correct


All Star
Sep 21, 2014
New Yawk
I said spark conversation :gucci:
How is that gonna happen when these people won't admit that their privilege is directly affecting these issues? :comeon:

The last movie to even remotely begin a dialogue about race-relations in America was Do the Right Thing, not even Dear White People caused a stir outside the controversy surrounding the title. :aicmon:


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Ok, so a few notes before this post, and this might sound like hating but I'm really looking for insight from some movie buffs like yourselves. I'm not a filmhead by any means, and I am not a fan of K&P. I feel like their comedy central show was exactly what Chappelle walked away from CC and $50M and Key and Peele fell right in and co0ned it up for them. I honestly feel like they make comedy making fun of black people for white people. Might be my opinion but its how I feel.

So I finally saw it, was not impressed at all. This is like page 31 so no spoiler alert so read with caution if you haven't seen.

Film just didn't make sense to me and is literally a sketch Peele would gave done on K&P that would have had me like :martin:
For a hybrid comedy I did not laugh once. I love Lil Rel, but his lines (whether he wrote them or not) were not funny to be the big name comedian in the film. His role was also obvious to me form jump. He was literally at a distance the whole film, and I knew after the first phone call that he would be the one to save him. it was just very very predictable imo. I knew somehow he would drive out to the burbs and rescue dude.

As for the main storyline, the black vessels. These white folks take over black bodies just because? :gucci:
Not due to the stereotypical reason of athletic superiority, 'black don't crack', culture, 'dancing an rhythm', making lemons or lemonade or whatever other reason they could have implemented. But they literally abduct these people for no reason at all other than they like to? That failed to meet an appropriate climax.

And as for the vessels themselves. One was a random old lady and one was a mutual acquaintance who isn't really his friend and can't recognize with a hat on even tho Rel knows him right away from a pic :gucci:
It would have been better if Georgina was more of a hidden character and turned out to be his mom or something who survived the crash :yeshrug: . I don't know the characters just didn't connect.

Maybe I'm just hating and one of you brehs can break it down for me a little more, but this was just now a good flick imo. The white dad with the grey hair was excellent in his role though.

What was the significance of the flash? Was it literally just a bright light to wake them up or did it not have a real meaning?
How would Marnie :pachaha: form a relationship w/ Georgina to the point of taking pics? I understand brothers she dated, but how an older lady?

It sounds like you really didn't get the movie. There are plenty of think pieces out there on it and discussions, you should check them out.

I'm gonna call bullshyt on the c00n calling. K&P did several skits addressing white racism, black internalized racism, and racial hypocrisy. The problem is that, like Chappelle, their comedy can be taken at face value or read into for it's biting satire. Unlike Chappelle, they weren't as funny and were very hit or miss. They couldn't fill Chappelle's shoes so a lot of black folks wrote them off completely. But they had several gems in their run, some with the same kind of social allegory as 'Get Out'. If you don't watch a show though, you can't really speak on it. Can you post or name the c00ning skits you're referring to?

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
The profits must be insane in that small budget.

This is what makes you an A-lister in Hollywood. It's all about returns. They don't care about "critical acclaim" as much as they like to talk on it. He's getting that Illuminati call pretty quick :mjlol:


Sep 11, 2015
And, they could ahve got him a decent pawg. Pretty but all skin and bones :hubie:

Her being a plain jane, skinny broad was another layer to the movie, showing that some brothers are ready to sacrifice it all for the average, bottom of the barrel white girl. Her having enough confidence to think she can snag black nba prospects adds even more depth to that point.
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Squirrel from Meteor Man

Apr 16, 2015
Ok, so a few notes before this post, and this might sound like hating but I'm really looking for insight from some movie buffs like yourselves. I'm not a filmhead by any means, and I am not a fan of K&P. I feel like their comedy central show was exactly what Chappelle walked away from CC and $50M and Key and Peele fell right in and co0ned it up for them. I honestly feel like they make comedy making fun of black people for white people. Might be my opinion but its how I feel.

So I finally saw it, was not impressed at all. This is like page 31 so no spoiler alert so read with caution if you haven't seen.

Film just didn't make sense to me and is literally a sketch Peele would gave done on K&P that would have had me like :martin:
For a hybrid comedy I did not laugh once. I love Lil Rel, but his lines (whether he wrote them or not) were not funny to be the big name comedian in the film. His role was also obvious to me form jump. He was literally at a distance the whole film, and I knew after the first phone call that he would be the one to save him. it was just very very predictable imo. I knew somehow he would drive out to the burbs and rescue dude.

