low taxes =/= more innovation. low taxes doesn't equal more disposable income.
intellectual freedom produces innovation. money has nothing to do with it.
The same government that promotes the ideas of low taxes = innovations ---- is also the same one the has gross corporate welfare, the same time as wealth gaps increase.
The US has big government the same as Scandinavian nations except that it's in reverse and fights for corporate interest instead of the interest of average citizens. What's more important-- a happier population or wealthier corporations and more prisoners and crime?
"The level of taxation is
one of many variables which influence innovation"
You'd also need access to top quality education and resources. In this country intellectual freedom is under attack (or repressed) by the mainstream media, culture, etc. We live in a society which ostracizes intelligent people. And rather they discuss art, history, politics, etc. we're talking about who Kim Kardashian is dating or Beyonce's newest hair style. This poisonous society that we're unfortunately part of has an environment that doesn't foster free thinking and intellectual freedom. Our education system is disgraceful also. There's many things they should have taught us in high school that they didn't.
As for disposable income, in addition to low taxes you would need everything in the country to be cheap as well. Switzerland has low taxes but it's very expensive to live in. A bottle of beer is like 5 times the normal rate. People have argued that Switzerland has a form of 'stealth' tax. So even though you're paying a low income tax you're still overpaying for other things and will have less disposable income in the end.