No. I've posted some of my hunting escapades, skinning animals, but I have a bunch of videos. Guns, beatmaking, grilling, etc, videogames, riding on the bike trail, running/exercising.
Depending on what I'm doing I usually record stuff, usually out of boredom, often time to check my own form. I often analyze what I'm doing because without someone there to assist live and give feedback I just watch and see what I need to correct or where things went wrong.
There was a minute I was going to the range and for some reason (probably from shooting a lot of shotgun and rifle) I was hunching my neck and raising my shoulders. I didn't notice it really while I was shooting but watching my videos I saw what I was doing, corrected it and got better groups and more comfort shooting handgun. If I was shooting with any friends or an instructor they would've told me on the spot but since that wasn't available I just use the video to self teach/self correct.
Speaking of which if anyone wants this e-book, holla. Great stuff in it. 800 pages of piff. A lot of known stuff, a lot of new stuff to learn.