As for the main storyline, the black vessels. These white folks take over black bodies just because? :gucci:
Not due to the stereotypical reason of athletic superiority, 'black don't crack', culture, 'dancing an rhythm', making lemons or lemonade or whatever other reason they could have implemented. But they literally abduct these people for no reason at all other than they like to? That failed to meet an appropriate climax.

And as for the vessels themselves. One was a random old lady and one was a mutual acquaintance who isn't really his friend and can't recognize with a hat on even tho Rel knows him right away from a pic :gucci:
It would have been better if Georgina was more of a hidden character and turned out to be his mom or something who survived the crash :yeshrug: . I don't know the characters just didn't connect.

Maybe I'm just hating and one of you brehs can break it down for me a little more, but this was just now a good flick imo. The white dad with the grey hair was excellent in his role though.

What was the significance of the flash? Was it literally just a bright light to wake them up or did it not have a real meaning?
How would Marnie :pachaha: form a relationship w/ Georgina to the point of taking pics? I understand brothers she dated, but how an older lady?

They mentioned or alluded to black people's genetics multiple times. The dinner scene was all about the little brother drooling over how physically impressive Chris was. In the Coagula video the grandfather spoke about the superior genetics of black people. That's why they were abducting them.

Georgina wasn't that old; she just came off to be that old because she was playing a grandmother. Rose lived in NYC I'm sure she had plenty of friends to choose from.

Lil Rel's character was supposed to be obvious; he was written as that black dude at the movies shouting "don't go in there!" at the screen. It was satire mixed with seriousness.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
The vessels I saw contained the souls of the elderly grandparents, that would fit all three of the bolded adjectives, but I saw that as just a second chance at vitality; of course they would pick young vessels. Why would they choose an older vessel body for an older soul? To me that premise had absolutely nothing to do with race at all, just wanting "eternal life" or whatever you may call it.

My problem is that this is going to be the barometer for black race films. And you're telling me that its because we're cooler? sexier...? Not because of our genius, our skin? Our beautiful features. Our determination? But being cool? I have a problem with that.

I have a problem that any white person can walk out of the theatre and can say to themselves "the abducted those blacks simply because they're cool" I have a major problem with that

Dude that's what Cacs think. In that sense, from their beliefs the film is true to life. Cacs really feel they are smarter than us. So to make the film feel right, you have to have cacs wanting our "natural gifts" to make the perfect specimen. Again this is how cacs, truly feel about black people.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
That is truth. Like I said maybe I'm reading too far into it. Get Out/Peele isn't going anywhere. I'm happy for his success but this film could have sparked a lot of conversation and gave white viewers some deep AA history. Not just memes about not dating white girls. Just a young man's opinion though :yeshrug:

Have you read this thread? :gucci:

This film is waaay deeper than some "just don't date white girls". That's surface level stuff. Also, bump making movies for white folks. This joint was made for black fans, its about waking us up more than anything. All the hidden gems and symbolism was for us to get. Not them. I hate you missed all of it :mjpls:
Dec 13, 2012
Eastside of that Motor
Have you read this thread? :gucci:

This film is waaay deeper than some "just don't date white girls". That's surface level stuff. Also, bump making movies for white folks. This joint was made for black fans, its about waking us up more than anything. All the hidden gems and symbolism was for us to get. Not them. I hate you missed all of it :mjpls:
Breh like I said I viewed this flick in a different light. I might give it another go around with the satire pov in mind but I was just disappointed. This has been appointed as the black film that is accepted by whites and has the profits to prove it. I read a few articles from liberal media that were thought provoking. But all I heard from the real people (irl and through facebook/gram) that I know was nothing but stirring tea jokes, people running slant routes, and beware of white girls. First the first black film director that made $100M, and especially because race was the major theme, I expected more of a real conversation to be started with real people. That's just my opinion

Squirrel from Meteor Man

Apr 16, 2015
Breh like I said I viewed this flick in a different light. I might give it another go around with the satire pov in mind but I was just disappointed. This has been appointed as the black film that is accepted by whites and has the profits to prove it. I read a few articles from liberal media that were thought provoking. But all I heard from the real people (irl and through facebook/gram) that I know was nothing but stirring tea jokes, people running slant routes, and beware of white girls. First the first black film director that made $100M, and especially because race was the major theme, I expected more of a real conversation to be started with real people. That's just my opinion
There has been plenty of real conversation, you must be around some young or shallow people. It's been nothing but intelligent conversations about symbolism and deeper meanings around me.


May 2, 2012
Don't feel like going back and quoting all the posts at the moment, but I'm wondering what circles y'all run in if you don't think this movie is sparking a lot of conversations (whether those conversations are productive, framed by integrity or even understanding, and where they lead is another story entirely). Also, it's possible to separate the sketch comedy show from this film, which are two entirely different entities. Finally, I actually understand and relate to a lot of the points @Eastside Get The Money has made, but I also think your expectation of a clear motive for kidnapping black people would require the director and writers to be too prescriptive, and it would be a dishonest assessment of racism in that it would imply we "get" why white people have historically been so viciously, seemingly instinctually racist. Different folks seem to have different reasons, as it's an irrational system of thought. Sometimes it stems from notions of superiority, sometimes insecurity, sometimes jealousy, sometimes projections.... the list is endless. Personally think too many people have been hung up on homeboy's girlfriend as this profound symbol of liberal racism when the most interesting symbol to me is the blind man. He sees the other guests for what they are: clueless racists blinded by money, privilege, and ignorance. He sees race as a false construct. But in the end, he has no problem whatsoever benefitting from it if he can gain. His brand of thinking is the most chilling to me.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
ersonally think too many people have been hung up on homeboy's girlfriend as this profound symbol of liberal racism when the most interesting symbol to me is the blind man. He sees the other guests for what they are: clueless racists blinded by money, privilege, and ignorance. He sees race as a false construct. But in the end, he has no problem whatsoever benefitting from it if he can gain. His brand of thinking is the most chilling to me.
I was telling my girl this as well. In the real world he is "colorblind," and doesn't see race but is okay with profiting from it.

Same with the Japanese man who sees race. Understands the plight of blacks but still has profits off it because he has the capital.
Dec 13, 2012
Eastside of that Motor
There has been plenty of real conversation, you must be around some young or shallow people. It's been nothing but intelligent conversations about symbolism and deeper meanings around me.
I'm college educated, most of my friends are as well, and I live in the city so I'm around a lot of different people from different walks of life. I literally did not hear a lot of chatter about this other than the jokes. This could be due to the meme generation where everyone wants to make a meme of everything, but I just didn't see it. Breh above me responded to me and spoke of Spike Lee. When Chiraq came out, I heard conversations all around about it from the people I'm around. Even though it was the story of Lysistrata and didn't do nearly as well in the box office, I heard real conversation about it. Even those who were opposed to that movie (bc of the Chiraq name, unrealistic, whateverthecase), there was conversation coming from all sides. Personally I just haven't heard it, in fact this board is the only place I've seen some brothers really discussing this film :yeshrug:

Don't feel like going back and quoting all the posts at the moment, but I'm wondering what circles y'all run in if you don't think this movie is sparking a lot of conversations (whether those conversations are productive, framed by integrity or even understanding, and where they lead is another story entirely). Also, it's possible to separate the sketch comedy show from this film, which are two entirely different entities. Finally, I actually understand and relate to a lot of the points @Eastside Get The Money has made, but I also think your expectation of a clear motive for kidnapping black people would require the director and writers to be too prescriptive, and it would be a dishonest assessment of racism in that it would imply we "get" why white people have historically been so viciously, seemingly instinctually racist. Different folks seem to have different reasons, as it's an irrational system of thought. Sometimes it stems from notions of superiority, sometimes insecurity, sometimes jealousy, sometimes projections.... the list is endless. Personally think too many people have been hung up on homeboy's girlfriend as this profound symbol of liberal racism when the most interesting symbol to me is the blind man. He sees the other guests for what they are: clueless racists blinded by money, privilege, and ignorance. He sees race as a false construct. But in the end, he has no problem whatsoever benefitting from it if he can gain. His brand of thinking is the most chilling to me.
Beautiful post Walt. The bolded is very difficult for me, even though I tried. That's why I put the disclaimer that I wasn't a fan off the jump. I still remember watching a 106 episode on BET (maybe not the best crowd for my example :pachaha:) but they did that Obama bit and they bombed so bad and I felt appalled. Even though with my own two eyes a black man doing the bit, it felt like it was a white guy making fun of black, in front of a crowd of black people and it didn't sit right. They even ended the bit early and changed the subject. It's never right to go into any project with a biased mind, but he provided that bias imo.
But with respect to all of yall, (still coli fam even if we gotta shoot at each other)I take another watch with this thread open to see if context has changed.